Which 2 anti-epileptics are safest in pregnancy?
Lamotrigine and levetiracetam are safer than other antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy because they are not linked with an increased risk of birth abnormalities compared with the general population, according to the recent MHRA review.
Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Monitoring
Monitor for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine retinopathy:
- Annual monitoring is recommended in all patients who have taken hydroxychloroquine for longer than 5 years.
- All patients should have an ophthalmological examination before initiating treatment and repeated at least every 12 months.
Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine: increased risk of cardiovascular events when used with macrolide antibiotics; a reminder of psychiatric reactions (February 2022)
- Co-administration of azithromycin with hydroxychloroquine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events (including angina or chest pain and heart failure) and mortality.
1st Line - wet combing or dimeticone 4% solution (HEDRIN) 1st line for:
- pregnant or breastfeeding women
- young children aged 6 months to 2 years
- people with asthma or eczema.
Hedrin® (dimeticone) 4% solution is licensed from 6 months of age.
Vamousse® is recommended from 2 years of age.
Lyclear® (Permethrin) and Derbac M® (Malathion) are licensed from 6 months. Resistance has developed to permethrin, in addition to this the administration of Lyclear® cream rinse means there is insufficient contact time, so it would be ineffective.
Therefore, Derbac M® is the only insecticide recommended in the UK now but resistance has developed.
Topiramate is not associated with bone marrow suppression and does not have the warning about blood, liver or skin disorders.
MHRA/CHM advice: Antiepileptics: risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour (August 2008)
- The MHRA has recommended that patients and their carers should be advised to seek medical advice if any mood changes, distressing thoughts, or feelings about suicide or self-harming develop, and that the patient should be referred for appropriate treatment if necessary.
Patients should also be advised not to stop or switch antiepileptic treatment and to seek advice from a healthcare professional if concerned.
Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are contraindicated in patients who have migraine with aura.
Progesterone only contraceptives are more appropriate e.g. desogesterel
Allopurinol and febuxostat are used for the treatment of chronic gout and should not be initiated during an acute attack.
Allopurinol (Xanthine oxidase inhibitor) - Initially 100 mg daily, for maintenance adjust the dose to be taken preferably after food.
Common SE: Rash (discontinue therapy)
Interaction with azathioprine/mercaptopurine + allopurinol (dose adjustment required)
NSAIDs e.g Naproxen + PPI
(Aspirin is not indicated in gout)
- Active gastrointestinal bleeding/ulceration
- Severe heart failure
DOSE: 500 micrograms 2–4 times a day until symptoms relieved, maximum 6 mg per course, do not repeat the course within 3 days.
Choice of first-line agent depends on patient preference, renal function and co-morbidities.
Do not stop allopurinol or febuxostat during an acute attack of gout if the person is already established on these drugs.
Theophylline monitoring requirements (BNF)
Plasma-theophylline concentration is measured 5 days after starting oral treatment and at least 3 days after any dose adjustment. A blood sample should usually be taken 4-6 hours after an oral dose of a modified release preparation.
Constipation in children under 12yrs
Children under the age of 12 should be referred to their GP.
Children under 12 should be treated first-line with macrogol in combination with a balanced diet, fluids and behavioural interventions.
Stimulant laxatives are second line treatments. The laxatives listed are not available to purchase over the counter for this age group.
Pharmacists can either keep all documents that show all the required information or make a record in their private prescription book, records must be kept for at least 5 years. This record must include the batch number. The label should include the owners name and address and the prescription should include the telephone number of the prescriber. The declaration ‘prescribed for the treatment of an animal or herd under my care’ is only required for schedule 2 and 3 CDs. Diazepam is a schedule 4 CD
Prescriptions are limited to max 30 days’ supply
Prescription validity - only 7 days
SSRIs are better tolerated and are safer in overdose than other classes of antidepressants
Considered first-line for treating depression.
In patients with unstable angina or who have had a recent myocardial infarction, sertraline has been shown to be safe.
