Exam 5 (GI Tract Infections) Flashcards
Definitions of gastritis, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis
- Gastritis: inflammation of stomach - Gastroenteritis: inflammation of stomach and intestines - Diarrhea: frequent loose and fluid filled stools – usually from disease of small intestine - Dysentery: inflammatory disorder of GI associated with diarrhea that is blood and pus filled, with abdominal pain – usually from disease of large intestine - Enteritis: inflammation of intestines, esp small intestine - Enterocolitis: inflammation of mucosa of small and large intestine - Colitis: inflammation of large colon
Bacillus cereus. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G+ rod, spore forming - Disease: food poisoning a.) Emetic form: vomiting, nausea and abdominal cramps 1-8 hours after ingestion of contaminated food with preformed toxin b.) Diarrheal form: onset of diarrhea, nausea and abdominal cramps 8-16 hours after ingestion of contaminated food with organism - Pathogenesis: emetic form mediated by preformed heat-STABLE enterotoxin, MOA unknown. Diarrheal form requires bacterial multiplication and production of heat-LIABLE enterotoxin in intestine. - Tx: supportive - Epidemiology: emetic associated with improper cooked and stored rice. Diarrheal form associated with meat and vegetables.
Non-typhoidal Salmonella. Serovars, characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Serovars: Cholerasuis, enteritidis, typhmurium (not as human adapted) - Characteristics: G- rod, motile, flagellated (H antigen), facultative anaerobe, intracellular, acid tolerant - Disease: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and water diarrhea. Persistent diarrhea for 3-4 days +/- blood with 50% of cases with fever (not prolonged), can be loose stool to severe dysentery-like diarrhea - Pathogenesis: a.) Adheres to M cells (Peyer’s) and enterocytes in SI b.) Phagocytosed into macrophage or type 3 secretion system allows for entry into cells and blood c.) After entry: 1.) rapid killing of macrophage via inflammatory response and/or 2.) carriage in macrophage of immunocompromised leading to systemic dissemination, bacteremia, arthritis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis - Diagnosis: detection of anti-Vi antigen abs, culture from blood and stool – non-lactose fermenting and produces H2S - Tx: for gastroenteritis tx supportively, but not with abx as it enhances carrier states. For systemic, tx with abx once resistance profile determined.
Strongyloides stercoralis. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = strongylodiasis. Minimal symptoms with low worm burden including epigastric pain, tenderness, bloating, heart burn. Pulmonary involvement with inflammation. Eosinophilia seen. Hyperinfection = diarrhea that worsens, dissemination into lungs, CNS, peritoneum, liver and kidney – esp in immunosuppressed. - Lifecycle/patho: *can exist as free living nematode in soil, but can live in human host. Developmentally progresses to infectious larval form in external environment, penetrates skin or perianal or (intestines, once in) and travels into circulation into lungs and pharynx, swallowed into intestines where it matures into adult forms and sexually reproduces and lays eggs, which hatch and larva are excreted in stool. Hyperinfection d/t auto-infection. - Diagnosis: larvae in stool* not EGGS - Epidemiology: SE US and Appalachia
Distinguish between symptomatology between bacterial food poisoning or other generalized GI tract infections
- Symptoms for both include diarrhea, vomiting - Food poisoning is not typically associated with fever
Liver flukes. Name the genus/species, disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Liver flukes = fasciola hepatica (aka sheep liver fluke) and Clonorchis (opisthorcis) sinesis (aka Chinese liver fluke). - Clinical/disease: F.hepatica: liver tenderness, hepatomegaly, fever, eosinophilia, biliary obstruction can occur leading to jaundice. C. sinesis: asymptomatic with light infections. Heavy infection leads to biliary obstruction, jaundice, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, gallstones – also 10-15x more likely to develop bile duct CA. - Lifecycle/patho: a.) Fasciola hepatica: encysted material from freshwater consumed by human, excysts in duodenum, migrates to bile duct, penetrates intestinal wall, becomes adult in bile duct, releases unembryonated eggs in feces, penetrates snail, undergoes further development, released into freshwater, encysts onto water plants b.) Clonorchis sinesis: consumption of freshwater fish with encysted material, excysts in duodenum, migrates to bile duct, releases embryonated egg into feces, ingested by snail, release into water, penetrates scales of fish - Diagnosis: eggs in feces - Epidemiology: F. hepatica acquired through consumption of aquatic plants, worldwide including SE US. O. sinesis acquired through ingestion of undercooked freshwater fish
