Exam Flashcards
Question 1 - Oriental Stereotyping
Define Oriental Stereotyping
- The study of “Oriental” societies by Europeans
- East vs West.
West is Enlightened, Rational
East is savage, stagnant, irrational.
The idea of Other, defining people/them by opposite
Creation of an “oriental other”
Feature of Oriental Stereotyping:
- traditional, stagnant, trapped by religion
Stereotyping in Popular culture
- Anna and the King of Siam
- Portrays Siam from a western perspective
Reinforces notion that colonialism is good for the colonized
- banned in thailand
Explain why white residents
- Most african americans homes were closer to the coast
- houses were below sea level
- depended in the levee for protection
- white residents had more options of leaving and coming back to the ocean.
- afford transportation due to wealth
- Afro-Americans community could not return
- services went towards establishments in wealthier areas
- no readily available services and insurance could not make up the cost to rebuild and come back
Question 3 - Plantations
- degeneration of soil, deprivation of wildlife of habitat, changes ecosystems
- take up space for same crops, no diversity needed
- not a sufficient environment for bio diversity
- destroying land in an unnatural way.
Question 4 - Self Government has affected living conditions
Political: freedom to develop and choose economies, social and cultural circumstances to thrive in.
Cultural: lower percent of highschool graduates in comparison
- higher cigarette smoking rates
- infant mortality rate was high
- lower health overall
- water supply was not of quality and unreliable
Question 5 - Define Sweatshop
Factory/workshop in clothing industry
- general labourers employed at low wages for long hours under poor conditions
In Toronto:
Brands like Nike use this type of labour
- beneficial to canadians due to availability and price
- no control of the laws and regulations in asia, no laws in Toronto against it
Question 6 what factors account for
- increased racism in South
- segregation laws and customs
- lack if oppurtunities in the south
- economic inequality took form as unfair labour practices
- they were able to afford a living up north/north-west due to affordable housing
- more jobs in these areas like steel mills and rail roads, many were a result of ww2
Question 7 - commercial fishing vessel in EEZ
Labour Laws - Right to Fish
- Travel on boats
- gather resources
Must follow regulations set by country
Significant because
- countries in oceania
- right to manage and control marine affairs, resources, fishing, mineral extraction and oil drilling.
Question 8 Global warming..
Climate change - refers to distributing of weather patterns that change over time.
- remains the same for extended periods of time, for decades up to million of years
- example of the ice age transition to warmer climate
Global Warming
- gradual increase in the overall temperature in the earths atmosphere attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chloroflurocarbons, pollutants
Related because
- contributes to change in climate
- increases the rate of occurrence of increasing atmosphere temperature
- results in melting polar ice caps which increases ocean water levels, causes habitat loss through flooding, inundation of small islands.
Question 9 ) What is REDD+
Reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation
They monitor and conserve forests
Try to reduce greenhouse gases
Controversial because
Indigneous people
- people who live in the forest before any intervention
- red+ would result in displacement
- land would be blocked off from those who already live there
- they did not affect the forest
- violation of rights due to threat of eviction.
Global Environmental justice
- lets developed countries to continue the current way of life.
- those living in the forest who have no contributed much experience more loss than people who contribute.
Question 11 - compare industrial/mercantile imperialism
Imperialism is the policy of extending a countries power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
- leads to industrial and mercantile revolutions.
- western powers used imperialism in the industrial revolution due to the increased need in for raw materials and market expansion.
- the resources and labour for the expansion of industrial imperialism was provided by the colonies that europe conquered during 1760-1840.
Mercantilism is an economic system in which a countries government manipulates the economy to create a favourable trade balance
- imperialism is both a political and economic system in which it asserts power over another to meet the objectives of trade and commerce
Question 12) explain the link between
Modern nation states
-come from the european enlightenment era of the 17-18th century
- idea of nation states is based on the concept of homogeneous groups of people governed state
- idea of true nation state: no group is unaccepted
- due to territorial boundaries, it encompasses substantial ethnic minorities
- Feeling of belonging to a nation
- belief that nation has natural right to determine and attain
Both unite its citizens but use different ideologies
During the 20th century in the beginnings of Nazi Germany
- The Nazi party believed nationalism led Europe into a disaster.
