Exam I Flashcards
Who was Asklepius?
ancient Greek god of health and well-being
4th Century B.C
Who was Hippocrates?
believed in human moods “humors”
460 B.C.
What were the “humors”?
- blood
- yellow bile
- black bile
- phlegm
What did Plato believe?
psyche = sould, mind and spirit
What did Galen believe?
imbalance of each humor corresponded to a temperament
What correlates with blood?
sanguine = courageous, hopeful
What correlates with black bile?
melancholic = introspective, sentimental
What correlates with yellow bile?
choleric = short tempered, ambitious
What correlates with phlegm?
phlegmatic = calm, unemotional
What is Rhazes known for?
moving away from the spiritual/religious etiology of mental illness
What was the Middle Ages known as?
The Age of Faith
What occurred during the 15th and 16th centuries?
witch hunters
What was the guide for witch hunts?
Malleus Maleficarum
What was the belief during the 17th century?
mad people behaved like animals so they should be treated like animals
What was started in the 18th century?
new asylums to separate people with mental illness
What does each revolution focus on?
1st: Hospitalization
2nd: Moral Management
3rd: society cooperation & interaction
Who was Benjamin Rush?
Father of American Psychiatry
What did Benjamin Rush believe?
madness was an arterial disease, an inflammation on the brain
Who was Thomas Story Kirkbride?
designer of asylums
Who was Walter J. Freeman?
the traveling lobotomy
Who was Gerald Martin Pothoff?
chiropractic grad that thought adjustment is better than medical treatment for psych disorders