Exam content Flashcards
Chain of Infection
- aetiological agent (micro-organism)
- reservoir (source)
- portal of exit from reservoir
- method of transmission
- portal of entry to the susceptible host
- susceptible host
Aetiological Agent - link 1
- bacteria - pneumonia, TB
- viruses - influenza, chicken pox
- fungi - thrush, athletes foot
- protozoa - malaria
- parasites - lice, scabies
Breaking the first link
kill the pathogen
* antibiotics
* antivirals
* disinfectants heat
**remove the pathogen **
* biohazard
* burning
* burial
herd immunity
the reservoir - 2nd link
- where pathogens hang out
- can be a location, an environment, population of animals
- a human or group of human
Breaking the 2nd link
- Eliminate - the reservoir e.g. food, animals, people
- isolate- the reservoir from at risk population
- treat - the reservoir - vaccine, filtration of water
Portal of exit from reservoir - link 3
how pathogen gets out of reservoir
* coughing, sneezing, bleeding, breathing, defacting, urinating etc.
* the bite of vector species
* human error e.g. spills
* mechanical failure e.g. faulty filtration; wet masks
Breaking the 3rd link
- block - the pathogen as it leaves the reservoir e.g. cough etiquette, care with body fluids
- remove access - prevent humans from accessing contents of reservoir
- eliminate outlet - from reservoir - e.g. spill prevention
Method of transmission - 4th link
how the pathogen gets to its next victim
direct transmission:
* direct contact e.g. skin to skin, soil
* droplet e.g. sneezing, coughing, talking
* vertical transmission e.g. mother to baby
Indirect Transmission:
* Air-borne
* vehicle-borne e.g. pen, stethoscope
* vector-borne e.g. mosquito, tick, flea
Breaking 4th link
- standards precautions
- transmisison precautions
- stay at home if sick
Portal of entry to susceptible host - link 5
Breaking the 5th link
the way the pathogen gets into the body
* care for your skin
* beware of sharps
* use appropriate ppe
* dont touch eyes, nose, mouth
Susceptible Host - link 6
the pathogen must reach someone that is susceptible to it in order to produce disease
* impaired immune system
* age, very young, very old
* immunosuppressed due to treatment or chronis illnesses
breaking 6th link
- employing appropriate precautions to protect those with low immunity
- vaccination - herd immunity
- use appropriate ppe
HAI - healthcare associated infections
- infections associated with the delivery of healthcare services in a health care facility
- develop during an individuals stay in a facility or after discharge
- pain, suffering
- prolonged stay
- cost to health budget
5 moments of hand hygiene
- before touching patient
- before a procedure
- after a procedure or body fluid exposure
- after touching a patient
- after touching a patient’s surroundings
Clinical reasoning cycle
- consider the patient situation
- collect cues/info
- process info
- identify problems/issues
- establish goals
- take action
- evaluate outcomes
- reflect on process & new learning
Purpose of nursing assessment
- find out about clients needs, heath problem, responses to those
- identify pateint strengths
- identify health risks such as, falling, pressure injury
- inform an individualised plan of care
- compare previous data
A-G assessment
A - airway&oxygenation
B - breathing&ventilation
C - circulation & shock management
D - disability - neurological deterioration
E - exposure&examination
F - fluids&medication infusions
G - glucose
Patient care - SOLER
S - sit squarly
O - open posture
L - lean forward
E - eye contact
R - relaxed posture
Signs of malnutrition
- protein - dull, sparse hair
- iron - spoon nails, pallor
- B2 - inflammation of corners of mouth
- B6 - inflammation of tongue
- Vitamin C - spongy bleeding gums
- vitamin D child - ricketts
Phases of Swallowing
- preparation
- swallowing
- pharyngeal
- oesophageal