Exam Notes Flashcards
social and physiological distinctions of sexuality
ie. cis-gender, masculine, feminine, queer, two-spirit, trans, and non-binary
biological identity of a person. biological and physiological distinctions
of sexuality,
the experiencing of more than one gender identity
gender pay gap
the difference in average hourly earnings between men and women
women earn 86.7% of men’s earning in 2018
- due to differences in experience and
intersectional gender bias
- women have to work more hours because
of their lesser wage then men
harmonizing down
men moving into part-time pink collar jobs
- 30% of men in pink collar jobs
- causes narrowing of gender pay gap
pink collar job
care-oriented career field/fields typically considered women’s work
- typically lower paid
- ie. nursing, teaching, sales, & service jobs
return on education
the amount one earns on completion of a certification or degree program
- increasing for women
global gender gap
index designed to measure gender equality
- first introduced by the World Economic
Forum in 2006
world economic forum report
tracks global gender gap and measures it through 4 factors
- health, education, economics, and political
- 2006 to present day
measures progress towards gender parity and compares countries gender gaps
concrete ceiling
barriers to advancing for qualified women due to the intersectional oppression of racism and sexism
human trafficking
the unlawful act of transporting/coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service
- typically in the form of forced labor/sexual
-use of threats, force, fraud, deception,
coercion or power imbalances
sex trafficking
transporting of women and girls for purposes of commercial sex
debt bondage
when a person’s services are pledged as security for the repayment of a debt or other obligation
- form of modern slavery
- traps individuals not a cycle of exploitation
making repayment of debt impossible
trans misogynoir
intersection of transphobia, misogyny and anti-black racism that addresses the harassment, violence and discrimination specific to black trans women
ideology of romance
the distribution of power in sexual relationships such that heterosexual relationships are understood as normative and organized in such a way that the power men have in society gets carried into relationships and can encourage women’s subservience, sexually and emotionally
purity balls
father vows to protect daughter’s honor, daughter promises chastity until marriage
- marked with a gift exchange
supported by US religious conservatives
- generally oppose public sex education
western sexual exceptionalism
false binary between western Europe and north America/rest of the world as backward or regressive
affordable care act 2010
apart of the healthcare reform in the USA
- to decrease federal spending and increase
access to benefits
- payment was made affordable and tiered
for socio-economic classes
rape myths
widely held, inaccurate cultural and social beliefs about rape involving disregard or blame for the victim
structural adjustment programs/SAPs
reform initiatives established by non-industrialized countries to attract foreign capital in order to pay loans to industrialized government’s
free trade zones/export processing zones
created with lower safety standards and tax rates established to attract foreign investment
discouraged production for domestic use in favor of export-production
- causes environmental damage or
reproductive choice
individuals right to make decisions about their reproductive health
gender-based violence
any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm/suffering to women
includes threats of acts, coercion, arbitrary deprivations of liberty
- public or private
gender based violence reinforces traditional male power and status
women in development (WID)
emphasized the directing of development resources to women to increase food production and reduce poverty
- created income generating projects, labor
saving technology and better access to
loans for women
criticized for not consulting women on local markets and for not addressing underlying gender issues
gender and development (GAD)
gender mainstreaming/analysis
encouraged women’s activism and empowerment through women’s organizations locally (grassroots level)
criticized for being too radical, lacking cultural sensitivity, and having a concrete focus
integrating men into the gender analysis present in GAD approach (grassroot level)
to address men’s needs at the lowest socio-economic levels and broadens the approach to the gender analysis
- a response to men/masculinity studies
non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
a non-profit organization that operates independently of any government
typically to address a social or political issue
represents Muslim identity, modesty, and oppression depending on who is the viewer
a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women
Rwanda patriotic front (RPF)
created 1959 when the Hutu seized power causing the Tutsi to escape to neighboring regions
Tutsi created the RPF as an army/military group to help regain power from the Hutu
Rwanda women’s councils
parallels government structures that act as advisories
comprised only of women
participated purely in grassroots movements/lowest levels
Rwandan ministry for women and gender in development
gave policy advice regarding the needs of women
majority population in Rwanda
traditionally crop growers/laborers for Tutsi
rebelled against Tutsi
minority in Rwanda
favored by Belgians during colonization
- perceived as more physically aristocratic
- helped govern Hutu
- favoritism caused political divsion
children of hate
