Exam II Flashcards
Which of the following is not a method used to reduce fluctuations in the resource profile when resource leveling?
Fast tracking activities
Utilizing extreme theories like the inventory buffer theory, is it economical to have all materials on-site before starting a project to achieve the lowest cost option project (Cost driven, not schedule driven)? One clue, when referencing just all material being on-site before construction starts, is that I would refer to this as “The Dream Project”
A general contractor does not typically level their subcontractors resources, but what is the GC’s main function between subcontractors to push for a subcontractors ability to level their resources?
Subcontract coordination
You are a southern California contractor. You have been awarded two projects: one in downtown Los Angeles and one near the Mojave reservation. Each project needs a safety manager at essentially the same time, each for a duration of about 6 weeks. Would you share resources between these two projects when both projects have a flexible end date? The client on each project has stated that a safety manager will be on-site each day for at least half the days work duration when crews are on-site.
The main idea of resource leveling is to increase the efficiency of the project and minimize the overall costs. Leveling which of the following really does not assist in these cost reduction and efficiency improvement efforts.
When pertaining to labor, hourly workers are hired to perform which of the following?
a. Activities
b. Specific tasks
c. Work packages
d. Work
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
When dealing with work space and the ever changing nature of the work during the life cycle of a project, which of the following is not considered a work space consideration for planning and resource leveling?
a. Safety of workers
b. Weather impacts to schedule
c. Productivity losses due to site crowding
d. Site logistics
e. Available site/construction infrastructure
f. All items listed could have an impact on overall work space available for efficient craft workforce utilization.
f. All items listed could have an impact on overall work space available for efficient craft workforce utilization.
If you are GC and have multiple large subcontractors that have labor resources in many states and multiple crafts, should you bother to resource load your master schedule?
Are resouce driven schedules and manpower loaded schedules the same thing? Meaning, are the schedules both driven by the activities in the same way/manner?
The assignment of resources required to complete a given activity, or work item, in the required amount and timing is known as what?
Resource Allocation
True or False:
In project management we use the term resources to indicate three main categories: labor, equipment, and materials. Ultimately, everything is translated into a monetary quantity that may be a part of the financial resources.
You are a southern California contractor. You have been awarded two projects: one in downtown Los Angeles and one near the Mojave reservation. Each project needs a bulldozer and a crew of 4 at essentially the same time, each with a duration of about 3 weeks. The bulldozer helps accomplish essentially the first 3 weeks of work onsite. Would you share resources between these two projects when both projects have a fixed hard end date?
The leveling of resources looks at the overall fluctuations in day to day resource usage throughout a project, labor and equipment, and attempts to do what to those fluctuations?
When working with our schedules, we are dealing specifically with crews in our resource calendar. When utilizing a manpower loaded schedule, as we are for HW6 and the semester project, will resource leveling come into play for our overall efforts?
We often talk about the backward pass when looking at schedule logic; is there a similar step that can be done with resource leveling?
If you are running a company and you have a limited number of labor resources but multiple different projects, would distance between the two projects impact your resource leveling options between the two projects?
When resource leveling activities, if not controllig overallocation of resources, do items not currently on the criticial path have the potential to become critical?
As a general contractor with no labor force performing work at the site, what must the general contractor still be aware of when concerning their subcontractors resources?
a. Site congestion
b. Equipment utilization
c. Sufficient labor resources to make progress
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
If you build the same project 10 times in a row, same building but different locations, do you always choose the same material management strategy?
Utilizing just in time material delivery, what would be your sites main restriction that would drive you to this decision?
No or very little available on site laydown space
Based on Figure 3 in the article, looking at the Original Baseline S-Curve, which is progress based, they have shown you a projected S-curve as a dotted line that falls below the Original Baseline S-Curve. This would indicate that the project performance (crew performance) is lower than expected and performing below the curve, the end result being that the project will take longer when projecting future dates or forecasts. The difference between the two curves, at any point on the curve, is known as what in regards to the project timeline?
Schedule Variance
If the work force for a given task is held at a lower level, the elapsed time to accomplish the work (manhours) will be ___________.
True or False:
Productivity, when expressed in manhours, is often expressed as (earned vs. burned).
Because different construction work typically takes place under unique conditions at a unique site, productivity of craft workers can improve due to what factors.
Experience and Learning
A well-run construction job implies that adequate and realistic planning and scheduling has taken place and a positive cultural environment, especially a positive safety culture, has been established for the performance of work on site.
