Exam one (avian and reptiles Flashcards
If animals are endangered or threatened they are only to be used for science….What appendix does this encompas
Appendix one
If an individual country wants to ask for a specific species of animals to be under watch….what appendix is this?
Appendix three
what are the two types of ectotherms? and what do they mean?
stenothermal-can regulate but within a stricter range because they are land dwellers
eurythermal- wider range of tolerated temperatures because they are aquatic
What kind of scales will lizards have?
what kind of scales do snakes have?
what kind of scales do crocs and turtles have?
Lizards have keratinized epidermis on surface
snakes in scales and scutes
crocs and chelonians will have scutes
What is important about the renal portal system?
Is this in both reptiles and birds?
need to give injections in the cranial portion of the body. It is thought if you go into the caudal portion it will go straight to the kidney or bypass them entirely.
YES this is true in birds and reptiles.
What kind of waste is produced by birds and reptiles
Uric acid
What does ecdysis mean?
regular shedding of the skin
How do chelonians and crocodiles differ in their ecdysis compared to that of squamates?
crocs and turtles are constantly shedding theirs
How long is the approximate time reptiles should be quarantined from one another?
How does an animal in hibernation affect this timing
If hibernating they’ll need to be quarantined during the hibernation and 4-6wks after because their metabolism is low and their immune system is suppressed
What is the UVa light used for?
what is the UVb light used for?
to properly produce vitamin D
How should lights be hung?
not through the glass and approximately 18inches above the animal
what should the lighting times be in the summer vs the winter?
summer 14 hours of light
winter 12 hours of light
what is the difference between the humidity needed in a subtropical, temperate and desert?
subtropical 70-90%
temperate 60-80
desert 30-50
what are the complications if there is too much or too little humidity on an animal?
excess moisture causes dermattis
Not enough will cause dessication and dysedysis
What is another technique you can use to increase humidity?
you can use a water source examples include soak pans, spray bottles, bottle containers and live plants
What are the 3 types of enclosures
glass, wood, and wire
What are the enclosure recommendations for a lizard
measure tip of nose to tip of tail min length should be 2-3x min depth should be 1-1.5x they can be terrestrial/fossoraial need 1-1.5x arboreal/scansorial need 1.5-2x
what are the enclosure recommendations for snakes
measure total length min length 3/4 min depth 1/3 min height 0 terrestrial need 3/4 arboreal need one 1x total length but MAX is 6-8ft
What are the enclosure recommendations for aquatic/semi turtles
min length 4-5x
min depth 2-3x
min height 1.5-2x
total length plus 8-12inches to prevent escape
what are the reccomendations for turtle and tortoises?
min length 5x
min depth 3x
min height 1.5-2x total length
What types of substrates should NOT be used?
cat litter, cedar shaving, quartz sand, small gravel
*all of these can cause impactions
What is one thing you want to avoid in cage furniture?
Toxic plants
What are the 2 things you are most concered about in an aquatic environment?
water quality and filtration
What are the 4 things you are concerned about in a salt water enclosure
pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity
With snakes you want to make sure the prey is no bigger than what?
no wider than their girth
-you also want to defrost or warm, offer prey on solid ground, train to take prekilled prey
What is the length of time you need to not exceed when freezing food for a snake
no longer than 12w
How long do you want to withhold food for a snake that is about to go into hibernation?
do not feed temperate species at least four weeks before hibernation
What is the width you do not want to exceed when feeding lizards live prey?
don’t exceed th width of the lizards HEAD
what do you want to make sure the insects you are feeding have with lizards?
want to make sure they are nutrient loaded (1-2 days before they are fed)
How many insects do you want to feed lizards?
feed as many insects that’ll be eaten in one hour
feed daily
What are you feeding carnivorous lizards?
do they need supplements?
Feed carnivorous lizards lean rodents usually do not need supplements
What is the amount and frequency you feed carnivorous lizards?
age dependent
neonates and juvis 1-3d
adults 3-7d
some may even be fed every one to two weeks
What is one thing you want to avoid feeding carnivorous lizards?
avoid feeding comercial primate, k9, and feline diets
-because these products have too high of protein and can’t break it down
What are you offering herbivorous lizards?
what do you need to supplement?
