Exam IIII Flashcards
Community Corrections
Institutional Corrections
Community Corrections:
- Post-incarceration programs that allows offenders to serve their sentences within the community instead of in jail or prison
- Includes probation and parole
- Most offenders nonviolent and low-risk
- Attempts to punish, rehabilitate, reintegrate the offender, and control crime
- Most common forms are probation and parole
Institutional Corrections:
-Incarcerations in jails and prisons
-Receiving the punishment that is fit for their crime/action
-The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences
- Harsher sanctions do not deter crime
- Long punishment is mean to be a deterrent to crime
- Removing individual from society (locking them up in jail/prison/mental institute)
- Efforts to prevent future crime
- Change offenders behavior
- Making criminals productive contributions to society
One early punishment in England was to hold convicts in abandoned ships called
Auburn system
Pennsylvania system
Auburn system:
- Like Pennsylvania system: based on reformation and reliance on completely separate confinement of inmates
- But allowed prisoners to congregate in silence in the day (Congregate system)
- Cheaper to run, used corporal punishment, and implemented forced labor
- Most American adopted this system
Pennsylvania system:
-First public institution to use imprisonment as the primary method of reforming
-Considered by some to be the first penitentiary
-Emphasized solitude, failed due to overcrowding
Designed to reform inmates according to the principles of absolute solitary segregation
-Solitary confinement caused many mental disorders in patietns
- Criminals confided for up to a year
- Misdemeanors
- Cost increased substantially
- Problems= overcrowding
- mostly men jailed, most white men jailed
- Criminals confined for a year or more after their trial and conviction
- Felonies
- Rising prison costs
- Rising prison population (increasing bc “get tough” policy
The Models of Correction:
Crime Control
Punishment model:
- Assumed offender is a bad person in need of punishment
- Treatment viewed as waste of resources, severe sanctions, used negative reinforcement, recidivism high under this model
Crime Control Model:
- Goal: Suppress and contain the behavior of criminals through incarceration
- Uses med/max/super max security in prisons
- No rehabilitation goals
Rehabilitation Model:
- Goal: Change offenders behavior, often using medical approaches
- Still used today in some prisons and community treatment programs
Reintegration Model:
- A logical extension of the rehabilitation model
- Goal: Help offenders readjust and fit successfully back into the community
- Gives them increased freedom/responsibility before they are released into the community
- Halfway house- structured pre-release community
- Based on restorative justice- offender holds responsibility for their actions
Which group is more likely than any other racial or ethnic group to be incarcerated?
Victim-Impact panel
- Crime victims tell offenders the impact of the crime on their lives
- Designed to change behavior/perspective of offenders
- Initiated for impact on drunk driving offenders (research indicated there is no impact on recidivism rates)
- Positive feedback has led courts to order victim impacted panels for a host of crimes
Minimum Security
Medium Security
Maximum Security
Supermax Security
Minimum Security:
- Hold offenders who have short sentences, are nonviolent, and unlikely to attempt escape
- Small
- No correctional officers patrol the grounds
- Inmates encourages to pursue education, work, etc
Medium Security:
-Inmates under more control/surveillance, limited educational/therapy programs, inmates lockdown at any time
Maximum Security:
-High levels of control, inmates shackled when moved, lethal electrical fences, frequent inmate counts, cells back to back in secure building
Supermax Security:
-Highest level of security (Solitary confinement), prisoners sent her for extreme violent misbehavior in other prisons, can be entire prison or wing in max-security prison
Person depends on institution to the point of being unable or unwilling to function in outside world
- More likely the longer the incarceration
- Formation of unique subcultures
Inmate Code
Rules, behavior, and values that have developed among prisoners inside prisons’ social systems
Conjugal visits
Offers an inmate a private extended visit with a partner or spouse
- Not allowed in federal prisons
- Only exists in six state prison systems
- Supreme Court holds that conjugal visits are not protected under the constitution