- Used the idea of nation state to outcast other ethnic groups and solidify a pure race.
Question 13) what is belt and road
Refers to
- Silk road economic Belt and 21st century maritime silk road
- significant developmental strategy launched by the chinese government with the intention of promoting economic cooperation among countries along the proposed belt and road routes
- (BRI) is a programme to connect Asia, Africa and Europe via land and maritime networks along 6 corridors with the aim of improving regional integration, increasing trade and and stimulating economic growth
- the concern lies in environmental experts that warn that many of these projects could cause irreversible environmental damage in highly biodiverse areas.
- these projects in the BRI threaten local communities along the trade routes
- threatens 265 endangered species of animals such as the only known habitat of the worlds rarest ape, the tapanuli orangutan.
- complaints in in Southeast Asia about potential damage to the environment and chinese backed hydropower projects along the mekong river
- nationalizing China and allowing China to aquire more resources and materials
- designed to be more beneficial to China compared to other countries and causes damage to the environment.
Question 14 outline the process of deindustrialization
- starts with a decline of industrial employment in core areas where the industry is dominant.
- companies will start to invest less in business and invest elsewhere
- in this case, cities like Atlanta, Miami attracted investors and thus the industry shifted its focus to that area which is known as the sun belt
Question 15) what are the conflicting problems of the green revoltion
Many farmers dont win
- farmers who can afford equipment, improved seeds and fertilizers to support the new ways of farming benefit greatly and will see greater yields and thus profits
- Those who do not arent able to compete anymore and thus need to find other means of income
- this also means if they cannot effectively make cash crops, they wont be able to do much even if they depended in different varieties of crops which traditionally may have low yields.
Environment does win
- Fertilizer and pesticides became widely used.
- pollutes rivers and land
- people and wildlife at risk of poison
- more water being used
Doesnt solve world hunger
- Too poor to afford food anyway
- doesnt reflect external causes
- disasters, economy
- foods need to arrive first
Question 16) how does settler colonialism differ from
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Whereas exploitative colonialism is the natural economic policy of conquering a country to exploit its population as labour and its natural resources as raw material.
Question 17) what is the difference between fairtrade
Trumps version of fairtrade
- emphasis on domestic jobs
- not interested in workers rights
- not interested in climate change
- “rearticulation” of ‘america first’ which undermines the internationalism inherent in fairtrade, which prioritizes workers and producers whatever their nationality.
Oxfam version of fair trade
- free from abuse of power and unfair rules associated with buying and selling raw materials.
- oxfam trade Fair trade core business involves a volunteer movement called Oxfam-worldshops that comply with the following conditions
-apply fair trade rules that give everyone a fair chance to sell their products
-pay a price that contributes to a decent income
-buy directly with maximum transparency
Invest in capacity building of marginalized producers
-respect in people and environment
-long term partnership
Question 19) explain the significance of containerization
- reduces cost, time
- increases efficiency of trade
- economic advantages, universally used
- international trades are more responsible for globalization and international trades are boosted by containerization
- therefore plays a role in globalization
- designed for all methods of transportation
- cargo ships, trucks, planes
- standard transport product that can be handled anywhere in the world (iso standard)
- flexibility, cost, warehousing, security and safety
Question 20) give 3 reasons why indingeous
Self governed and protected land are getting smaller
- over time, the amount of protected land gets smaller in favour of government or corporate funded project in which that land is usually bought
- some projects ignore indigenous land rights
Many projects, while some may not be in close proximity effect the environment around them polluting land and water
-pollutes water supply which affects that community
Repeated offenses
-land and human rights are ignored which increases the already negative living conditions each year