exam flash cards
Modal model of memory
info –> sensory memory –> attention —output OR LTM
The process of encoding, retaining, retrieving, using and storing information.
Sensory memory
Briefest stage of memory, regarding everything that comes in through the senses.
What is the capacity of STM? The duration?
Large capacity, small duration; there is a rapid decay.
Iconic vs echoic memory
Iconic=visual stimuli. Echoic=auditory stimuli.
Brown Peterson task
Participants are given a trigram to remember and then a random number to count backwards from. This found that almost all participants forgot the trigram after 20 seconds of counting.
Why is info lost from short term memory?
Decay or interference
Information “falls apart” and is forgotten
Other info bumps info out
2 types of interference
Retroactive (new info interferes with old) and proactive (old info interferes with new)
Working memory
A limited capacity system for the temporary storage and manipulation of info for complex tasks
Capacity of working memory
4 +/- 1
Capacity of short term memory
7 +/- 1
Baddeley’s working model of memory
Phonological loop and visual spacial sketchpad, all controlled by the central executive
Phonological loop
Visual and auditory information
Visual spacial sketchpad
Visual and spacial information
Central executive
How you interact with your thoughts. Controls attention given, gathers info from LTM and coordinated the PL and VSS
Evidence for the PL
Trying to recall auditory info while talking
Evidence for the VSS
Image subtraction
Episodic memory
Semantic memory
Memory of information
Implicit memory
Memory we are unaware of
Tulving study
Participants were given a list of words and asked to repeat them. They were then given fragmented words, some from the original list, some not. They found that participants could fill in a word they had seen before, but not new ones, even if they had forgotten the word originally.
New semantic memories depend on…
New episodic memories depend on…
Underlying corticies
Clive Wearing
No LTM, some STM
No LTM, some STM
LTM untouched, no STM
Serial position curve
Maintenance rehearsal
Form of shallow processing, repeating over and over
Elaborative rehearsal
Form of deep processing, connecting meaning to information
Massed practice
Distributed practice
Shorter, but more sessions
Levels of processing theory
The type of rehearsal we do affects how/if information is committed to memory
Self reference affect
You are able to recall info better when you relate it to yourself during encoding
Survival state affect
When you are in survival mode, you will remember info better, due to evolution