Exam Flashcards
What is the definition of organizational consultation?
There is no agreement on a single definition of organizational consultation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological, safety, love/ belonging, esteem, and self-actualization
What type of development at the ages 0-2?
Sensorimotor (learns through senses) - infancy
What type of development at the ages of 2-7?
Pre-operational (egocentric learning) - childhood
What type of development at the ages of 7-11?
Concrete (needs concrete aids for learning) - pre-adolescence
What type of development at the ages of 11+?
Formal (are capable of abstract thought) - adolescence through adulthood
Decision-making model
First evaluate which, if any, cultural variables are relevant.
Decide the level of skills and knowledge needed to provide competent treatment.
Assess how much, when, and how to pull in cultural issues.
Examine the cultural implications of all possible treatments and choose strategies that focus on cultural strengths.
Considerations during the first interview
Questions children may have about counseling Understanding resistance Steps to overcoming resistance Goals and Observations Building a therapeutic alliance Structure Explain confidentiality and the counseling process Investigate expectations
Goal attainment scaling
Goals established cooperatively
Goals in measurable terms between “What I have” and What I would like to have”
Priorities identified
Levels of attainment monitored throughout counseling
Graph to show weekly progress
Informed Consent
Formal permission given by a client for beginning counseling is known as informed consent
Professional responsibility to respect and limit access to clients’ personal information
Father of developmental psychology
Scientific Method 4 steps
o Identifying the problem o Defining – operationalization o Form a hypothesis o Collect data o Compare results
Cognitive theory
internal using mind to form expectations
o Cognitive maps, constructivism
Freud’s theory
psychoanalytical theory to explain behavior
o Unconscious motivation, childhood experiences
o Mind is made up of 3 things
Unconscious – ID – pleasure – biological instructs, life instrict
Conscious – Ego – reality – logical rational decision making
Pre-conscious – Superego – moral reasoning, moral code (3 yrs)
Freud’s stages
Oral – b-1yr – mouth pleasure. Weaning early – dependency, over – entitlement
Anal - 1-3 – potty train
Phallic – 3-6 – genitals love relationship with parents. Boy loves mom hates dad, castration anxiety so identify with dad.
Latency – 6-12 libido dormant
Genital – finding a partner
Erikson’s stages
o Stage 1: B-1 trust vs mistrust – caregiver meeting needs? Is the world safe?
o Stage 2: 2-3 autonmy vs shame/doubt – independence encourage
o Stage 3: 4-5 initative vs guilt – mental curiousity rather than physical exploration.
o Stage 4: 6-11: industry vs inferiority – evaluate products we make sense of worthiness
o Stage 5: 12-18 identity vs role confusion – higher level of thinking
o Stage 6: 18-24 intimacy vs isolation – develop intimacy
o Stage 7: 25-64 generativity vs stagnation – passing on skills making contribution
o Stage 8: 65 – death integrity vs depair – conflict looking back in life well lived
Entry stage
exploring organizational needs
physically entering the system
psychologically entering the system
Diagnosis Stage
gathering information
defining the problem
setting goals
generating possible interventions
Implementation Stage
choosing an intervention
formulating a plan
implementing the plan
evaluating the plan
Disengagement Stage
evaluating the consultation process
planning postconsultation matters
reducing involvement and
following up terminating
In contrast to Sigmund Freud, John Watson argued for
an emphasis on learning experiences
The idea that behavior is shaped by its consequences is called _________ and was created by ______
law of effect; Thorndike
Norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine are all examples of
The __________ has two branches, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and is the part of the nervous system that helps regulate arousal and emotions
autonomic nervous system
The part of the brain that is involved in higher mental functioning, including information processing, learning, and memory is the
cerebral hemispheres
___________receive chemical messages from other neurons
Gina has difficulties in recognizing that words can be broken into sound segments. Gina appears to have a problem in
phonological awareness