What diet is this just like?
feed variety of veggies, fruits, and flowers NEED proper ca:P -supplement with ca rich -chop finely for juvis but coarse for adults ***same for herbivorous tortoises
What do you not want to feed herbivorous tortoises?
NO oxalates, goitrogens
some greens are high in oxalic acid
this can bind calcium and decrease absorption (parsely spinach, chives, alfafa)
What are some of the foods that will bind iodine and cause goiter?
brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and raddish
What do you want to offer insectivorous tortoises?
nutrient loaded insects
dusted with a ca rich supplement
feed as many in one hour
chill fast moving insects in the fridge
What do you want to feed carnivorous tortoises?
small quantities of rabbit/rodents
supplement, avoid commercial products (too high protein
What are you feeding terrapins and herbivorous turtles?
fruit, veggie, and flowers
supplement ca rich
offer fresh food daily
What are feeding turtles and terrapins that are insectivorous
variety of nutrient loaded insects
dust with ca rich
feed as many that will be eaten
What are turtles and terrapins that are canivorous
avoid wat
lean mice and chicken
shrimps, praw, whole fish AVOID excess shellfish
low fat dry dog food and fish pellets have been used
With reptiles what is important to gain in client education?
Need a diary of food weight stool and ecdysis
What could be a problem with relying on size to determine the age of a reptile?
they could be smaller due to a nutrition problem?
How are you going to determine male vs female in a lizard?
males have pores and a bulge **look up picture
how do you tell male vs female in turtles
males have plesh horns that are concave due to mounting
females tales are not as long
how do you determine male vs female in inguinas?
males have femoral pores and plugs as well as fat pockets and jowels
What questions do you need to be asking during the history taking?
background=where are they from, other pets,
environment=temp humid light substrate, cage furniture, disinfect
nutrition-what type of food, amount offered, freq, supplements, water source
repro-breeding egg layer
health-overall currently eat, drink, feces, and urates
What areyour three basic things in a PE
hands off exam
feel joints
form the PE with diagram morphometrics and ext abnorm
body weight
morphometric measurements (combo with BW get BCS
*remember to ID weapons
how would you restrain a snake, crocodile, chelonian?
snake-index finger and thumb around mandble and support the body if they are bigger than 5-6ft 2peeps
Small lizards-grasp head firm w/index finger and thumb hold front and back legs against the body (if larger use forearm)
crocs-check weapons, Tape muscles open and close mouth
chelonias-juvis grasp lateral margins of carapace
adults-numerous personnel needed watch head and flippers won’t fight if vertical
Reptiles are air breathers and have NO diaphragm what is one exception to this?
crocs have a pseudodiaphragm
In the trachea which animals have complete rings and which have incomplete rings?
complete-crocs and chelonians
incomplete-snakes and lizards
What are the lungs like?
whats the cranial vs caudal?
what’s the difference between snakes and boas in the lungs?
lungs are sac and sponge like cranial=gas exchange caudal=storage snakes have single lung in the right boa and pythons have vestigal left lung
Where is one of the places you can place the doppler probe?
thoracic inlet b/t distcervical region and prox front leg
can also put pulse ox with cloacal probe
what is the circular sys like in reptiles?
who is the exception?
3 chambered heart
4 is in the crocs
what are you looking for in the nares?
symmetry and discoloration
assymetry would mean a long term resp prob
which reptiles have an external ear?
external tympanum?
inner ear?
external ear in lizards and crocs
ext tympanum in turtles and lizards
inner ear in snakes connection to the jaw they “hear” vibrations at low frequ 150-600hz
What is the brille (spectacle)? who has it?
in snakes they have fusion of eyelids
Like birds reptiles do not have _____reflexes in the eye?
birds and reptiles don’t have consensual PLR
meaning they only have direct plrs not indirect
What is the tongue like in squamates, lizards, snakes?
squamates have well developed fleshy tongues but few taste buds
lizards have a cranial component prey aquisition the caudal portion aids in swallowing
snakes tongues also are chemosensory
What is the jacobson’s organ?
vomernasal opens directly to the mouth the tongue is inserted into it when closed
It is innervated by the olfactory N.
what are two of the modifications for feeding that are easily identified?
beaks-depending on what they eat esophageal papillae (leatherbacks
venomous snakes have how many glands top and bottom vs nonvenomous snakes
venomous snakes have 2 rows up and 2 row down
nonvenomous snakes have 4 rows up and 2 rows down
What reptile has carapase and plastron?
look at the scute quality hemorrhages or petchia would mean sepsis
What is important to recognize if turtles have hardness or pliability of their shell?
think metabolic bone dz due to diet or bad uv light (specifically B)
what is the treatment for external parasites or epibionts on turtles?