PHARMACISTS are asked to take the following IMPORTANT ACTIONS:
- PROVIDE a Valproate Patient Card every time you dispense a valproate medicine to ALL female patients. Please also note that the outer boxes of valproate are being changed in order to include a removable patient card, to be detached and given to the female patient at the time of dispensation.
- When dispensing any valproate preparation to female children, adolescents, women of childbearing potential, or pregnant women CHECK that their prescriber has discussed the risks of exposure in pregnancy with them and they are aware of these and subsequently they are taking EFFECTIVE CONTRACEPTION unless already pregnant. If the prescriber HAS NOT DISCUSSED the risks with the patient or the patient is not taking effective contraception, tell them to CONTACT their GP or specialist for an urgent follow-up appointment.
- Advise the patients NOT TO STOP valproate medication and to immediately contact their GP or specialist in case of suspected pregnancy.
- Ask if they have received the Valproate Patient Guide and provide a copy if they have not received this or no longer have it in their possession.
- Dispense valproate in the ORIGINAL PACKAGE with the outer warning and avoid repacking. In the situations where this cannot be avoided, always provide a copy of the package leaflet, and patient card, and add a warning sticker to the outer box
Montelukast (Singulair®): reminder of the risk of neuropsychiatric reactions (September 2019)
Healthcare professionals are advised to be alert for neuropsychiatric reactions, including speech impairment and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, in adults, adolescents, and children taking montelukast.
Montelukast is usually given in the evening and the 5 mg tablets are chewable.
SE - Nightmares
Naproxen + Indapamide
Naproxen increases the risk of acute renal failure when given with indapamide.
Both indapamide and naproxen can increase the risk of hyponatreamia
Carbimazole -
TFT monitoring is recommended every 4-6 weeks after initiation, this is reduced to approximately every 3 months once a maintenance dose is achieved.
Neutropenia and agranulocytosis:
- Manufacturer advises of the importance of recognising bone marrow suppression induced by carbimazole and the need to stop treatment promptly.
- Patient should be asked to report symptoms and signs suggestive of infection, especially sore throat. A white blood cell count should be performed if there is any clinical evidence of infection.
- Carbimazole should be stopped promptly if there is clinical or laboratory evidence of neutropenia.
MHRA/CHM advice: Carbimazole: increased risk of congenital malformations; strengthened advice on contraception (February 2019)
Carbimazole is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations when used during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and at high doses (daily dose of 15 mg or more).
Women of childbearing potential should use effective contraception during treatment with carbimazole. It should only be considered in pregnancy after a thorough benefit-risk assessment, and at the lowest effective dose without additional administration of thyroid hormones—close maternal, fetal, and neonatal monitoring is recommended.
MHRA/CHM advice: Carbimazole: risk of acute pancreatitis (February 2019)
Cases of acute pancreatitis have been reported during treatment with carbimazole. It should be stopped immediately and permanently if acute pancreatitis occurs.
Carbimazole should not be used in patients with a history of acute pancreatitis associated with previous treatment—re-exposure may result in life-threatening acute pancreatitis with a decreased time to onset.
A symptom of Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) is bleeding gums.
BMI above 30 is classified as obese
Patients should always keep 2 adrenaline auto injectors
Codeine is not licensed in ultra-rapid metabolisers (0.7% of general population), but up to 30% of children of middle eastern/African descent. Poor metabolisers of codeine get little or no pain relief, and ultra-rapid metabolisers can experience toxic effects at lower doses.
Rotavirus is given orally
It takes 1 hour to excrete 1 unit of alcohol.
Occupational therapists can help limit physical disabilities on patients lives
Speech and language therapists treat swallowing difficulties.
Isotretinoin: avoid blood donation during and for 1 month after treatment.
Green book is best place to look for vaccine information
Influenza is vaccinated in pregnancy
Chlorphenamine is licensed for 1 years and above only.
Ferrous sulphate can cause diarrhoea and constipation.