What is hepatitis and what are the 3 clinical presentations? Describe each presentation
- Inflammation of liver - Acute, chronic and fulminant hepatitis 1.) Acute: - Symptoms: prodrome (HA, arthralgia, myalgia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pharyngitis, mild fever 1-2 weeks) for 1-2 weeks prior to onset of jaundice, dark urine, acholic stool (light/clay-colored). - Labs: elevated bili, bili in urine, AST/ALT elevation as early as prodrome phase 2.) Chronic: hepatitis not resolved within 6 months – see symptoms and labs for acute 3.) Fulminant: rapid, severe onset of hepatitis including hepatic necrosis, encephalopathy, edema with complications that include: cerebral edema, brainstem compression, GI bleeding, sepsis, organ failure
Fecal sample is taken from patient and occult blood with fecal leukocytes are seen. Is this more likely an inflammatory or non-inflammatory bacterial infection?
- More likely inflammatory bacteria.
3 yo female to ED with malaise, abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea. Parent concerned about her eating rare hamburgers that may be associated with recall. Rapid test of stool tests positive to EHEC O157:H7. Mechanism of action of toxin that could potentially cause fatal sequelae? 1.) Activation of adenylate cyclase leading to increased cAMP 2.) Activation of guanylate cyclase leading to increased cGMP 3.) Blocking translation by cleaving subunits of 60S ribosome 4.) Disruption of host cell cytoskeleton 5.) Block of ACh release at NMJ
- 3, sequelae = HUS
Trichuris trichuria. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: most are asymptomatic. Symtomatic with high worm burder includes: bloody mucus diarrhea, frequent stools, rectal prolapse in children, can contribute to growth retardation and anemia in children d/t malabsorption and bleeding - Lifecycle/patho: Ingestion of embryonated egg, egg hatches in SI releasing larva, larva migrates to LI and matures into adults, adults have sex in lumen, female lays eggs. This is a geohelminth and eggs require period of time to develop in warm moist soil before becoming infectious again. - Diagnosis: identification of eggs (lemon-barrel shaped) in stool - Epidemiology: tropical, can be found in SE US, fecal-oral via contaminated soil
Isospora belli. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis
- Disease/clinical = isosporiasis = fever, diarrhea and weight loss. Mostly affects immunocompromised = watery diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss, electro imbalance, death - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of mature oocyst (containing sporozoites), sporozoites excyst, divide and mature in intestinal mucosa, sexual form develops and produce fertilized cysts known as oocysts
Hepatitis B. Characteristics, disease caused, pathogenesis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Hepadnaviridae, partially dsDNA - Disease: acute and chronic hepatitis. Half of infected adults are asymptomatic. Risk of chronic infection correlated with age, younger = more chronic. - Pathogenesis: reverse transcription is part of life cycle. Exists as tubes/spheres, which are non-infectious particles and dane particles, which are complete infectious particles in tissues. HBs (surface) found on surface of particle, HBc (core) found underlying surface protein in core of particle, HBe is also found in core of particle. Destruction of hepatocytes mediated by CTLs - Vaccine: recombinant HBV vaccine 3 dose IM (recombinvax HB and Engerix B) - Tx: no treatment for acute hepatitis. Chronic infections can be treated with a.) lamivudine (RT inhibitor), b.) famciclovir/adefovir (nucleoside inhibitor) combined with IFN-alpha. Post-exposure Prophy: HBIG (hep B Ig) and vaccine can be used. - Epidemiology: body fluids (sexually, drug users, hospital workers)
Microsporidia. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis
- Disease/clinical = microsporidiosis. Intestinal dz: Chronic debilitating diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss. Extraintestinal dz: keratoconjunctivitis (early sign of dissemination), symptoms dependent on organ system involvement. Mostly infects immunocompromised including AIDS pts. Clinical syndromes are species dependent. - Lifecycle/patho: obligate intracellular, ingestion of spores
What is floppy baby syndrome?
