Exam III pictures Flashcards
Identify location and structures
- Choroid
- Pigmented epithelium
- Inner and outer segments of rods and cones
- Outer nuclear layer
- Outer plexiform layer
- Inner nuclear layer
- Inner plexiform layer
- Ganglion layer
- Axons of ganglion cells
- Internal limiting membrane
Identify location
Label arrows
Exernal ear
Top left: integument
Bottom left: hair follicle
Top right: elastic cartilage
Bottom right: blood vessels
Identify location
External ear
Identify location
External ear
Identify the location
Label the arrows
- Scala vestibuli
- Vestibular membrane
- Cochlear duct
- Stria vascularis
- Organ of corti
- Basilar membrane
- Scala tympani
Identify the location
Label the arrows
Left: Right:
Scala vestibuli w/ perilymph Cochlear duct w/ endolymph
Vestibular membrane Stria vascularis
Internal spiral tunnel of cochlear duct Outer hair cells
Tectorial membrane Basilar membrane
Inner hair cells Scala typmani w/ perilymph
Inner tunnel
Identify the location
Label the arrows
Lymph node
Top: Trabecula
Left: Germinal center of follicle
Right: Lymph follicle in cortex
Identify the location
Label the arrows
Lymph node; cortex
Top: trabecula
Left: germinal center
Right: lymph follicle in cortex
Identify the location
Lymph node; medulla
Identify location
Lymph node; cortex
Identify location
Label the arrows
Left: trabecula
Bottom: capsule
Right: adipose cells
Identify loction
Label the arrow
Hassall’s corpuscle
Identify location
Label the arrows
Left: central artery
Right: lymphatic nodule white pulp
Bottom: red pulp
Identify location
Identify location
Label the arrow
Central artery in white pulp
Identify location
Label the arrows
Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale
Papillary layer of dermis
Reticular layer of dermis
Right: Stratum corneum
Identify location
Scalp: thin skin
Identify location
Label arrow
Scalp: thin skin
Identify tissue
Thick skin
Identify location
Label the arrows (top/down)
Thick skin
Stratum corneum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale
Papillary layer
Reticular layer
Identify tissue
Integument: dermis
Identify the gland
Sebaceous gland
Identify location
Label the arrows
Top: internal root sheath
Middle: external root sheath
Bottom: CT sheath
Identify location
Identify location
Identify structure
Meissner’s corpuscle
Identify structur
Meissner’s Corpuscle
Identify structure
Pacini corpuscle
Identify the cells
Purkinje cells
Identify location
Label the arrows (left to right)
Tunica intima
Tunica media
External elastic membrane
Tunica adventitia
Identify the location
Label the arrows (inner layer to outer)
Muscular artery
Internal elastic lamina
Tunica media with elastic fibers
External elastic lamina
Tunica adventitia