Exam Flashcards
Priests could not marry:
- harlots
- profaned
- widows
- divorced
A priests’ wife must be a virgin and in the lineage.
Elisabeth and Zechariah were both:
- righteous before God
- in the 400 years of silence, yet faithful to God
What were the 3 customs for women of that day?
1) women were to marry
2) please their husbands
3) have children, preferably a son
Elisabeth was jealous of Mary.
Joseph was not going to mess up the call of God on Mary’s life.
Why did God command Israelite boys to be circumcised on the 8th day?
Because the blood coagulates on the 8th day.
How long was the mother unclean after she gave birth to a son?
One week
How long was the mother unclean after she gave birth to a daughter?
Two weeks
Mary and Joseph could not afford to bring the lamb to redeem their son. What did they bring instead?
Two turtle doves
In Jewish culture, a boy became a man at what age?
Often, parents would bring their sons to the feast a year or 2 prior to show them what being a Jewish man should be.
What do we know from Jesus being in the temple?
- He loved the temple
- He loved the things of God
- He was knowledgeable of the Law
- He respected the doctors and lawyers
Jesus, God in flesh, exercised His authority over His parents.
FALSE. The Bible says He was subject to them.
To whom did Jesus pass the care of His mother?
John the Beloved
Jesus did not take for granted what Mary had done for Him.
Why did Jesus “must needs” go through Samaria?
- There was a woman he needed to meet
- He is fulfilling a prophecy
- He is setting things up for revival
What time is the 6th hour?
Branches =
Drawing water was social.
This woman came to draw water at the nicest part of the day.
FALSE. It was the hottest part of the day.
What do we know about the woman at the well?
- She was a Samaritan
- She was a woman
- Samaritans believed in the 5 books of the Law but disagreed on the Holy Mountain
What is “living water”?
Bubbly, running water found at the bottom of the well.
Jesus asked her to go get her husband, which made her deal with what?
Her underlying issues.
It is not likely that a woman so advanced in years to be living an adulterous lifestyle.
She was probably full of grief
She could have been divorced
What was the Samaritan woman’s unfolding revelation of who Jesus was?
- Man
- Sir
- Prophet
- Messiah
How long had the woman with the issue of blood been afflicted?
12 years
How old was Jairus’ daughter?
12 years
The whole time this little girl has been alive, the woman had her blood sickness.
Jairus was not religious.
Jairus was not in any rush to get back to his dying daughter.
The woman with the issue of blood was surrounded by loved ones.
What 3 things make one unclean?
1) Leprosy
2) Touching a dead body
3) Physical issues and discharges
Only after she confessed to Him did He call her “daughter”.
Jesus makes us deal with our issues.
What did Jesus do when He arrived at Jairus’ house?
- He sent out the mockers
- Once He woke her up, he told them to feed her
All 10 virgins took lamps.
All 10 virgins took extra oil with their lamps.
FALSE. Only 5 did.
During the betrothal, the groom would…
Prepare a home for his bride.
During the betrothal, the bride would…
Prepare herself for her husband.
All 10 virgins slept.
It’s okay to sleep as long as you are prepared for the bridegroom.
Oil is sometimes mentioned as a type of what?
The Holy Spirit
A “virgin” is a word signifying what?
It was customary for the bride and her attendants to wait where for the groom to come and escort her to the wedding feast?
At the home of the bride.
The groom would come to the home with what 3 things?
- his friends (groomsmen)
- song
- torches
One of his friends would go ahead and cry out loud that the groom was coming.