24 hour soak
What animals do not have a sternum?
snakes and turtles
What are thoracic ribs vs abdominal ribs in a chelonian?
carapace=thoracic ribs
females in reptiles have what?
how does this differ from birds?
Females have paired ovaries
birds just have one left ovary
define vivparous
viviparous veminous at birth
ovoviviparous-eggs hatch within parent ex: iguania
what does it mean if an animal is parthenogenic?
they don’t need males
What is important about chelonians penis?
the ureters don’t flow through it so you can amputate it
lizards and snakes have a different penis?
they have a pair of hemipenis located laterally to cloaca and invert into the base of tail by retractor muscle
In the kidney’s of males they have ______ which will make the kidney’s enlarged during?
have a sexual segment meaning when they are reproductivily active theyll be enlarged and this is NOT abnormal
what is a minimum database considered in reptiles?
PCV, total solids, glucose, comp blood count *remember can’t use automated, plasma, biochem, bact blood cultures
How would you approach a veinpunture in a reptile?
blind technique
aseptic prep
0.5ml/100g BW
What is the anticoag of choice in reptiles?
lithum and sodium heparin *edta will cause rbc lysis in chelonians
How many mls of blood can be safely drawn from a reptile? what about a bird?
reptile do 0.5ml/100g
birds do 10%bw
what is the gold standard for veinpunture in turtle, tortoise and terrapin?
prob if head retracted do coccygeal?
what is the gold standard in snakes for veinpunture?
caudal (ventral tail vein)
what is the gold standard in lizards for veinpunture?
what is the gold standard in crocs for veinpunture?
caudal ventral tail vein
what is the issue if you went for a suravertebral sinus?
problem with brain
what do you need to know about the neutrophils in reptiles and birds?
they have NONE
they have heterophils
what is the normal ca: phosphorus ratio?
renal dz invert
hyper ca maybe repro
hypoca think diet and light
what are the primary differentials for these? sodium chloride potassium plasma total protein bile acids
sodium increase in dehydration and diet decrease with malnutrition
chloride increase with dehydration and diet decrease malnut
potassium increase with renal dz decrease with refeed
total protein decrease in malnutrion or debilitated increase with deyhydration and repro
increase globulin think infection
why would you do a fecal float vs fecal sediment?
float-nematodes, cestodes, acanthocephalon, pentasome, mites, cocid, protozoan
sediment trematode
what are your routine views for xray?
DV lateral and cranial caudal
for snakes xray how do you do it?
general anesthesia can place in acrylic tube
larger snakes need a series
for lizards how can do you an xray
gen anesthesia best for DV
vasovagal response if you cover eyes and vet wrap will remain quiet 30min
what is one benefit of using rigid endoscopy?
can use to find gender
what is the fluid choice?
depends on clinician and what you have many people use one part LRS two parts dex and nacl
what are routes of fluid administration
cervical sinus*sea turtles bolus iv easy acess min stress
intracoelomic *maintenance prob not absorbe rapid
subcutaneous fluids-easy any skin fold bad poor in severe debilitated
oral mild to mod dehydrated stomach only 2% in turtle
what is the volume of fluids you can’t exceed in reptiles?
no greater than 2-3% BW per day
15ml/kg/day maintenance–>30
can give in cranial or caudal UNLESS things added do cranial
when would you give a blood transfusions?
life threatening anemia pcv less than 5%
what is a reason antifungals are not usually used?
what would be your anesthetic plan for a short procedure?
caution if debilitated
what would be your long term GA anesthetic plan?
need thermoregulator monitoring
also HR,pulse ox, ECG
dry dock 24 hours post anesthesia with LOTS padding
NSAIDS long act decrease endotox in septic patient don’t exceed 3 days (hard on renal)
analgesia=opion butorphanol and buprenorphine
how do you euthanize a sea turtle?