Agree or Disagree?
For this quiz, the paper that this article was based on was published where first before it was made into this internet article? Which would explain the spelling of some of the English words having a very British spelling.
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
Referring to Table 1, Figure 9 and Figure 10 from the article it can clearly be seen that the learning or repetition of any task leads to an improvement in productivity. We talked a good deal at the beginning of the semester about historical installation rates for companies and resource data like RS Means. So the question is, when scheduling a project we have already built once and are building a very similar one again, since our estimated manhours for our activities are based on historicals (including the previous similar job) and RS Means based equations, which in theory should have captured past site “Learning”, do we need to forecast or estimate additional productivity improvements into our project schedule based on forecast future learning?
For your 150 line item semester project activity schedule, if you built an S-curve and a 2/3rds manpower curve for every single activity, would the end result be an overall S-curve and 2/3rds bell curve that is in line with the lessons portrayed and expressed in the article?
True or False:
An optimized productivity project, or basically saying an efficiently run project, when plotted on a curve for cumulative progress gain over time for a whole project will often result in a typical curve; the shape of the curve is in the shape of a bell
Plotted, cumulative progress produces an S-Curve.
The important points to note about the S-curve are that the initial part of the curve represents the [__A____], the central part of the curve is relatively [____B___], or effectively a straight line slope, and the latter part of the curve represents a [__C_____] which closely mirror-images the early part of the S-curve.
A. Build-up
B. steady-state
C. run-down
An interesting phenomenon that occurs with site learning is that much like the S-curve, efficiency and or productivity increases seem to peak on a jobsite as tasks are repeated and then start to move backwards again as work finishes up and more focus is spent on things like punch items and have an overall degrading effect on productivity gains. When plotted on a graph for manhours expended for work activities of a related nature, what shape does this productivity increase and then decline take on?
Bathtub Shaped
In the three stages of the S-curve, when discussing productivity enhances, from the studies presented in the article, what Stage must productivity improvement be completed to have real effect of work to be optimized?
Phase 1
In construction, the learning curve is typically mistakenly used on job sites to refer to what type of improvements resulting from the site experience craft workers gain while on-site and not due to their training?
To optimize productivity of the overall project, the input of resources is varied according to the planned timing and availability of work. This optimizing of productivity results in an initial project build up which opens up work fronts, a period of peak loading for the project, followed by a period of _____ ______?
Progressive demobilization/demobilizing
Peak Manpower
Utilizing the max number of workers or the maximum 2/3rds of workers being used for an activity or project.
Based on Figure 3 in the article, looking at the Original baseline S-curve and comparing it to the Actual Cost of Work Performed curve, you can see that costs at completion and all along the curve are significantly more than originally forecast, essentially from the beginning of the project. Since cost and performance are related, you can understand why cost would be increasing; lower performance means more manhours expended to do the same work; therefore resulting in higher costs. Is this a true statement based on what you see on the curve?
For every doubling of units installed on a jobsite, the cumulative average time per unit to install those units is ____________ by a constant ratio.
The best source of information for planning and estimating is derived from experience of very similar previous work.
Agree or Disagree?
The rate at which items or units are produced or installed over a given period of time is referred to as_________, independent of the number of man-hours consumed?
Production Rate
Over the three stages of a project progress curve, S-curve, viewed as a histogram, 40% of resource input occurs in the first 50% of the project, a further 40% input in the next 25%, and the remaining 40% in the last 50% of the project.
Agree or Disagree?
Semester Project Occupancy Type
Type B Occupancy
Semester Project Architect
“Best Architects”
Semester Project Engineer: Interior Plans Only
“Super Engineering”
Semester Project Building Code
2015 IBC W/Local Amendments
Semester Project Square Footage
16,950 SF
Project Surrounding Roads
- America Rd East
- Davy Rd South
- Broadway Parkway
- Any Street
- Tiger West Rd
Project: Type of Construction
Commercial: Medical
Project: Water Heater Type
Gas or Electric?
Semester Project: Number of Operating Rooms
Semester Project: Civil Engineer
Semester Project: MEP Engineer
Super Engineering
Semester Project: Structural Engineer
Joe Structure
Semester Project: Is there a fire hydrant that requires removal?
Semester Project: Do the surrounding buildings and offices require removal?
Semester Project: Finish Floor
736.00 or T/W = 735.96
Semester Project: Where are the HVAC Units located?
On the roof