EXAM I Flashcards
Degas, Musicians in the Orchestra, c. 1870
- One type of his ballerinas - from the pit
- world of musicians juxtaposed with the ephemeral world of ballerinas
- Crops their heads
- Bass fiddle
- Link
- Harp leads to man leering to stage
- ABONNE - allows access like season ticket holders to see the ballerinas in all facets
- quick stroke for ballerina thick stroke for men - genders
- Viewpoint focuses on focus aspect for performance
Degas, The Dance Class, 1874
Left - Paris d’Orsay
Right - New York Met
- Repetition and habit
- Teacher = Michel pentrous
- vertical elements juxtaposed to ballerinas as the edge of the composition
- changes the floorboards in each variation
- unlovely of every day - bored, sitting, waiting, unidealized
- became an abonne
- Lower class = ballerinas
- ridigity of teacher vs ethereal of skirts - self canbalizing
Degas, Portrait of Achille Degas as a Cadet, 1857
- Like Manet, Degas was born into a wealthy family
- Dad was banker
- Mom was Creole
- Went to fancy schools, and went to Italy and immersed in the art of the past
- always struggles with academic past and training and also interest in modernism
- friendship with manet
- Early career
- Inspired by a portrait of Ingres
- Degas interested in human form
- explores the freedom to experiment
Degas, Mary Cassatt at the Louvre, 1879-1880
Left - In the Etruscan Gallery: etching, drypoint, aquatint
Right - In the Paintings Gallery: Pastel on paper
- She posed for Degas frequently
- Woman looking at art, represented in medium is like where is waldo
- Sister Lydia is meant to be other figure
- leans on umbrella not parasol - tense figure
- See her from the back as active and engaged with the art work
- Using ink and resin and copper and pastels - etching process
- Can see finger prints - showing his hand
Degas, Name Day of the Madame, 1879
- Series of 50 - women working in brothels
- Action
- Cropping
- Lights look like boobs
- unidealized body about to work
- socking
- unproper reprent ocer sexuality
- Works them over and over connects to subject
Manet, The Café-Concert, c. 1879
- Men of all classes and women of questionable ones
- Classic trope fo Manet to capture - cafe culture
- Mixing of classes
- V leads on one side with the upper left as a reflection
- Was one apart of a large work with a corner of a cafe but cut them apart
- same beer server represented but more brushing in one
- Cafe Reichshoffen
- Woman cut off - prostitute, not idealized
- This man well to do - dress
- wants to convey compression of space but mostly UNDER LYING LONELINESS AND DISCONNECTION of people in social space
- Labor of women emphasized as a source of entertainment
Morisot, Eugène Manet on the Isle of Wight, 1875
- Marries manets brother and goes to the isle of wight on honeymoon with family
- nanny in white apron
- little girl looking at the sea
- Husband as model is unprecedented
- looking at little girl through window
- liminal space - curtains railing - circumscribes our view - flatness
Degas, Ballet Rehearsal on Stage, 1874
Top - Pastel over brush and ink drawing
Bottom - Oil mixed with turpentine over brush and ink drawing
- Abonne watching the girls from the side of the stage
- Plays with poses - unrealistic and confusing with frontal figure
- Fiddlehead
- different variations
- Plays with habit and formal characteristics versions
Degas, Song of the Dog, c. 1875 - 1877
- vigorous vulgarity of the performers.
- There is nothing elegant about this woman’s pose. Her hands suggest the movement of a dog
- The lines of the mouth, as she bawls forth the vulgar song, her exultant exaggeration, showing she is conscious of her power over her audience,
- Cafe culture
- He placed the profile strongly against a yellow pillar which cuts the composition, and contrasted the face, lighted drastically by footlights
- he has twice enlarged the picture by adding strips of paper to the right and working over them. - interest in the process and showing his hand
Manet, Masked Ball at the Opéra, 1873
- Flirts with how modern life has evolved in Paris, night life in paris is lively
- Small Scale
- Longshoreman clothing - prostitutes
- Juxtaposing with the proper women and how they veil themselves
- Upper balcony - flesh market; sexually intimate
- Extension of streets
- all about flirtation
- The woman being unmasked - on the ground
- Polichenelle figure - president and Manet projects disagreement with the Franco Prussian war - jokester, deceitful, seen from behind, historical connection to the president, hand plays with space, calls attention to the flatness of top hats
- Cut and crop of painting calls to the spontaneity of it
- FIgures = friends, models, and includes himself on the right like in the Tuileries
- forces us to think complexly
- Manet was academically trained by rejects classical pat and traditional narrative
- Amoral vs. immoral - political-historical context
- By Manet signing on calling card - marks him modernist (like Morisot)
- Synecdoche - Nochlin
Reading Connection
- Nochlin
Cassatt, In the Loge, 1880
- Loge in theater - proper women
- Appealing and available subject matter
- Comedie Francaise - theater during the day
- cropping raises questions - the choice to wonder is this woman alone?
- Shes the agent of the gaze
- WOman looking at the performer
- someone else?
- man gazing at her so aggressively
- us looking at the man
- man looking at us
- undoes the conventions of the gaze
- giving her power - connects to her as artist
- In profile - opera glasses limit the view of her and the man’s view of her
- intensity of the act of looking in body language
- shows her hand
- aware of the man? defying? unaware?
