EXAM - formula (ingredients) Flashcards
(not on list but on Anna’s list of “commonly prescribed herbal formula’s”)
x YIN QIAO san __2. 2. 5. 1. [rel. ext /w spicy cool]
(Honeysuckle & Forsythia Powder)
initial stage FEBRILE DISEASE
rel. ext (w spicy cool) / cl. heat (rem tox)
jenna loves*
bunnies not*
jungle gym’s, deanne’s zoo loves jelly fish* + gan cao
Jin Yin Hua—–rel. ext / cl heat (rem. tox)
Lian Qiao
Bo He————disp. wind / cl head + eyes / sooth thr.
Niu Bang Zi
Jing Jie----------disp. wind Dan Dou Chi Zhu Ye-----------cl heat (UJ) Lu Gen----------cl heat (gen bod fluids) Jie Geng--------unbind LU qi (stop cough)
Gan Cao——–harmon. herbs
#**XIAO YAO san \_\_ 1. 2. 3. 2. [harmon. - LR+SP] (Rambling Powder // Free & Easy Powder)
LR qi STAG / w bld def
disp. Stag LR Qi / Str. SP (nour BLD)
cat* dog, bird* bee, fish, zebra* whale, bunny
chai hu———–rel. LR stag
dang gui———nour BLD (soft LR)
bai shao
bai zhu———–str. SP’s TT funct
fu ling
zhi gan cao
wei jiang (charred ginger)-----harmon ST (redirect ST qi) bo he--------------rel. LR stag / disp. Heat [due. Stag]
*YU PING FENG san __1. 1. 1. [astringent]
(Jade windscreen powder)
SPONT. SWEAT (due Wei qi def)
repl. Qi / consol. ext / stop sweat
huang qi———–replenish Qi + consol. Ext
bai zhu ————str. SP qi
fang feng ———disp. Wind + guide to Ext
**BA ZHEN /tang__4. 4. 2 [ton categ. - qi + bld]
(Eight – Treasure Decoction)
(si jun zi tang) + (si wu tang) = ba zhen tang
Qi & Bld def (together)
Ton Qi + Str. SP
ren shen————ton Qi + Str. Spleen
bai zhu
fu ling
dang gui————-repl. bld
bai shao
shu di huang
chuang xiong——reg Qi w Bld
sheng jiang———harmon. ST
da zao
**LIU WEI DI HUANG /wan__1. 2. 3. [ton categ.- yin]
(Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia OR Rehmannia Six Pill)
LR and KI yin def
nour. LR and KI
shu di huang——-nour. KI yin + marrow
shan zhu yu——–nour KI + LR yin
shao yao————nour KI + SP yin
ze xie—————-drain KI fire
mu dan pi———-drain LR fire
**Xiao Chai Hu /tang_1. 1. 3. 2. [harmon.- shao yang]
(Decoction of Bupleurum for Regulating Shaoyang)
SHAO YANG syndrome
harmon. & rel. shao yang disorders
chai hu———-vent shao yang / spread LR qi (asc. + /cool)
huang qin—–vent shao yang / rel. PF
ban xia———harmon MJ / redirect ST qi
sheng jiang
ren shen——-supp. Zhong Qi / prevent PF > int.
da zao ———harmon. herbs
**Bu Zhong Yi Qi /tang__1. 3. 2. 2. [ton Qi]
(Tonifying the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction)
SUNKEN Middle Qi (due severe SP qi def) & SP + ST qi def
bearing down
prolase (anus, rectum, bladder, uterus)
ton MJ / raise Yang qi
huang qi ——-ton qi / raise qi
ren shen——–ton qi / str. SP
bai zhu
zhi gan cao
chen pi———-reg Qi / ton Bld
dang gui
sheng ma——raise Clear Yang qi
chai hu
**Gui Pi /tang _6. 3. 2. 1. [repl. bld]
(Restore the Spleen Decoction)
INSOMNIA (w) due Bld def
- pale (face, nail)
diet/worry»_space;> sp TT imp. > bld def > HT bld def
insome (c) age 50+»> KI yin def > HT yin def (KI yin def > def heat = disturb HT mind)
ren shen---------Str. SP + ton Qi huang qi bai zhu ZGC sheng jiang da zao
dang gui——–repl. bld
fu shen———–nour HT + calm mind
suan zao ren
long yan rou—-comm. HT and KI / calm mind
yuan zhi
mu xiang———reg Qi + Str. SP (to prev. indigest, due ton. herbs)
**Shen Ling Bai Zhu /san__1. 4. 1. 1. [ton - Qi]
(Ginseng, Poria & Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder)
SP Qi def + DH (w diarrhea)
ton Qi / str. SP / elim Damp + stop diarr.