anesthesia then decapitate
Hyperparathyroidism common in? cause? PE see? DX? Tx?
common in lizards and aquatic turtle mostly juvis and repro active females or long term rehab
cause is inapp diet and enviornment **multifactorial need prolong def in ca or vit d, imbal ca:phos, inad uvB
PE: muscle termors, tetany fibrous osteodystophy thick and swelling long bones and mandibles
DX: blood work low norm Xray low corical den fractures
TX: correct diet fluids 10-30ml/kg/day
ca globionate, vit d, calcitonin 50IU/kg every 7day 2tx
what is gout? hx? PE? DX? TX?
gout is deposition of uric acid and urate salts within visceral tissues and on articular surfaces
hx adult reptiles, h2o deprived, high protein diet
PE vary sim to renal dz decrease motility can be PRIMARY or secondary
dx plasma hyperuricemia xray show lytic lesions at joints
defdx with monosodium urate crystals in joints
tx decrease purine diet increase moist food
probenecid and allopurinal
Hypovitaminosis A signalment hx cs dx tx
signalment young fast grow turtle or long term rehab
hx inappropriate diet (usually greens w/ cartenoids
cs: bilateral blepharoedema
dx vit a assay liver, test blood, hx, pe,
tx correct diet and environment oral supplement of VA prf
Thamine deficency signalment hx dx PE tx
signalment adult piscivorous species hx frozen fish diet (decrease avail thiamine and increase thiaminase dx response to tx PE neuro signs TX vitamin B 25mg/kg/day IM
With a small enclosure what could happen?
rostral abrasions get infected osteomyelitis or absesses
prevent by decreasing visuals
tx abs and sx
what would an inappropriate decreased temperature cause
hypothermia, anorexia, immunocomprimised (abscess
tx: complete removal of vacity and fibrous capsule heal with 2nd intention antibiotics 14days
How do they get aural abscesses?
they get due to immunosupression leading to a secondary infection
most commonly due to accumulation of bacteria in water
CS: firm semi swelling of tympanum and pain when open mouth
DX: hx water changes and water bowl disinf Vit A content
see granulocytes macs and eos on FNA
TX: stabilize, excise with sx lavage with antimicrobials and pack with gentamicin opthalmic
what would happen if inappropriate temperature of too high?
hyperthermia thermal burns*take a long time to heal
tx: contaminated wounds, antimicrobials, and support
what if there is an inappropriate substrate?
medically tx with enemas, overhydrate, laxatives (min oil), water via stomach tube, sx removal
Who gets salmonellosis?
all reptiles esp younger and stressed enviro 100% captive and 0% wild isolation is NOT associated with dz dx with culture pcr and elisa can be SHED!!!!! need to establish status tx NONE
what is an area that does not have feathers called?
do you clip a bird when doing a veinpuncture?
why do you need to know where the tracts of feathers are?
to draw blood need to make sure you move the feathers to the side not up and down
What is preening?
how birds water proof their feathers
know that they will also zip their barbules together
What is one way you could sex a bird, why?
can use their feathers because they have hormones in them
What are the two different feather types?
flight and convert
each of which have primary secondary and tertiary
what are the two things birds tail feathers are used for?
stability and steering
what are the main functions of feathers?
mating, thermoregulatory, water proofing, and repro
How can you tell the amount of time it’s been since a bird had a fracture?
depending on how dried out the bone is
Know the 4 major parts of the bird’s spine and what portion is most likely to be damaged
cervical, dorsal (notarium, lose vert, synsacum and caudal vertebrae
the lose one is the most common one to be damaged and cause lower limb paralysis
can you lavage an air sac
yes, know where the ribs are when doing so
what is the triosseal canal
junction of 3 bones (scapula, choroid and clavicle) fused together the tendon goes through the hole when muscle contracts
can you flush a pnematic bone?
yes and you need to if a bone is fractured
why is the ulna bigger than the radius?
because primary flight feathers need a large bone to attach to.
what are the two main bones you’ll use for an interosseus cathedar?
the ulna and the femur
what is the most common site for a veinpucture?
wing/ulna vein
where is the most common place to give subcutaneous fluids?
near the knee joint
why do you want to make sure you check the wing tip on physical exam?