- Aka Infant botulism. Occurs when infant ingests C. botulinum spores, often when fed honey. Don’t give infant honey until 1 year of age.
Listeria monocytogenes. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, complications
- Characteristics: G+ rod (sometimes in pairs) facultative anaerobe, intracellular survives in wide temp range, resistant to high salt concentrations and wide pH - Diseases: a.) Healthy individuals: typically asymptomatic, but may have fever, nausea and/or diarrhea b.) Bacteremia, meningitis and encephalitis in immunocompromised adults c.) Pregnant women present as other healthy individuals, but risk of transmission to neonate resulting in premie, abortion or still-birth d.) Neonates: granulomatosis infantiseptica (pyogenic granulomas over the entire body), meningitis, encephalitis. - Pathogenesis: internalin-A (intA) adheres to cells and taken up, internalized by endocytic vacuole, phagosome acidification activates listeriolysis O (LLO) that disrupts membrane and allows escape to cytosol. Replicates in host, ActA causes polymerization of actin and allows for spread to adjacent cells and blood stream. Infection disseminates to liver, spleen and CNS. - Diagnosis: culture of CSF and blood via cold enrichment selection, weakly beta-hemolytic, also motile - Tx: beta-lactam or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole - Epidemiology: associated with ready to eat meats, raw vegetables
Rotavirus. Characteristics, disease caused, pathogenesis, diagnosis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: reovirus, segmented genome that remain in core during infection, non-enveloped - Disease: gastroenteritis (G1 most prevalent): vomiting, diarrhea, occasional cough and coryza (nasal mucosa inflammation), third have fever, can lead to malabsorption - Pathogenesis: low inoculum, infect cell at tip of villi in SI, damages infected cells (villi blunting) reducing absorptive capacity leading to fluid accumulation in lumen and diarrhea. Toxin (NSP$) causes Calcium and H2o release. - Diagnosis: ELISA from stool, also EM and RTPCR less commonly - Tx: oral rehydration for mild dehydration OR IV rehydration with severe dehydration. IgA in colostrum protective for neonates - Vaccines: oral live attenuated (Rotateq and Rotatrix) without risk of intussusception - Epidemiology: associated with disease in children mostly, including those that are immunocompromised, not opportunistic in HIV, seasonal variation, outbreaks in daycares
ETEC (enterotoxigenic E. coli). Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
- Characteristics: G- rod, facultative anaerobe - Disease: T=Traveler’s (associated with travel to developing countries and consumption of water and ice) and infantile diarrhea, water diarrhea, no fever typically - Pathogenesis: a.) fimbriae (pili) adheres to epithelial cell, b.) toxins (plasmid encoded): LT (heat liable toxin) is an AB toxin that increases cAMP leads to ion and water efflux and ST (heat stable toxin) is a non-AB toxin that causes increase in cGMP (not via cell entry) and leads to same effect as LT - Diagnosis: clinical history, DNA probes to detect LT and ST genes - Tx: supportive
Nematodes (roundworms) that infect the GI tract
- Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) - Trichuris trichuria (whipworm) - Ascaris lumbricoides - Necator americanus/ancylostoma duodenale (hookworm)
Helicobacter pylori. Characteristics of bacteria, diseases, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
- Characteristics: G- curved rod, microaerophilic - Diseases: ulcers and chronic gastritis – stomach CAs in less than 1% of those infected - Pathogenesis: not well understood. Penetrate mucous layer of stomach’s epithelium attracted to hemin and urea. Cause inflammation. Releases urease that cleaves urea producing NH3 and CO2 neutralizing stomach acid in locality. H.pylori cytoxin (VacA) with NH3 destroy mucus-producing cells, exposing underlying CT. Has flagella and adhesins. - Diagnosis: urea breath test (radioactive), biopsy - Tx: abx and PPI
Bacteria associated with generalized GI tract infections and symptoms with onset 8-16 hours after ingestion. Why are symptoms later?