Breakthrough pain dose is 1/10 to 1/6 of actual dose
Drug Interactions
NSAIDs and Citalopram – increased risk of bleeding and hyponatraemia
Isotretinoin is related to vitamin A, therefore do not give Vitamin A supplements.
Methotrexate + NSAIDs (concomitant use reduces elimination of Methotrexate) but they can be given together. Increase frequency of blood monitoring and monitor patient for signs and symptoms of methotrexate toxicity
Do not give Vitamin A (retinol) in pregnancy as it is teratogenic.
Trimethoprim given with Methotrexate increases risk of toxicity – avoid concomitant use
Citalopram and Escitalopram can prolong the QT interval
Erythromycin and Tadalafil interact with Sildenafil (acronym: SET)
Disulfiram reaction: can cause full body rash if you drink alcohol.
Erythromycin can prolong the QT interval
Do not give NSAIDs e.g. Ibuprofen in chickenpox due to increased risk of soft tissue reactions.
Marmite contains serotonin, which can cause serotonin syndrome if high amounts are consumed. Serotonin syndrome can cause dilation of pupils and diarrhoea.
In Parkinson’s, if symptoms reduce quality of life then 1st line treatment is Levodopa. If symptoms do not reduce quality of life then give either Levodopa, Dopamine agonist or MAO-B.
MAO-B interact with SSRIs to increase risk of serotonin syndrome.
odium Valproate is 1st line for tonic-clonic and myoclonic seizures. Lamotrigine is 2nd line. If patient is pregnant, give Carbamazepine or Oxcarbazepine as valproate and lamotrigine are contraindicated.
Varenicline can only be given as part of a behavioural support programme.
Clozapine can impair intestinal peristalsis- refer to GP if patient has constipation
Prochlorperazine can exacerbate parkinsonian symptoms (D2 Antagonist).
Madopar capsules cannot be opened – unlicensed.
Signs of lithium toxicity: nausea, vomiting, convulsions, confusion, tremors
Take co-Beneldopa after meals.
Haloperidol injections are given instead of tablets to improve compliance.
Tramadol + SSRI can cause serotonin syndrome
Co-danthramer can colour the urine red.
Buccastem M is only licensed to treat nausea and vomiting in diagnosed Migraines.
Phenytoin can cause blood disorders: report unexplained bleeding/bruising.
Midazolam can be given via subcutaneous infusion to treat seizures.
Dexamethasone is the drug of choice for nausea in radiotherapy
Diamorphine is preferred for use in palliative care patients because its good solubility allows doses to be given in smaller volumes
Buprenorphine patches last for 7 days.
Symptoms of subarachnoid haemorrhage include sudden severe headache with stiff neck and feeling sick. Nimodipine is given to treat subarachnoid haemorrhage
Bendroflumethiazide may raise uric acid levels and predispose to gout
Rivaroxaban should be taken with food otherwise 30% of the dose is unavailable
Caffeine may affect blood pressure readings if taken within 30 minutes of a check. Re-test.
Constipation is a common side effect of verapamil.
GTN tablets: should be discarded 8 weeks after use. Take doses 8 hours apart e.g. 8am and 4pm.
Naproxen carries the lowest risk of Cardiovascular side effects.
Pink and frothy sputum indicates heart failure
Nicorandil has a nitrate group attached – which can cause flushing, headache etc.
Community acquired pneumonia
Low severity: Amoxicillin OR Clarithromycin (penicillin allergy) for 7 days
Moderate severity: Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin OR Doxycycline alone (penicillin allergy)
High severity: Benzylpenicillin + Clarithromycin OR Benzylpenicillin + Doxycycline
Life threatening: Co-Amoxiclav + Clarithromycin
Flucloxacillin for 6 weeks and consider adding Fusidic Acid or Rifampicin. If penicillin allergy give Clindamycin.
Animal bites
Co-amoxiclav OR Metronidazole + Doxycycline (Penicillin allergy)
Tazobactam + Piperacillin (Tazocin brand)
Benzylpenicillin OR Ceftriaxone/Cefotaxime (Penicillin allergy)