it’s prone to low blood supply
making it susceptible to frost bite and trauma
what is the retching system?
its the flexor tendon and tendon sheath that provides grip upon flexion even when the bird is dead
What do you want to be careful not to do when restraining a birds beak?
do not cover the nares
what is the choana
in the roof of the mouth connection from oral cavity to the respiration sys. *they have papillae there
what is important to know about a birds trachea?
they have complete tracheal rings
- need uncuffed endotrach tube
- remember so does crocs and chelonians
what is a common place for foreign bodies to be enlodged in a bird?
bifurcation of the trachea
what is a syrinx?
they don’t have a voice box
this is deep in the chest and makes noise off of vibraitions
determine the steps of bronchi in a bird
trachea–>primary bronchi–>lungs—>secondary bronchi–>tertiary bronchi/parabronchi–>air capillaries
what are the lungs like in a bird
sit very dorsally and they are honey comb in shape (parabronchi
Name the 9 air sacs
cervical one interclavicular anterior thoracic posterior thoracic abdominal
know basically how a bird breathes
on inspiration most of the air goes to the caudal airsacs the rest goes through the lungs and collects unoxygenated in the cranial air sacs
on expiration the caudal oxygenated air moves through the lungs giving another gas exchange and all the unoxy air is exhaled
what is the easiest way to anesthetize a bird
general anesthesia with mask
iso or sevo on 5%
**use ISO
what is the flow rate you want the machine set to
know what a vapor wand is
has the iso or sevo on the end put in animals cage with bag over top animal will go to sleep and then hook them to regular machine
what are some of the pre anesthetic considerations?
if you can only choose one piece of blood work up what do you chose?
same considerations as small animal
-fasting, hydration, cbc,chem,
GIVE ANALGESICS before ESP with butorphanol
if only choosing one get PCV
why do you not want to go too far down with the endotracheal tube?
potential for vagal stimulation
what do you want to keep the iso on for maintenance?
induce with 5%
what is the number one thing you want for monitoring?
doppler/esophageal stethoscope
under anesthesia how important is IPPV?
VERY give 2-4 breathes per min
When would you consider doing air sac cannulation?
in an emergency of severe dypsnea
REMEMBER you want to mimic normal respiration rate with IPPV
what is the difference between the vision of birds and humans?
birds have 2-3x more visual acuity
what are the three different shapes of birds eyes?
globular, tubular, or flat
what lid has greater motility?
what functions like our eyelids?
the lower lid has greater motility
know that the nictitans membrane is the one that functions like our eyelids
What is the esclera?
its a ring of interdigitating pnematic bones 15-18 bones fused together
the sclera ossicles and skull of the bird does what to the eyes?
decreaes the motility of the eyes meaning they have to move their whole head to see
what is important about the iris of some species?
you can tell the age
what is different about the fundic exam in a bird?
you can NOT use tropicamide to dialate their eyes because their iris has SKELETAL muscle not smooth
need to do a fundic exam with iso
what is important about the retina in birds?
it’s avascular
the choroid is going to provide nutrients
what is different about the heart in birds?
4 chambered like crocs
know that it lies in the center and the apex is scewed by liver on xray
how much blood is safe to pull from a bird?
one percent of body weight
remember blood volume is 10% of bw
what structure in the mouth can be blunted due to nutrition problems?
the papilae (remember it’s in the choana
what does the crop do?
what does the proventriculus and ventriculus do?
where will the ventriculus be if it is full vs not full
pro is glandular (secretions
ventriculus is musclular and grinds food
when ventriculus is full it will be more dorsal and radioopaque when empty it will be more ventral
when is regurge in a bird normal?
when they eat indigestable food or feeding young
what is the cloaca?
think cup
urinary, repro, and feces all empty into it
remember the opening is the vent
can you palpate the lymphnodes of birds?
what is the difference of birds ovaries
they have a single left ovary
what are your views needed on xray
vd and lateral
if probs with the wings add on posterior anterior and skyline views
what color bruises do birds get why?
don’t have enzymes to breakdown biliverdin to bilirubin
what is the fluid maintenace of birds vs reptiles?
what dehydration do you assume in birds?
maintenance in birds 50ml/kg/day
reptiles 15-30ml/kg/day
assume bird dehydration 10% want to correct over 3 days