- Bacillus cereus (diarrheal, emetic component is within 1-8 hour timeframe), Clostridium botulinum - These bacteria produce toxins after ingestion
Signs/symptoms of severe dehydration? What is the treatment?
- Rapid, weak pulse - Sunken eyes - Tears absent - Skin tenting - Lack or urination Treatment = IV rehydration
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm). Disease/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: consumption of pork results in intestinal disease: generally asymptomatic, but abdominal pain, feeling of fullness in symptomatic patients. Ingestion of embryonated eggs results in extra-intestinal disease (cysticercosis) via human-human transmission d/t poor hygiene. Pathology dependent on location, most severe complication = neurocysticercosis = seizure and neuro deficits. - Lifecycle/patho: human consumption of pork containing cysticercus in the muscle, scolex attaches to intestine, gravid proglottids containing eggs released in feces and either: a.) consumed by swine or b.) via autoinfection or human-human transmission where eggs hatch in intestine and travel into circulation, cysticercus disseminate into lungs, brain or eyes creating space filling lesion - Diagnosis: proglottids or eggs in stool for intestinal infection, radiology and serology for extra-intestinal infection - Epidemiology: undercooked pork
Fasciolopsis buski. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: single worm infection = focal inflammation, intermittent diarrhea. Multiple worms infection = continuous diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhage, ulceration, abscess formation - Lifecycle/patho: consumption of encysted material from freshwater source, excyst in duodenum, attaches to columnar epithelium of mucosa of SI, becomes adult, releases unembryonated egg in feces, penetrates snail, released in water from snail after development - Diagnosis: presence of eggs in stool - Epidemiology: fresh water fish / shellfish, vegetation/plants including water chestnuts. Found throughout China, SE Asia and India
22 college student with aversion to seafood participated in service trip to Haiti. Trip focused on providing care to people living in temporary camps after being displaced from home after recent earthquake. Several days after arriving and indulging in local cuisine provided by street vendors, student developed mild case of water diarrhea. Most likely cause of person’s diarrhea? A. Toxin production leading to efflux of electrolytes and water B. Decreased intestinal fluid absorption through loss of microvilli C. Descreased intestinal fluid absorption through coating of intestine in a pseudomembrane
- A
Vibrio species that cause gastroenteritis
- Vibrio cholerae - Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Normal microbiota in small intestine?
- Lactobacilli, streptococci, enterobacteria, bacterioides spp
What groups are susceptible to astrovirus?
- Infants, young children, elderly or healthy adults exposed to contaminated food and drink
Bacteria associated with watery (rarely bloody) diarrhea
- EPEC, ETEC, Clostridium perfringens, bacillus cereus, vibrio cholerae, Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes
3 yo male to ED with diarrhea, fever, chills. Stool culture grew G- rods with white colonies on MacConkey agar and neg for H2s production. Which is most likely? A.) Campylobacter jejuni B.) Enterohemorrhagic E. coli C.) Salmonella typhimurium D.) Shigella sonneii E.) Vibrio cholerase
- D
Virotypes of E. coli, intestinal site of action and disease caused
1.) ETEC: enterotoxigenic (SI) – Traveler’s and infant diarrhea. Diarrhea is water. 2.) EPEC: enteropathogenic (SI) – Infant diarrhea. Diarrhea is non-bloody. 3.) EHEC: enterohemorrhagic (LI) – Hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. 4.) EIEC: enteroinvasive (LI) – typical GI symptoms with watery diarrhea, followed by development of dysentery
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm). Disease/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: generally asymptomatic, but symptoms can include mild abdominal pain, feeling of fullness - Lifecycle/patho: infection generally with a single adult worm. Human consumes beef with cysticercus in muscle, scolex attaches to intestine, gravid proglottids in feces containing eggs, eggs ingested by cattle - Diagnosis: ID of proglottids/eggs in stool - Epidemiology: undercooked beef
Which hepatitis viruses lead to chronic hepatitis infections?
