EXAM Flashcards
When talking about variances see this useful article
For top marks need to not only explain possible reasons for variances but also Link them
V good
If analysing variances watch for
whether you are looking at the calculated variances or a reconciliation statement !!! . Remember the brackets (or minus plus symbols) get reversed in the RS so don’t muddle whether the variances are adverse/favourable in the analysis as I did in one exercise!!!
Variances - check whether things like bonus payments are direct lab and therefore can be a contaxt reason for variances.. or a red herring
How to word an explaination of the variances
Start with:
For Price/Rate:
The variance shows the SAVING or OVERSPEND that resulted from paying a lower or higher price/hourly rate THAN STANDARD for the direct material/hours used/worked IN THE PERIOD.
For Usage/Efficiency:
The variance shows the SAVING or OVERSPEND AT STANDARD prices/rates which resulted from using/working less or more material/hours THAN STANDARD to manufacture the production for the period.
Variances - if its a measurement error does this mean it’s not to be used as a reason for variance - ie. in exam assume that only variances that could result in cost savings / control should be used as ‘reasons’? Ie assuming measurement error would have been detected and factored out before variances were reported??
Watch out for AAT favourite tricks like Gross Profit… remember this isn’t affected by change in sales volume .. only by change in selling price or costs.
If talking about standards, basic, ideal etc and variances..
remember to go to sub-variance level… eg. “Basic standard … out of date … Price vars will be Adverse but Efficiency vars will be Favourable (because of modernisation, mechinisation.)”
whereas Ideal standards will always be Adverse (but still mention both price & usage)
Fixed OH
When creating the budget and flexing it you don’t flex FOH…. but when creating the operating statement (showing the Budgeted/standard cost for actual production and reconciling to Actual cost of actual) you do…
I don’t really get this as it feels like you are flexing for volume twice since the FO vol var appears in the reconcile…. see p51 BPP QB. Actually no..
If you are reconciling original budget to actual spend … this is just the left hand side of the FO ‘square’ that I use… so you would need to only include the expenditure variance to reconcile…
So it looks like for a Marginal operating statement you leave FO in at original budget price (shown seperately in BPPQB) whereas Absorbtion you flex the FOH at the top of the OS (Hidden) and then work from there … including the adjustment for FO VV which is effectively reversing out the adjustment… bit weird
see task 3 of the 2 AAT practices and jsut have to look very carefully at this task in live exam to see whats required..compare to BPP pages 49-52 or so..
Make sure fine with splitting a variance into controllable/ noncontrollable.
eg. Material price standard £8 p/kg. but there is a ww market (uncontrollable) shortage and the price rises to £8.50.
Think carefully eg. Could redo the calculation with £8.50 as the ‘new’ standard… then recalc the MPV and any remaining var would be ‘controllable’.
Question (BPP6.3) is confusing IMO though …it says ‘The price of materials has been unexpectedly increased to £8.50 at beginning of month… to me this implied we had to pay £8.50 … but we actually paid £8.81 from the ‘actual’ figures given… just have to interpret the question by thinking what skill they likely want to test!
variances and seasonal variation in price/kg.
I think if the seasonal variation is a minus number then the ‘uncontrollabe’ variance must be favourable. (The ctual quantity used multiplied by the discount)
might be able to check/confirm by redo the calc with the adjusted base price to get the variation that is ‘controllable’
Yes don’t worry too much about adverse/ fav at first …
1. Work out total MPV (will be certain whether A or F).
- Work out diff between standard p/kg and ‘seasonal or indexed’ p/kg and multiply by actual quantity used..
- Work out diff between ‘seasonal or indexed’ p/kg and actual price/kg multiplied by actual quantity used.
- It should then be poss to compare the 3 figs and confirm whether 2 & 3 are F or A since the net must equal 1.
be careful when reading variance questions … don’t just read ‘total’ and think its the total cost variance MCV.. the ‘total’ might refer to the MPV if the question is about identifying how much is due to a non-controllable seasonal price element for example
ROCE is a bit confusing but what 2 things to remember about what to include/exclude?
Capital employed is the money available to management so it includes long term loans and also ‘debentures’ which are just another form of loan. (Remember memory aid DEBenTures)
You can calc in 2 ways should get same fig.
- use Total assets less current liabilities. (TALCL) …. not that you are only deducting CL not loans.
- Or you can use Shareholders Equity (including any reserves, retained profit) PLUS Long term loans.
This is because the equity figure has had loans deducted so you need to add them back in.
The other thing to remember is that the profit figure should be before any interest expense.
I think best way to remember this is as per Kaplan P373 that it should be the return available to the providers of the equity… they actually get that interest as well so don’t exclude it from the profit figure..
ROCE - what to remember about ‘return’ figure
The other thing to remember is that the profit figure should be before any interest expense.
I think best way to remember this is as per Kaplan P373 that it should be the return available to the providers of the equity… they actually get that interest as well so don’t exclude it from the ‘return’ figure..
Dont try & shortcut calculations… do on paper if needed.
I was given sales 380K and GPM 48% and asked for GP.
I should have done 380K * 0.48
I did 380K / 0.48 in error.
When I wrote the equation down and multiplied by denominator both sides it was correct … don’t try and do in head in exam … or at least check the answer as doing this exposed the error.
watch out for being given a P&L which has sales sales & sales returns on it (and net revenue)
I got an asset turnover question wrong by using Revenue for Net asset turnover and OPM.
Getting OP wrong is BAD !!! Do not repeat this error !!!
Customer service measures
Don’t forget Time between order & delivery
(Orders received - Net sales) * 365
Net sales
Customer service measures
Dont forget just ‘Money spent on R&D’ or ‘Money spent on Training’ can be a valid CS performance measure.
‘Historic cost accounting’
If comparing 2 divisions Net Assets (BPPQB 7.9) and talking of limitations of RONA this could be a factor..
If one division is new and paid higher price for ‘plant’ and has less accumulated dep’n this will affect RONA
Remember the top 3 financial ratios & their relationship.
Worth checking that ROCE = AT * OPM
Assume works for RONA (as long as using NAT not AT)
I assume this also works for
Things to think about when analysing 2 options
(BPPQB 7.12)
I when asking about ‘other considerations’ after analysing profit they were looking for ‘people & planet’ considerations but it wasn’t …
.. it was more about risk..and recognising that
- Gearing - one option was buying very expensive machinery which would require borrowing making the company more risky
- Cost behaviour - the other option with cheap machinery but more labour was not more profitable
BUT because of the zero-hour contracts the labour was a variable cost so if harvest was bad this cost could disappear whereas the depreciation was a fixed cost which would happen regardless and would depress profit.
Conclusion was short … since profit was more or less equal you would recommend the one with lower risk/gearing.
Analysing performance across several months (BPP 7.13)
Overall division performed worst / best in …?
Profit margin/ROCE fell / rose by (% change)
The higher profit is outweighed by the large increase in assets (ie. be thinking about the calculation and talk about the 2 elements profit/assets)
Remember with Operating statements difference between Absorption OS & Marginal OS
With Absorption you are flexing the FOH so you need the FO Volume variation in the reconciliation.
With Marginal you don’t flex the FOH - it is treated as a separate item so there is no Volume Variance.
NB. The FO Expenditure Variance is the same either way … diff between Budgeted spend and Actual spend
When you see a closing inventory that is negative (in brackets) what to remember when working out ratios?
.. if its on an income statement its just because you deduct it when calculating COS. .. when calculating a ratio for example inventory turnover you don’t use the negative !!!