Exam 6 Flashcards
- Revelation mentions the “new song” in two places.
1) Write the two chapters mentioning the new song in Revelation
2) write what the sound of the new song is.
1) Rv 5, Rv 14
2) Fulfillment of Revelation
- Tails appear in two places in Revelation and performed great actions.
1) Write the two chapters mentioning the tails and their work in Revelation
2) write the difference between the two tails
3) write the action of each tail.
1) Rv 9, Rv 12
2) Horse’s tail, dragon’s tail
3) Rv 9: killed a third of mankind
Rv 12: flung a third of the stars of heaven to the earth
- Write how the books they received are different
1) the book that the son of man received in Ezekiel
2) the book that new John received in Rv 10 how are they different?
1) Content of the OT fulfillment
2) Content of the NT (Revelation) fulfillment
- Write 1) the three entities,
2) the four mysteries,
3) the three plagues of Revelation.
1) Betrayers, destroyers, savior
2) The seven stars, the prostitute and the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the seventh trumpet
3) Seals, trumpets, bowls
- Write 1) the difference between the wedding of Rv 18 and the wedding of Rv 19
2) the difference between Rv 13 and Rv 14 (Sealed)
3) the difference between Rv 6 and Rv 7.
1) Rv 18: marriage with the devil
Rv 19: marriage with the Lamb
2) Rv 13: received the mark of the devil and betrayed
Rv 14: sealed by God and the Lamb
3) Rv 6: the end of the chosen people
Rv 7: the creation of a new kingdom and new people
- The dragon appears in Rv 12, Rv 13 and Rv 16.
1) In which chapter of Revelation is the dragon seized?
2) Who are those participating in the first resurrection in Rv 20?
1) Rv20
2) the spirits of the martyrs, those who did not worship the beast and did not receive the mark, and Jesus Christ
- No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth knows Revelation. However, there are people who know.
1) In which chapters of Revelation are they found and what kind of people are they?
2) Where are they from and who are they?
1) Rv 7, Rv 14, those who are sealed
2) Those who are harvested from the harvest field
83.1) Write two chapters in Revelation describing people who are freed from their sins by Jesus’ blood in Rv 1
2) Write the place where we must go to find the kingdom of heaven where God dwells.
1) Rv5, Rv7
2) The place where the 12 tribes are created after fighting and overcoming the dragon
- 1) Who are outside the city in Rv 22?
2) Who are inside the city?
3) Write seven chapters of Revelation and the contents that mention the messenger sent by Jesus for the churches.
4) Write the content the messenger testifies to the churches.
1) False pastors and their congregation members
2) The harvested and sealed 12 tribes and the spirits of the martyrs
3) Rv 1, the one who was chosen
Rv 2 and 3, sent the letters on behalf of Jesus
Rv 4, the one who went up to the throne in the kingdom of the spiritual realm in heaven and heard and saw things
Rv 10, the one who received and ate the open book of Revelation coming down from heaven
Rv 12, the one who overcame the beast with the word of testimony
Rv 22, the one who saw and heard the events of the entire book of Revelation
4) Physical fulfillment of Revelation
- 1) What is the first heaven and first earth?
2) What is the new heaven and new earth?
3) What is the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven?
4) What are the fruits and the leaves of the tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruit and yields fruit every month?
5) What is the water of life, as clear as crystal, used to wash our robes?
6) What are the pearly gates which we go through to enter into the city?
1) Spiritual Israel that belongs to the world
2) The new tabernacle and new people
3) The holy temple in the spiritual realm created by Jesus and the twelve disciples
4) The saints of the 12 tribes created in Revelation
5) The revealed word
6) 12 tribes
- What is God’s purpose, and God’s will in the New Testament?
the Creation of the sealed 12 tribes born again of God’s seed and Jesus’ blood
- What is the qualification for the saints of the New Testament to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Those who become the saints of the harvested and sealed 12 tribes
- What are the three kinds of people who appear in the New Testament and to whom do they belong?
The chosen people who betray,
those who destroy,
the savior, God’s group and the devil’s group
- What kind of place is the location of the events of the New Testament?
Where the spiritual sun, moon, and stars are
- With what does the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies begin?
With the seven stars (seven messengers)