- Hep B, C and D
Vibrio cholerae. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G- rod comma/curved shaped, facultative anaerobe, requires NaCl for growth - Disease: severe watery “rice water” stool with abrupt onset, requires 2-3 day incubation with 7 day duration, typically no fever - Pathogenesis: a.) TCP: toxin co-regulated pilus – adheres to SI epithelium b.) Cholera toxin: AB toxin – A activates adenylate cyclase increase cAMP production leading to massive ion and water efflux. Toxin encode on prophage, therefore transmissible - Diagnosis: culture - Tx: supportive (rehydration) therapy - Epidemiology: contaminated water, typing of bacteria based on O antigens, current pandemic with El Tor biotype is less severe disease, longer duration
Discuss diagnosis and serology between acute and chronic (replicative and non-replicative) HBV infections. What does serology look like for individual with vaccination to HBV and someone with past HBV infection? Window period serology?
- HBsAg = marker for active infection - Acutely infected: HBsAg +, anti-HBsAg -, HBeAg +, anti-HBe -, anti-HBc (IgM) + - Chronically infected: a.) Replicative (high infectivity): HBsAg +, anti-HBsAg -, HBeAg +, anti-HBe -, anti-HBc (IgG) + b.) Non-replicative (low infectivity): HBsAg +, anti-HBsAg -, HBeAg -, anti-HBe +, anti-HBc (IgG) + - Vaccinated: HBsAg -, anti-HBsAg +, anti-HBc (IgG) – (if never previously infected or + if previously infected) - Previous infection: HBsAg - , anti-HBsAg +, HBeAg-, anti-HBe +, anti-HBc (IgG) + - Window: anti-HBe and anti-HBc (IgM) positive, all other markers neg including anti-HBs
Normal microbiota in stomach?
- Lactobacilli
Poliovirus. Characteristics, diseases, diagnosis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Picornaviridae, stable at acidic pH, 3 genotypes-P1-3 - Diseases: 95% of infections are asymptomatic a.) Abortive poliomyelitis: sore throat, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation b.) Nonparalytic aseptic meningitis: non-specific prodrome, stiffness in back, neck or legs c.) Flaccid paralysis - Diagnosis: virus isolated from stool, sequenced - Vaccine: IM inactivated polio vaccine (inactivated through exposure to formaldehyde), previously live attenuated (1 in every 2 million doses caused VAPP = vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis), previously to this = inactivated Salk vaccine - Epidemiology: fecal-oral, last US case in 1979, 1994 = poliovirus free in Western Hemisphere, endemic in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan
4 classes of protozoa? Eukaryotes or prokaryotes? How do they replicate?
- Eukaryotes - 4 classes based on motility: ameba (pseudopodia), flagellates (flagella), sporozoans (gliding), ciliates (cilia) - Replicate: most via binary fission, some sporozoans can reproduce asexually or sexually
Bacteria associated with generalized GI tract infections and symptoms with onset 16+ hours after ingestion. Why are symptoms so late?
- Shigella spp, Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, EHEC, EPEC, ETEC, EIEC, campylobacteria, vibrio spp - Bacteria must adhere, grow and produce their virulence factors
Once infected with HCV, how likely is one to develop chronic infection?
