Exam II - Art History Flashcards
Abbey Church
an abbey is a monastic religious community headed by an abbot or abbess. An abbey church often has an especially large choir to provide space for the monks or nuns
Absolute Dating
a method, especially in archeology, of assigning a precise historical date at which, or span of years during which, an object was made
of art that does not attempt to describe the appearance of visible forms but that to transform them into stylized patterns or to alter them in conformity to ideals
sunbaked blocks made of clay mixed with straw. Also: buildings made with this material
passage or open corridor of a church, hall, or other building that parallels the main space, usually on both sides, and is delineated by a row, or arcade, of columns or piers. Called side aisles when they flank the nave of a church
a political system in South Africa that used race as grounds for the segregation, discrimination, and political disenfranchisement of nonwhite South Africans. Officially ended in 1994
another term for low relief
a larger rectangular building. Often built with a clerestory, side aisles separated from the center nave by colonnades, and an apse at one or both ends
in Buddhism, a being who has attained enlightenment but chooses to remain in this world in order to help others advance spiritually. Also defined as a potential buddha
the term literally means enlightened one
a full-scale drawing of a design that will be executed in another medium, such as a wall painting, tapestry, or stained glass
in Mayan sculpture, a half-reclining figure probably representing an offering bearer
a type of Buddhist temple found in India. Often built in the form of a hall or basilica, a chaitya hall is highly decorated with sculpture and usually is carved from a cave or natural rock location
a book, or group of manuscript pages, held together by stitching or other binding along one edge
a technique in basketry. In coiled baskets a spiraling coil, brain, or rope of material is held in place by stitching or interweaving to create a permanent shape
small human figurines made in Japan during the Jomon period. Shaped from clay, the figurines have exaggerated expressions and are in contorted poses
usually very large-scale, outdoor artwork that is produced by altering the natural environment
stitches applied in a decorative pattern on top of an already woven fabric ground
powdered, then molten glass applied to a metal surface, and used by artists to create designs
Fang Ding
a square or rectangular bronze vessel with four legs. The Fang Ding was used for ritual offerings in ancient China during the Shang dynasty
from the Sanskrit word meaning “womb chamber”, a small room or shrine in a Hindu temple containing its principal holy image
earthen design on a colossal scale, often created in a landscape as if to be seen from an aerial viewpoint
An association of artists or craftspeople. Medieval and
Renaissance guilds had great economic power, as they controlled the marketing
of their members’ products and provided economic protection, political solidarity,
and training in the craft to its members.
A long, narrow, horizontal painting or text (or combination
thereof ) common in Chinese and Japanese art and of a size intended for
individual use. A handscroll is stored wrapped tightly around a wooden pin and is
unrolled for viewing or reading
Pottery forms, including cylinders, buildings, and human figures,
that were placed on top of Japanese tombs or burial mounds during the Kofun
period (300–552 c.e.)
A painting on paper or parchment used as an illustration
and/or decoration in a manuscript or album. Usually richly colored, often
supplemented by gold and other precious materials. The artists are referred to as
illuminators. Also: the technique of decorating manuscripts with such paintings
Large-scale wooden sculpture constructed by a
method developed in Japan. The entire work is made from smaller hollow blocks,
each individually carved, and assembled when complete. The joined-block
technique allowed production of larger sculpture, as the multiple joints alleviate
the problems of drying and cracking found with sculpture carved from a single
A type of hard, glossy surface varnish, originally developed for
use on objects in East Asian cultures, made from the sap of the Asian sumac or
from shellac, a resinous secretion from the lac insect
(p. 476) A turretlike structure situated on a roof, vault, or dome, with
windows that allow light into the space below.
shrine (p. 319) A place of worship centered on an object or representation
in the form of a phallus or column (the linga), which symbolizes the power of the
Hindu god Shiva.
An image of the cosmos represented by an arrangement of
circles or concentric geometric shapes containing diagrams or images. Used for
meditation and contemplation by Buddhists
A symbolic hand gesture in Buddhist art that denotes certain
behaviors, actions, or feelings
An East Asian reliquary tower built with successively smaller,
repeated stories. Each story is usually marked by an elaborate projecting roof
A highly stylized depiction serving as a symbol for a person
or object. Also: a type of writing utilizing such symbols
Piece-mold casting
A casting technique in which the mold consists of
several sections that are connected during the pouring of molten metal, usually
bronze. After the cast form has hardened, the pieces of the mold are
disassembled, leaving the completed object
to put oneself in a submissive posture or state, very
often laying out face down in reverence. Usually done in a religious manner
A plump, naked little boy, often winged. In Classical
art, called a cupid; in Christian art, a cherub
A container, often elaborate and made of precious materials,
used as a repository for sacred relics
Rose Window
A round window, often filled with stained glass set into
tracery patterns in the form of wheel spokes, found in the façades of the naves
and transepts of large Gothic churches
The term samurai was
originally used to denote the aristocratic warriors (bushi), but it came to apply to
all the members of the warrior class that rose to power in the 12th century and
dominated the Japanese government until the Meiji Restoration in 1868
Ornamental decoration applied to the surface of the body
by cutting the skin for cultural and/or aesthetic reasons
A room in a monastery for writing or copying
Stained glass
Glass stained with color while molten, using metallic
oxides. Stained glass is most often used in windows, for which small pieces of
different colors are precisely cut and assembled into a design, held together by
lead cames. Additional details may be added with vitreous paint
In Buddhist architecture, a bell-shaped or dome-like religious
monument, made of piled earth, brick, or stone, and containing sacred relics
A mask with a dragon- or animal-like face common as a
decorative motif in Chinese art
A small piece of stone, glass, or other object that
is pieced together with many others to create a mosaic
The Game
A ritual ballgame that was one of the defining characteristics
of Mesoamerican society. It was generally played on a long, rectangular court
with a large, solid, heavy rubber ball. Using their elbows, knees, or hips but not
their hands – the losers were sacrificed
In West African mosque architecture, one of the wooden beams
that project from the walls. Torons are used as support for the scaffolding
erected annually for the replastering of the building
In Asian art, a round cranial bump or bun of hair symbolizing
royalty and, when worn by a buddha, enlightenment
axis mundi
A concept of an “axis of the world,” which marks sacred
sites and denotes a link between the human and celestial realms. For example, in
South Asian art, the axis mundi can be marked by monumental free-standing
decorative pillars