Exam I Flashcards
Ancient Greece includes what modern-day countries?
Turkey, Italy, and North Africa.
A polis
an urban core, self-governed political community, ethnic community, and religious community.
An epithet
a nickname or specification. Ex. Poseidon Hippios (“of horses”)
A locale
a placename. Ex. Poseidon Soter of Sunium.
Cultural forces associated with Hellenism tended to…
…consolidate and systemize the endless local variety of gods.
People pray, perform rituals, celebrate festivals, or otherwise honour the gods frequently in everyday life.
Polytheism is bout having many gods but it’s also about how the gods are related to each other and to humanity.
Religious Specialists
People who claim expertise or authority in religious matters.
singers of songs about the gods/heroes (including epic songs).
experts in divination.
experts in religious rituals, especially sacrifice; oversees sanctuaries.
What kinds of beings are the gods?
Gods are immortal. Gods can be imprisoned but never destroyed. Gods have certain superpowers.
Ouranic Gods
associated with the sky, the upper world of living humans; received a particular style of sacrifices.
Chthonic Gods
associated with the earth, the lower world of the dead; received a different style of sacrifices than Ouranic gods.
the central dieties in Greek religious life, most frequently worshipped or celebrated in myth and art.
The children of Kronos and Rhea
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia
The children of Zeus
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Area
a complicated category in-between gods and humans that received chthonic rituals. After their death, Heroes continued to exert a power for good or evil.
the core of a god’s identity.
The god’s functions
the god’s functions divide up all the domains of human experience.
The god’s system
the gods form a (messy) system defined by a complex distribution of functions among the gods based on their timai.
Zeus’ functions
God of the sky; the cloud gatherer.
Hera’s functions
Goddess of Marriage and Birth; Goddess of Fertile Plains.
Poseidon’s functions
God of the Sea; Master and Helper of Fishermen; Husband of Earth; Father of the Horse.