- 70%
Clostridium perfringens. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G+ rod, spore forming - Disease: food poisoning. Onset of diarrhea, abdominal cramps 8-16 hours post-ingestion, last 24 hours - Pathogenesis: Mediated by C. perfringens enterotoxin, toxin alters enterocyte membrane permeability - Tx: supportive - Epidemiology: associated with contaminated meat products/gravies
Norovirus. Characteristics, disease caused, pathogenesis, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Caliciviridae, non-enveloped virus - Disease: gastroenteritis: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low grade fever in half pts - Pathology: intestinal epithelium damage, preference for specific histo blood-group antigens expressed on epithelium - Epidemiology: causes 96% of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in US, all age groups, fecal-oral/person-person, contaminated food (filter feeders ie. oysters, fruit/veg)
EIEC. Epidemiology, clinical, pathogenesis
- Epidemiology: Very uncommon - Clinical: watery to pus/bloody stool - Pathogenesis: same as Shigella, but no Shiga toxin, obtained pathogenicity island from Shigella via horizontal transfer
Hepatitis D. Characteristics, disease caused, pathogenesis, diagnosis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: small circular ssRNA genome that encodes Delta-short and long antigens, which cover virion, - Disease: in those currently or previously infected with HBV. Fulminant hepatitis more likely result, more so that other hepatitis viruses. Chronically infected = carriers - Pathogenesis: it is a helper-dependent virus that requires HepB surface antigen to form the surface of the virion. Only infects cells previously or concurrently infection with HBV – virus directly injures hepatocytes - Diagnosis: ELISA to detect anti-HDV antibodies or delta antigens - Vaccine: vaccination against HBV prevents HDV disease - Tx: none - Epidemiology: body fluids
Entamoeba histolytica. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = amebiasis a.) Intestinal dz: GI distress incl. dysentery, fever is rare b.) Invasive dz/extraintestinal dz: invasion through bowel wall (FLASK-SHAPED LESION seen histologically), dissemination and spread to bloodstream, abscesses seen in multiple locations including liver - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of cyst, excysts to trophozoite form in SI, a.) invasion through colon and dissemination causing extraintestinal abscesses OR b.) remain in lumen of colon and multiplication to form both cyst and trophozoite. Trophozoite disintegrates in most environmental conditions, cyst persists - Diagnosis: stool examination for cyst or antigen, biopsy or serology for extra-intestinal - Epidemiology: fecally contaminated water or food
What portion of neonates with HBV will progress to chronic carrier state?
- 90%
Hosts of trematodes (flukes)
- Humans = definitive host - Fresh water snails = intermediate host
Host defenses against GI infections
- Continuous epithelium, mucus, low pH, gut motility, shedding of epithelium, bile, secretory IgA, normal microbiota
Yersinia enterocolitica. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G- coccobacilli - Disease: fever, abdominal cramps and water to bloody diarrhea lasting 1-2 weeks - Pathogenesis: binds and invades M-cells in terminal ileum (similar to Salmonella spp, but with diff mechanism), involves T3SS injection of YOPS proteins, produces heat-stable enterotoxin - Diagnosis: culture - Tx: self-limiting, supportive - Epidemiology: ingestion of contaminated water, food, pork
Shigella spp. Name species implicated in dysentery, characteristics of bacteria, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Species: S. sonneii (developed), S. flexneri (developing), S. dysenteriae (tropical areas) - Characteristics: G- rod, facultative anaerobes, intracellular - Clinical: strain specific a.) Sonneii: fever, malaise, watery diarrhea b.) Flexneri/dysenteriae: fever, malaise, water diarrhea, abdominal cramps, tenesmus (need to defecate), dysentery. Dysenteriae has potential for hemolytic uremic stools - Pathogenesis: acid resistant, passes through M-cells, phagocytosed by macrophages, escapes phagosome (unknown how), induces macrophage PCD, uptaken into enterocytes across baso-lateral face via T3SS and injection of IPA proteins, lysis endocytic vacuole and spreads to cells via actin polymerization destroying host cell and forming ulcers, Shiga toxin binds Gb3 inhibiting translation leading to cell death. Gb3 in kidney and on endothelial cells – leads to Hemolytic uremic syndrome - Diagnosis: stool culture, serological tests - Tx: supportive, abx - Epidemiology: Sonneii typically associated with daycare centers
Campylobacter jejuni. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
- Characteristics: G- rod, curved/sea-gull shaped, microaerophilic
