Exam III - Zaidi Flashcards
Homologous proteins are functionally
Blastula consists of a …… facing the external medium
sheet of epithelial cells
What gives rise to the endoderm?
sheet of epithelial cells
Endoderm is the precursor of
gut, lung, and liver
Ectoderm is the precursor of the
nervous system of and epidermis
Mesoderm is the precursor of
muscles and connective tissue
Higher organisms have several homologs of the same gene, this is an example of…
gene duplication
Cells that are fated to develop into a specialized cell type despite changed in environment are called
cells that can change rapidly due to environmental alterations are called
completely undetermined
cells that have some attributes of a particular cell type but can change with environment are called
Induction of a different developmental program in select cells in a homogeneous group leading to altered character
inductive signalling
A long range inductive signal that imposes a pattern on a field of cells
morphogen (inhibitor and inducer gradients)
Three factors of diversity in pattern:
gene duplication, presence of other signals, previous experiences of the cell
signaling pathways consist of a handful of ….
conserved family of proteins
response to signaling pathways depends on
spatial and temporal expression of different sets of genes
what is the ligand and receptor family of
EGF, FGF, Ephrins
EGF, FGF, and Eph receptors
what is the ligand and receptor family of TGFB
TGFB, BMP, Nodal
TGFB receptors, BMP receptors
what is the ligand and receptor family of Wnt
what is the ligand and receptor family of Hedgehog
patched, smoothened
what is the ligand and receptor family of Notch
phase one of neural develop.
(genesis of neurons) diff. cell types develop independently at separate locations in embryo according to local program and are unconnected
phase two of neural develop.
(axon/dendrite growth and synapses)axons and dendrites grow out along specific routes setting up a provisional but orderly network of connections
phase three of neural develop.
(refining synaptic connections)into adult life, connections are adjusted and redefined through interactions with distant regions via electrical signals
CNS (brain, spinal cord, retina) is derived from
neural tube
PNS (nerves, sensory neurons) is derived from
neural crest
A nerve cell developing from epithelial cell contains a membrane-bound inhibitory signal protein called delta. What is the receptor protein?
receptor protein notch on an inhibited epithelial cell