(si jun zi tang)—–ton SP + ST qi
bai bian dou——-Str. SP / elim Damp + stop diarr.
yi yi ren
shan yao
lian zi
sha ren————–invig. SP (by aroma.)
jie geng————open LU qi (so as to reg water passage)
**xue fu zhu yu /tang __[reg bld- IBC + elim stasis]
(Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction)
ind// bld stasis (in thorax)
2 formulae that make up (xue fu zhu yu tang)?
(tao hong si wu /tang) + (si ni san) = xie fu zhu yu /tang
**du huo ji sheng /tang
(Angelica Pubescens and Sangjisheng Decoction)
Chronic bi - syndromes
(due LR + KI def) and (insuf. Qi and bld
**xiao feng /san __[extin. Wind - exogenous)
(Eliminate Wind Powder)
chief? *4
jing jie
fang feng
nui ban zi
chan tui
Urticaria or eczema
due to - wind-dampness or - wind- heat (attack to the blood) and (stagnating in the skin and muscles)
which is characterised by
- reddish itching rashes or patches
- which exudes
TX - white or yellow coat
PX - superficial / rapid
#*si wu /tang (Four Substance Decoction)
- bld def +/or Bld Stasis
repl. bld + reg. menses
Irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, uterine bleeding, abdominal mass, restless foetus, bleeding from vagina during pregnancy, or lochioschesis with a firm and painful abdomen, and sporadic fever and chills
- need to add
- qi ton (bec. qi prod. bld)
- yin ton (bec. bld part of yin)
shu di huang——-repl. bld
dang gui ————repl. bld / IBC
bai shao ————repl. yin / rep bld
chuang xiong—–reg. qi (w in bld)
#*shen qi /wan_*no ranks [ton - Yang] (Kidney Qi Pill)
KI yang def
warm + ton KI yang
Soreness of the loin, weakness of the knees, cold feeling (lower bod.) tightness (lower ab) dysuria or polyuria, - pale and flabby tongue, - deep and weak pulse
(liu wei di huang /wan) —-nour. KI yin
fu zi —————-warm + ton KI yang
gui zhi
#*sheng mai /san\_\_1. 1. 1. [ton - Qi] (Generate the Pulse Powder)
a) Qi + Yin def (w exhust. body fluids)
* (also summer heat w exhust bod fluid)
Lethargy, shortness of breath, thirst, deficient or weak pulse
b) cronic cough (both qi + yin def)
Dry cough, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth, thin coating with scanty saliva, weak and rapid or weak and thready pulse.
ren shen———–ton LU qi + essential qi
mai men dong—repl. yin + gen body fluid
wu wei zi———–astringe LU qi + stop sweat
#*Bai hu /tang\_\_1. 1. 2. [cl. Heat] (White Tiger Decoction)
Heat (entering Qi level) *** 4 BIGS
- thirst
- pulse
- sweat
- fever
cl. Heat + gen fluid
shi gao——–cl. Heat / drain fire / stop thirst
zhi mu———assist cl. H (LU+ST)/allev. irrit/moist dry + yin
ZGC————ton SP/ protect fluid/ prev. (c) herbs inj. MJ
jing mi
#*Li zhong /wan\_\_1. 1. 1. 1. [int. warm] (Regulate the Middle Pill)
cold extremities (due SP yang def)
Px - slow, weak
vs not “taut” like Si ni san Px
def COLD (MJ)
ble (due SP yang def)
infantile convusions
warm MJ + disp. COLD / str. SP qi
gan jiang——-warm SP+ST yang / disp. Cold
ren shen——-str. SP qi
bai zhu———str. SP qi + dry damp
ZGC————-str. SP qi + harmon. (MJ)