Tutsi women impregnated intentionally with Hutu children during times of war
environmental racism
people of color and lower economic brackets more likely to be exposed to harmful toxins and not receive care for associated illness
extracts natural gas that supplies power
the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks/shale to force open existing fissures and extract oil/gas
- also called hydraulic fracturing
queer ecology
queering binary construction
- need to resist dominant ways of thinking
in binary construction’s and see the
relation between things more
focus on interconnectivity of life and art as a narrative
feminist standpoint theory
focuses on the social location of the expert that shapes the perspective
acknowledges that not all viewpoints are complete
relies on perspectives of marginalized groups to add knowledge beyond dominant discourses
the process of gaining independence from a colonizing agent
the process of dismantling the negative social and cultural effects of colonization
the Jordan principle
a child first principle that ensures First Nations children can access to same public services as other children in Canada
aims to eliminate service inequalities and delays for First Nations children
Under Jordan’s Principle, when governments disagree about who is responsible for providing services to First Nations children, they must help the child first and argue over the bills later
those who live their lives in a gender that is not what they were assigned at birth
- challenge the construction of gender or
sexuality of the dominant culture
- deviate from traditional male/female
emotional labor
work people do to manage the emotions of
others and that is part of one’s work evaluation
human capital theory
explanation of wage differential as the result of different characteristics of workers
characteristics include differences in education, skill and focus
the glass ceiling
the invisible mechanism that discourages women’s advancement in organizations
glass escalator
lack of barriers to advancement for men inn jobs traditionally held by women
sexual harassment
unwanted imposition of sexual requirements in the context of a relationship of unequal power
first defined as illegal and a form of discrimination by Title VII of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964
second shift
unpaid domestic labor of women in addition to paid employment
third shift
unpaid care work provided by women to friends and relatives
affirmative action
developed as a policy referring to positive efforts taken to open new areas of opportunity to groups who had previously been excluded from such jobs
cult of domesticity
belief system supporting dominant social institutions
defines women as responsible for the moral and everyday affairs in the home
bourgeois 18th/19th century = women’s role is tending to the affairs of the heart not mind
transnational family
family members live in different countries with a pattern of moving back and forth across national boundaries
marital rape
forced sexual activity demanded of a wife by her husband
legal definitions vary from state to state
Roe v. Wade 1973
landmark US supreme court decision that established women’s rights to abortion in 1973 without interference with the government
- guaranteed under 4th amendment
The Court’s decision acknowledged that on the issue of abortion, separately legitimate social concerns collided:
1. the constitutional right to privacy
2. the right of the state to protect maternal
3. the right of the state to protect developing
new reproductive technologies
include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, cloning, and genetic engineering
raises new concerns and questions about women’s control of their bodies
the second great awakening
social movement in early 19th century
- emphasized a revivalist and egalitarian
spirit in religion
ministers/lay people saw religion as a route to salvation on earth
- believed tough restraints necessary for an
orderly society
- conversion and religious benevolence seen
as the solution to social ills caused by
widespread social transformation in
American society
the woman’s bible
first published in 1895 by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- reflected her belief that domination of
women had deep ideological and religious
rediscovered in 1970’s during the second wave of feminism in the US
collective consciousness
created by Durkheim
a system of beliefs in society that create a sense of belonging to the community and the moral obligation to live up to the society’s demands
the religious right
refers to fundamentalist Christian groups that have politically mobilized on behalf of conservative causes
generated a new period of religious activism
saw the church as a defender of public morality
contemporary social changes associated with feminism/liberalism = threatening the values of family life and violating the hierarchy of god to man/man to women
feminist theology
new models of religious belief founded in feminist ethics
crime index
measure of the overall volume and rate as indicated by offenses reported to the police
includes murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson
1972 Title IX of the Educational Amendments
part of the educational amendments of 1972
federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities
- caused a 34% increase in girl’s high school
sport participation by 2011
institutionalized power relationships that given men power over women
gendered institution’s
total pattern of gender relations embedded in social insitutions
civil rights bill of 1964
federal law prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
equal pay act of 1963
first federal legislation requiring equal pay for equal work