Exam II Review Flashcards
efficiency condition for leftover curve (production of public goods vs private goods)
Lindahl Pricing
an approach to financing public goods in which individuals honestly reveal their willingness to pay, and the government charges them that amount to fniance the public good
What process is followed to carry out Lindahl Pricing?
- government announces a set of tax prices for the public good, the share of the cost that each individual must bear
- individual announces how much she wants of public good
- government repeats these steps to construct a marginal willingness to pay and quantity of public good desired
- governmetn adds up individual willingness to pay at each quantity of public good provided to get an overall demand curve for public goods
- government relates this overall demand curve to the MC curve for the public good to solve for optimal public good quantity
- government finances this public good by charging individuals their willingness to pay for the quantity of good
benefit taxation
taxation in which individuals are taxed for a public good according to their valuation of the benefit they receive from that good
problems with Lindahl pricing
preference revelation problem: individuals have an incentive to lie about their willingness to pay because the amount of money they pay to finance the public good is tied to their stated willingness to pay
preference knowledge problem: even if they’re honest, consumers might have no idea of what there valuation is
preference aggregation problem: getting the preferences of 260 million US citizens seems impossible
three things which must be satisfied to provide a successful meansn of aggregating preferences of individual votes
- dominance: if one choice is preferred by all votes, the aggregation mechanism must be such that this choice is made by society; that is, if eery individual prefers building a state to a park, the aggregation mechanisum must yield a decision to build a statue
- transitivity: if a large statue is preferred to a medium statue, and a medium size statue is preferred to a small statue, then a large statue must be preferred to a small one
- independence of irrelevant alternatives: choices must satisfy the condition that if one choice is preferrred to another, the entry of another choice will not change that ranking
two reasons majority voting doesn’t work for aggregating preferences
- violates property of transivity: when we aggregate preferences of the individuals, we do not get a consistently preferred outcome
- Arrows Impossibility Theorem: there is no social decision rule that converts individual preferences into a consistent aggregate decision without either restricting preferences or imposing a dictatorship
median vote theorem
majority voting will yield the outcome preferred by the median voter if preferences are single peaked
potential inefficiency of median voter outcome
- implies that the government need find only one voter whose preferences for the public good are right in the middle of the distribution of preferences and implement that level of public goods preferred by that voter
- convenient, but not socially efficienct
assumptions of median voter model
- single dimensional voting: assumers that voters are basing their votes on a single issue
- only two candidates
- no ideology or influence: median voter theory assumes that politicians only care about maximizing votes
- no selective voting: assumes all citizens vote…simply not the case
- no money: ignores the role of money as a tool of influence in elections
- full information: median voter model assumes perfect information along three dimensions. Namely, voter knowledge of issues, politician knowledge of issues, politician knowledge of voter preferences
public choice theory
a school of thought emphasizing that the government may not act to maximize the well being of it’s citizens
size maximizing bureacracy
idea that bureaucracies might be more interested in their own preservation and growth than in carrying out their assigned missions efficiently
- private sector rewards employees for efficienct production
- public sector compensation for workers is based on the total measurable output of the bureaucracy
problems with privitization
- some markets maybe natural monopolies
- while privitization of good markets may increase efficiency, it is not clear that private provision of social services is more efficient than public provision
Tiebout Model for optimal fiscal federalism
assumes that there are many people who divide themselves up so that each resident in any town has the same taste for public goods, and so demands the same level of public good spending
problems with Tiebout Model (wrong assumptions)
- perfect mobility: individuals must not only want to vote with their feet, they must be able to
- perfect information: assumes that individuals have perfect information on the benefits that they receive from the town and taxes they pay
- must be able to choose freely among the range of towns
- provision of some public goods requires sufficient scale or size
- not efficient to run a school with only a few students or to build a park that will be used by only a few residents
problem with Tiebout financing
model requires equal financing of the public goods among all residents
-towns typically finance their public goods instead through a property tax that is levied in proportion to the value of their homes
burden of city: in the optimal city size model, N is a function of what?
the price of the private good
-as N increases, Ppri also increases
advantage of city: in the optimal city size model, what advantages are to be had with respect to paying for public goods?
you can all combine your money and pay less for public goods