Exam Objective 1.1 Flashcards
Secure Shell (SSH)
-Is a Cryptographic Network Protocol
-Uses TCP port 22
-Is used to remotely access the shell of a remote
-Is the effective replacement for Telnet.
Domain Name System (DNS)
-Is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system
for computers, services, or other resources
connected to a private network or the Internet
-Uses UDP port 53.
-Gives an IP address for a Domain Name (ex.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
-Used to send emails from Server to Server, as well
as to send mail from a device to a mail server.
-Uses TCP port 25.
Telecommunication Network (Known as Telnet)
-allows you to log into devices remotely and gain
console access.
-Is connection-oriented but is an non-encrypted
-Telnet uses TPC port 23.
-Is rarely used anymore (was replaced by SSH).
SSH File Transfer Protocol (known as SFTP)
-Is the secured (Encrypted) version of FTP.
-Provides File system functionality such as resuming
interupted transfers, directory listings, rand remote
file removal.
File Transfer Protocol (Known as FTP)
-Is an unsecured Protocol. It authenticates with a username and password,
-Has full-featured functionality.
-Runs off of two separate ports (TCP 20 for active
data mode, and TCP 21 for control).
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Known as TFTP)
-Is a simple file transfer application that reads and
writes files without any authentication and should
not be used on production systems.
-It runs off of UDP port 69.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (known as DHCP)
-Automates the configuration of IP addresses, subnet
masks and other options.
-Uses UDP ports 67 and 68.
-requires that all clients have access to a dhcp
-These servers are often servers, appliances, or are
intigrated into a SOHO Router.
Hypertest Transfer Protocol (Known as HTTP)
- uses TCP Port 80 - Is responsible for unsecured webpages. - Is not only used by browsers.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (Known as HTTPS)
- Is used for secure communications. - It uses public key encryption. - HTTPS uses TCP Port 443.
Simple Network Management Protocol (Known as SNMP)
-Gathers statistics from network devices.
-Uses udp port 161.
-Version 3 requires authentication, is encrypted, and
maintains message integrity.
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
-Uses TCP port 3389.
-Is common on many versions of windows.
-Can connect to an entire desktop or just an
application on a device.
-Clients for other operating systems (MacOS, Linux,
ETC) exist
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
-UsesUDP port 123
-Synchronizes a devices individual clock to the NTP
servers time so that all devices are in sync.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
-uses tcp ports 5060 and 5061
-Is commonly used for VoIP services.
- can provide the Following services Call, RIng,
Hangup, Video Conferencing, instant messaging,
file transfers, etc.
Server Message Block (SMB also referred to as CIFS or Common Internet File System)
- is a protocol used by windows - is responsible for File sharing, Printer sharing - It uses tcp port 445. (NETBOIS-less)
Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP 3)
-uses tcp port 110. POP3 has basic mail transfer
Internet Message Access Protocol v4
-uses TCP/143
-incudes management of email inbox from multiple
LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol)
- TCP 389 - store and retrieve information in a network directory
LDAPS (LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol) secure)
- non-standard lamentation of ldap over SSL - TCP 636
H.323 - ITU Telecommunication h.32x protocol series - TCP 1720 - set up in manage VoIP sessions -ex. Call, ring, hang up - one of the earliest VoIP standards still in use today