Exam One Flashcards
What are the seven principles for media literacy?
- Media are texts that can be read
- media are representations that help construct our individual realities
- media are influenced by industrial pressures
- Media are influenced by political pressures
- media are impacted by format
- audiences are active participants
- people believe media tell us and influence who we are as a culture
Utopian Views
media is good, or it was bad but it’s getting better
- you can turn it off, it gives us a sense of common culture, watchdog function, educational/inspirational
Utopian Views Critique
ignores commercial interests
employs the myth of progress
Dystopian Views
media is bad or was good but it’s getting worse
-it’s a propaganda tool, passive consumption, an addictive drug, consumerist
Dystopian Views Critique
this view is elitist, a nostalgic argument, it’s difficult to prove causation or correlation, consumption can be active
Mirror Views
Media reflects reality or reflects the interests of the audience
Mirror Views Critique
ignores agenda setting function of the media, audiences may disagree or interpret it differently
Technological determinism
technology is the primary agent of change, and is a governing force in society
Social construction
people alter technology by using it how it is most useful to them
-influenced by: investors, government regulation, marketing, peers, price, access
Technological Determinism vs. Social Construction
technological determinism preaches technology changes society, social construction argues society changes technology
Social Shaping
technology and society change eachother, technology influences but doesn’t determine use and can fortify certain social structures while eroding others
The Medium is the Message
-medium itself is more important than the content
hot media
requires little thought
cool media
requires extra information to be filled in by the viewer/receiver
three media production logics
- commodities
- turnstile media
- ad-supported media
- –or hybrid logics—