- glove on hand - transgressive o play with wondering
- Connects to renoir the loge - as if she is responding to this work and how the woman and gender is represented
Cassatt, The Loge, 1880
- Younger twins resisting conventions
- looking miserable
- bending of pictorial space with the use of the architecture
- modern chandeliers and connection to anxiety surrounding the change in lighting in Paris
READING - Clayson
Degas, Place de la Concorde (Count Lepic and his Daughters) 1876
- Depicts his good friend with his daughters
- Hes the focus of a painting without a focus - disconnect among people in the city
- Doesn’t idealize family or children - cant control children
- Center is empty space
- Horse coming into composition emphasizes ephemeral and transient
- Centrifical perspective - moving out of picture plane
- asymmetrical and unstable
- our view is muted and he chooses our perspective
- Connection to Franco Prussian war with the statue and mourning loss
Cassatt, Woman with Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879
- family joined her eventually this is her sister
- mirror behind her reinterperts reflection complex space - like folies bergere
Manet, The Balcony, 1868
- Model in the bottom left = Morisot (becomes his favorite model, and victorine goes) but his brother marries her and he stops using her
- Relation to Spain as inspiration through Goya
- Other woman = violinist
- Man = painter
- Shadow = manets son or brother, unclear
- Mystery and seduction of prostitutes on a balcony
- Sense of space behind the figures
- Clarifies the building as a Hausman building - modern
- using green paint now available shows modernity
- Asymmetrical composition
- Shutters & balcony inforces flatness and shows the canvas its on
- References to real-life & the moment
- dog playing with ball
- a figure moving out to the balcony
- Modernity and spontaneity in the work
Degas, Miss Lala at the Cirque Fernando, 1879
- Performer with strength of her jaw - lifted up by it
- Represents her within the space - many sketches and variations
- Emphasis on architectural elements
- Highlights instability of lala through architecture - ribs
- Race emphasized in some of his studies
- Artistic process
- Creates unusual view point emphasizing formal construction
- oscillates between flatness and depth
- Looking from below is dizzy angle
- Asymmetric is degas modern language nothing harmonious or stable
- Projects his anxieties about his own race and milado mixing
- interested in the psychology of his figures
- lala is powerful
- Body is emphasized
- Calling this a portrait is also an issue
- Objectified
- Degas other portraits
- identity and representation - shes Prussian and in France
- her face
- Not a positive image
Morisot, The Wetnurse, 1880s
- Critic saying unfinished because a woman like eve not finishing the apple
- Compricious
- Invisable form of labor that makes her own labor possible (wet nurse taking care and nursing child)
- The hired woman bursing the baby - typical fo the class anc conventional subject of nursing
- but Undoes it by identifying nurse by bonnet
- Not an academic madonna and child or mom and child scene
- Undoes all formal expectation
- grass
- parasol
- verges on unreadable
- asserts her own work
- Painting the labor and being clear of her own labor of painting
READING - Nochlin
Morisot, On The Balcony, 1872
- Sold for 4.08 million estimated for 1.5 shows undervalue of her work
- Yves - Sister and her daughter at the family home
- Manipulating space - getting rid of the Siene
- invalid - Paris tallest building at the time - gold leaf
- Deliberately compresses space since most noticeable and visible from the balcony
- represents a viewpoint known and familiar to her like her subject matter
- Women in the city - a time when prop women relationship with city was prescribed but being in passy allowed her more freedom
- The painting explores gender and expectation as child looks at the city and mother looks at the child
- Mixing paint on the canvas
Degas, Café-Concert at Les Ambassadeurs, 1876
- Upscale cafe - attached to the hotel with ambassadors so upper-class men and prostitutes
- Prostitutes represented but not full idealized but we understand
- Uses orchestra pit and links the masculine world of it and the female world of performers
- Fiddle form repeats
- Act of performing - movement
- Mirror behind her with the reflection of lights made from fingerprints - artists hand
- Women on stage waiting their turn
- Showing ideal performance - instability of pose
Degas, Cotton Market, New Orleans, 1873
- The family office
- Constructed angle - above and zoomed-in - arranged in a zig zag
- Specific family members - brother, uncle
- Composition finds the focus in the lack of focus
- color & rectangles
- The complexity of composition allows him to create cohesion
Manet, The Railway, 1873
- Last painting of Victorine, placed backyard of the little girl - Manet’s fmaily friend
- ACCEPTED into the salon
- Looks spontaneous but is anything but
- Backyard backed up to the Gare train station
- Contemporary and most modern place in Paris - new
- Victorine modeling as proper parisian - or is she? leaving us questioning
- literate - finger in book
- Look @ viewer isn’t confrontational like previous ones, acknowledges us
- Mother? Nanny? *wetnurse connection?
- Plays with academic traditions and dispells them but depicting little girl from behind
- The inverse of victorine - age, stance, color
- Uses the bars formally - lines repeat flatness of picture place and are imperfectly placed
- undermines conventions
- calls attention to proper bourgeois life disrupted by construction
- not illusionistic brushwork - undoes construction and shows his hand
- Wearing the choker - think about her class
- Little girl formal purpose - long arm, highlights the steam and modernity of image
- Earring & grapes - unposed and still life
- Maquillage - makeup is obvious, questioning again as proper women wouldn’t have this make
Manet, Nana, 1877
- Rejected by Salon
- Prostitute applying makeup while being watched
- Wearing corset = provocative - and can see aspects of toilette
- Sense of luxury - white silk corset, velvet couch
- Can see a discarded garment in one side of the frame and the man cut off in other side
- Creation of her own beauty
- Mirror is not a reflection
- The background is inspired by a friends Kimono - marks of Modernist
- Crane = slane term for prostitute in french - mimics forms of her body formally
- all very vertical - her, the painting the crane
- Connection to Zola and his novel nana puts on makeup
- Nana as a continuation of olympia - how man is now in painting and viewer sees as if she has gotten up to get ready
- Model was young actress
- Man looking at her, she looks at viewer but not confrontational while the crane looks at the man
- Playing with gaze
- Bracelet