exam Flashcards
Define the term quaternary industry.
Research and development activities / new knowledge creation (1 mark)
High-skilled / highly-paid / professional workforce (
Describe how the process of gentrification leads to changes in the characteristics of
Renovation/refurbishment/renewal of a place
Gives a detail of physical landscape changes
Gives a detail of social changes/displacement
Process may be driven by investors, government or both
Can take place in inner cities or rural villages
Use the information in Figure 6 to assess the success of tourism in this location.
Longer stay visitor numbers are decreasing
Overall decrease in day trippers although trend is variable
Comments on weather and value for money
Impact of tourism on traffic
Lack of high quality employment
Day tripper numbers remain high
Attractions of physical environment
Suggest how the trends shown in Figure 6 can affect local rural communities.
Reduction in longer stay visitors between 2005 and 2015 could result in a reduction of jobs
available for the local community
Those jobs that are available may be low paid and only provide seasonal employment
The fluctuation in the number of day trippers year on year could result in lack of predictability for
workers and businesses. This could increase the use of zero-hours contracts
Increased cost of housing
The lack of jobs and falling number of longer stay visitors (approx. 4000 reduction between 2005
and 2015) could force local people to move away in search of work, changing the culture of the
rural community
Environmental damage
Employment opportunities viable as day tripper numbers are still high
Capital injections are still made as tourists continue to arrive
Continuation of tourism enables preservation of traditional industries, culture and art
Renovation of buildings and preservation of the natural environment is more likely in order to keep
attracting the tourists such as those who commented in the visitor book
How rebranding rural areas as tourist destinations is enhanced by broadband connection giving
internet connection for customers and advertising
How rebranding rural areas as business locations is enhanced by broadband connection giving
access to marketing and enabling large amounts of data to be transferred for high tech businesses
How rebranding rural areas as telecommuting locations are enhanced by broadband connection as
it gives access to main offices in urban areas
How rural areas can be rebranded as desirable places for families to live as broadband connections
provide support for health and education services
How rural areas can be rebranded as diversified locations as broadband enables traditional
industries to market their products (e.g. organics) and provide a greater variety of services (tourist
accommodation and craft workshops)
How rebranding rural areas may depend on a variety of other factors such as government support,
road access and environmental improvement
The extent to which internet availability is important to different elements of rebranding, for example
it is vital for telecommuting but less important for tourism
The relative importance of internet availability in different rural locations where areas that seek to
attract high tech industries must have access to broadband
The changing importance over time of internet availability as economy and society become more
dependent on technology
The importance of internet availability relative to other factors that contribute to rebranding rural
areas such as environmental quality and a desire for isolation
The importance of internet availability relative to the cost of installation and frequent upgrade to
keep abreast of technology