Exam I Flashcards
What is the HURIER model?
Serves as a framework for building your listening skills through three things:
- Attitudes
- Principles
- Behaviors
What are the six components of the HURIER model?
Hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding.
How many business errors can be attributed to poor listening?
What is self-listening?
Listening to our self-images, thoughts, and feelings. We must recognize our values, beliefs, prejudices, and needs in order to listen to others with INSIGHT and SENSITIVITY.
Why is self-listening important?
Awareness of your own thinking process is essential in changing your behavior. Self-listening and well-being are directly linked, and self-listeners are healthier and less anxious than non self-listeners.
How do we provide feedback to others?
Thoughtful, planned, and straight-forward approach to feedback.
- Descriptive
- Focuses on behavior
- Specific
- It is timed appropriately
- offered
Why are most people poor listeners?
Takes time. High priority. It is a choice to listen.
How does listening compare to the other language skills?
Listening is learned first and is used the most when compared to talking, reading, and writing, but it is taught the least.
How much of effective communication is the listener responsible for?
What is the systems view of theories?
Listening is a process. The components of the HURIER model are INTERRELATED AND INTERDEPENDENT.
E.g., the government, the solar system, and the weather.
Are people better listeners in f2f or mediated communication settings?
F2f. Recall that the most effective communicators listen effectively as they speak and adapt their behaviors to their perceptions of how the communication even is changing.
What does the relational level state about communication?
F2f interactions. Listening and speaking occur simultaneously. Focuses on the MEANING, not the MESSAGE. Analyzes culture, rules, and expectations in a way that creates meaning. Focuses on what goes on between people rather than the process of sending and receiving messages.
Name the parts of the traditional communication model.
The sender creates and delivers a message. The listeners processed the information and, depending upon their interpretations, provided feedback. Senders subsequently used this feedback to adjust their message. Noise was anything that interfered with the communication.
Are you speaking while you are listening when looking through the relational lens?
Yes. You listen to the body gestures, facial expressions, and the like when you are talking to someone. You can tell by these cues if they are interested in what you are saying or not.
the person wo originates and transmits a message.
the activity of choosing words and other symbols to express the ideas that the sender wants to convey.
the verbal or nonverbal symbols that convey the sender’s intentions and that are transmitted to the receiver.
the individual(s) who receive the speaker’s message.
the receiver interprets or assigns meaning to the words and symbols in the sender’s message.
the response a receiver makes to the sender’s message. It can be verbal or nonverbal, direct of indirect, intentional or unintentional.
factors that interfere with the accurate exchange of messages. Distracting mannerisms from the speaker, inappropriate language in the message, literal noise in the conference room, or listener fatigue.
What sort of factors influence our listening and how?
• Innateness: are people born to be good listeners: Personality is genetically determined to some degree.
• Intelligence: can help people listen more effectively. Smarter people might be able to understand more than others.
• Stress: can make it hard to understand things.
• Attitude: good attitude about something makes you more open to listen effectively.
• Gender: is one gender a better listener than the other? Depends on the type of listening that you are doing. Women understand non-verbal communication and behavior. Women tend to perform better on tasks that involve verbal ability.
• Culture: Worldview shapes our experiences.
• Organizational patterns: when a speaker has shown that they lack organizational patterns, they won’t be listened to.
Channel of Communication: do we listen better face-to-face or through electronics?
Different listening contexts.
Intrapersonal (communication with the self), interpersonal (between 2 or 3 people), small group (4 to 8 individuals f2f), public (one way and more formal than the above 2), and mediated (through technology).
What are some challenges with listening research?
lack of theoretical framework (HURIER model tires to address this), covert nature of listening process, and lack of information sharing across disciplinary boundaries.
Definition of listening by the ILA.
Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spike and/or nonverbal messages.
What will win your attention? Auditory or visual?
Visual always wins your attention, as it is the stronger sense.
What is APD?
inability to discriminate between sounds, and therefore, comprehend what they are hearing. Children with APD usually have trouble spelling, speaking, and comprehending thing that are presented verbally in the classroom.
How many people are diagnosed with APD? Is it more common in girls or boys?
It is far more common in boys.
What is the average person’s attention span according to your text?
7 seconds.
What are some common signs of listening apprehension?
Anxiety, depression, fatigue, frustration, tension. Elevated blood pressure and hear rate, tight muscles, back and head pain, sweating.
What is appreciative listening?
Paying attention to music, to the sounds of nature, and to other relaxing and enjoyable aural stimuli, you are likely to derive more pleasure from your day-to-day activities.
What is the effect of appreciative listening?
This type of mental stimulation, and the subsequent emotional satisfaction you are more likely to derive, increases your creativity and potential to make meaningful contributions in your daily activities.
What is dichotic listening?
when you receive two messages simultaneously: one in one ear and one in the other. A skilled dichotic listener is aware of what is going on around him and is therefore less likely to miss an important secondary stimulus.
Primary Hearing
You are choosing to focus on the sounds; voluntary.
Secondary Hearing
You are focusing on one task, but you are also listening to something else going on. Your autonomic nervous system is controlling this; involuntary.
Tertiary Hearing
You have little or no control over what you hear. Central nervous system has no control. Fire alarm, gunfire; you can avoid hearing these sounds and immediately respond to them.
your awareness of how your behavior effects other people within the context of the interaction.
Characteristics of Sound
What is auditory discrimination?
Distinguishing between sounds and identifying what you have heard. This is based mostly on your past experiences and familiarity with the specific sounds.
What is the speech-thought differential?
Thought-speech differential: that there is a difference in how quickly we speak versus how much we can understand. Our brain has a shit ton of down time.
How do we combat the speech-thought differential and stay focused?
Repeat what the listener says to yourself. Ask yourself questions about the ideas presented.
Relate the information to your own life. Repeat key ideas. Stay mentally involved and physically alert.
What are some of the ways that we can cope with listener’s anxiety?
Muscle relaxation, imagery and fantasy, mental rehearsal, deep breathing.
What are some of the ways that we can cope with listener’s anxiety?
Muscle relaxation, imagery and fantasy, mental rehearsal, deep breathing.
What are unborn babies favorite musicians?
Vivaldi and Mozart.
Whose voice do newborns recognize after birth?