Exam Nov 12th Flashcards
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What can be said of Britain after WW2-what did it emerge as?
- it emerged from WWII as a defacto middle power
- ripped economically by the war
What did the Professor say at the beginning of the class about Britain in the EU?
- “Britain was a detached member”
- Britain joining the EEC in 1973 was seen as a form of shrinking in power because it withdrew from Southeast Asia as it shrunk its’ empire and commonwealth
What can be said about Churchill’s University of Zurich speech?
- he called for a “United States of Europe”
- a Pan European Union, enlarged Patriotism, common citizenship–moving beyond retribution but looking forward
- to form the Council of Europe
- form partnerships to bring about cultural regeneration-Life in Europe and peace
What can be said about Churchills 3 Circles Speech? (not about the 3 circles)
- post war vengeance isn’t good
- he recognized the Soviet Unions aggression
- called for a United Europe by all States
– this could be considered a shift
What were the 3 circles that Churchill talked about?
- 1 circle: the British commonwealth/Empire
- 2nd circle: English speaking world (Canada, the U.S., and other Brits)
- 3rd circle: United Europe
- between all circles was Britain
What can be said about the Sinews of Peace speech?
- it’s necessary that a constancy of mind, persistency in purpose guide and rules the choices of English people
- called for a “true temple of peace” where the shields of many nations be hung up make sure the temple isn’t built on shifting sands-but on the rock
- this speech Churchill mentions the “Iron curtain” having fallen
–showing communist control has spread
What can be said about Ernest Bevins Memorandum November 8th, 1945?
- 3 spheres of influence: “3 great Monroes”
- acknowledged the U.S. was extending theirs to include Japan
What did Ernest Bevin’s speech to the House of Commons discuss?
- European Unity cannot be achieved without the domination and control of one great power
- 3 policies:
- one nation shouldn’t dominate Europe
- old fashioned balance of power should be discarded
- substituted 4 power co-operation and assistance to all states of Europe
In summary what did the Treaty of Dunkirk do?
it consolidated Western Europe
What were some ideas from Bevin’s memorandum on the Council of Europe?
- the Council of Europe not used to unify Europe politically
- the OEEC:
- organization for European Economic Cooperation
- big idea-to bring European states into closer cooperation
What were some ideas about the structure of Europe from Bevin’s memorandum?
- a committee of ministers-be an organ of inter-governmental co-operation
- a European Assembly-transform the Consultative assembly into a European Parliament-and the council into a European political authority
- be biased towards federal solutions though
- Committee of ministers-was represented as a tyrannical and reactionary element
What can be said about the 3 spheres of influence aforementioned?
- that it was very Eurocentric
What is true about the “bygones” of having Germany pay for the war (WWII)?
- Britain wanted Germany to be strong again-regain its place to counter communism
- and wanted France to as well because France was worried about Germany regaining its position
- having a balance of power between France and Germany was needed
What can be said about Britain after WWII? (besides already mentioned)
“Britain was a limping lion”
- it had a wrecked economy
- huge debt
- problems with industrial exports due to lend lease agreement
Around when did France begin to compete with Britain on control over Europe?
- around 1948
What can be said of Britain’s and the U.S.’ relationship from 1945-1947?
- it was difficult for both parties
- the U.S. was suspicious of Britain’s gov’t’s intentions-reviving imperialistic ideals
- July ‘46 the U.S./U.K. ended their collaboration on atomic research and development thru the McMahon Act
Why was Britain in a fragile position at the end of the 40’s in relation to Europe?
- between European OEEC state there was growing divergence on whether cooperation between states should be more “federalist” or “unionist”
- France preferred the federalist approach
- Britain favored the unionist approach
What was the Schuman plan?
- it created the European Steel and Coal Community so as to intertwine France and Germany’s economies to prevent a future war
– but ultimately the treaty of Paris created the ECSC
What did the Plevan plan do?
- it sought to create a European army
Why did Britain decline to join the Plevan plan?
- Britain declined to join because it was too supranational–would decrease the power of state’s authority
Did Britain miss the boat with European integration?
- no, Britain just advocated for a different type of cooperation–one which involved their own foreign policy objectives taking precedence over EU goals
What was the U.S. attitude towards European integration, and Britains’ dilemma during this time?
- the U.S. flourishes under a federal gov’t–creating a United States of Europe–this could also take place on the continent