Exam Flashcards
Esther 1-2
Esther becomes Queen
Esther 3-8
Haman and Mordecai
Esther 9-10
Feast of Purim
Ezra 1-6
Rebuilding the Temple
Ezra 7-10
Ezra Teaches the People
Nehemiah 1-6
Rebuilding the Walls
Nehemiah 7-13
Renewing Worship
1 Chronicles 1-9
Collapsed History of Israel (Genealogies)
1 Chronicles 10- 2 Chronicles 9
Saul, David, and Solomon
2 Chronicles 10-36
The Remaining Davidic Kings
1 Kings 1-11
1 Kings 12-2 Kings 17
The Divided Kingdom
2 Kings 18-25
1 Samuel 1-7
Israel’s Need for a King
1 Samuel 8-15
The Reign of Saul
1 Samuel 16-2 Samuel 4
The Rise of David
2 Samuel 5-20
The Reign of David
2 Samuel 21-24
Appendices to David’s Reign
Ruth 1
Naomi widowed and bereaved
Ruth 2
Ruth meets Boaz in the Field
Ruth 3
Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor
Ruth 4
Boaz Redeems Ruth and the Genealogy of David
Judges 1-3:6
Introduction: Military and Religious Failure
Judges 3:7-16:31
The Judges: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson
Judges 17-21
Conclusion: Military and Religious Failure
Joshua 1-5
Crossing over into the land
Joshua 6-11
Taking the land
Joshua 12-22
Diving the land
Joshua 23-24
Serving in the land
Deuteronomy 1-11
Motivational History
Deuteronomy 12-28
Covenant Stipulations
Deuteronomy 29-34
Moses Last Will and Testament
Numbers 1:1-10:10
Organization of the People at Sinai
Numbers 10:11-25:18
Rebellion and Death of the Wilderness Generation
Numbers 26-36
Organization of the New Generation to Enter the Land
Leviticus 1-7
Leviticus 8-10
Leviticus 11-15
Leviticus 16
The Day of Atonement
Leviticus 17
Leviticus 18-20
Leviticus 21-22
Leviticus 23-25
Leviticus 26
Blessings and Curses
Leviticus 27
Exodus 1-12
Exodus 13-18
Egypt to Sinai
Exodus 19-40
Exodus 1
The Collective Seed Multiplies and Is Opposed in Egypt
Exodus 2
An Individual Seed: Moses
Exodus 3-4
The Call of Moses
Exodus 5-12
Ten Plagues and Exodus
Exodus 13
Consecration of the First Born
Exodus 14
The Red Sea
Exodus 15
The Song of Moses
Exodus 16-17
Yahweh Provides Bread and Water
Exodus 19-24
Sinai and Its Laws
Exodus 25-31
Exodus 32-34
Golden Calf and Covenant Renewal
Exodus 35-40
Exodus 18
Jethro’s Advice
Genesis 1-2
Creation and the Garden of Eden
Genesis 3
Fall, Sin, Death, Hope
Genesis 4-11
Adam to Noah
Genesis 12-23
Genesis 24-26
Genesis 27-36
Genesis 37-50
Joseph and Judah
Genesis 1-11
Genesis 12-50
Exodus 1-15
Exodus 16-18
Wilderness sojourn
Exodus 19:1-Numbers 10:10
Sinai commands
Numbers 10:11-36:13
Death of the Wilderness Generation
Sinai commands extrapolated