- Disease: a.) ulceration and acute enteritis (water diarrhea), b.) sepsis and c.) Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) - Pathogenesis: (~2-11 day incubation), not much known, similar to salmonella. GBS thought to be possibly d/t antigenic mimicry. - Diagnosis: culture in microaerophilic environment - Tx: supportive and abx treatment for invasive dz (macrolide)
Giardia lamblia. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = giardiasis – sudden onset, foul-smelling greasy diarrhea, cramping, bloating, flatulence, non-bloody diarrhea, no fever. Disease can be acute lasting for weeks or chronic for months to years causing malnutrition d/t malabsorption - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of cyst, excysts in duodenum, multiplies, forms cysts and trophozoite form. Trophozoite disintegrates in most environmental conditions, cyst persists - Diagnosis: stool examination for cyst or trophozoite form (kite-shape with eyes looking at you, flagellated), or antigen detection - Epidemiology: associated with untreated/improperly treated drinking water, recreational exposure especially surrounding water sources during summer to late fall, outbreaks in day care ctrs, fecal-oral
Balantidium coli. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = balantidiasis. Similar presentation to Amebiasis caused by E. histolytica, however this is more rare. Intestinal: dysentery (blood and mucus), chronic infection can alternate between diarrhea and constipation. Invasive form of dz. - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of cyst, excysts, a.) invades bowel wall and multiplies or b.) remains in lumen and multiples forming cyst and trophozoite forms. Trophozoite disintegrates, while cyst forms persists in environment. - Diagnosis: stool examination looking for cyst or trophozoite (looks like pacman) - Epidemiology: fecal-oral, associated with pigs and those handling pig
Hepatitis C. Characteristics, disease caused, diagnosis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: flaviviridae, enveloped - Disease: milder acute symptoms than HAV or HBV, associated with chronic and fulminant hepatitis - Diagnosis: screening for anti-HCV abs (1-2 months after infection), confirmatory test for nucleic acid (can be used within a few days) - Treatment: for chronic infection – genotypes 1/2/3 can be treated with sofosbuvir (RNA-dependent RNA pol inhibitor) and other meds. Treatment for genotypes 4-6 have other guidelines - Vaccine: none available - Epidemiology: associated highly with injection drug use (~45% of drug users between 18-45 are infected), tattoos, needle sticks, perinatal – body fluids
Staphylococcus aureus. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment
- Characteristics: G+ cocci clusters, non-spore forming - Disease: food-poisoning 1-8 hours after consumption - Pathogenesis: preformed heat-stable toxin, MOA not well understood - Tx: supportive
Most common cause of gastrointestinal parastitic infections
- Giardia lamblia
Clostridium botulinum. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment, epidemiology, complications
- Characteristics: G+ rod, spore forming - Disease: botulism. In early stages: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain 1-8 hours post-ingestion or 8-16 hours of spores. Late stages: flaccid paralysis and respiratory arrest - Pathogenesis: preformed toxin, spores germinate in intestine produce toxin, botulism toxin acts at NMJ, blocks ACh release and therefore muscle stimulation - Tx: supportive therapy, IV anti-toxin administration - Epidemiology: often associated with home/improper-canning, spores in honey - Complications: lingering weakness, dyspnea up to 1 year after primary infection
Bacteria associated with generalized GI tract infections and symptoms with onset 1-8 hours after ingestion. Why are symptoms so soon?
- Staph aureus, bacillus cereus (emesis, diarrheal component is within 8-16 hour time frame), Clostridium botulinum - These bacteria have a preformed toxin
How like to contract HCV from needlestick?
- About 2%
Normal microbiota in large intestine?
- High quantity: bacterioides spp, fusobacterium spp, strep faecalis, E.coli - Intermediate quantity: enterobacteria, Klebsiella spp, eubacteria, bifidobacteria - Low quantity: lactobacillus, staph aureus, clostridium spp - Very low quantity: streptococci, pseudomonas, salmonella
Diagnostic lab tests for identification of gram-negative bacteria involved in GI tract infections
1.) MacConkey agar: lactose fermentation. Positive = red colonies = E. coli, Negative = white colonies = Salmonella, Shigella 2.) Indole test: indole production. Positive = red = E. coli, Vibrio spp. Negative = no color = Salmonella 3.) H2S production/S-S agar: Positive = black precip = Salmonella, Negative = Shigella
Basic structures of adult cestodes (tapeworms)
- Scolex: head with hooks and / or suckers - Neck: area from which new body segments are generated - Body (strobila): with individual segments called proglottids
Clostridium difficile. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation and sigmoidoscopic examination, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G+ rod, spore forming anaerobe - Disease: carrier who is asymptomatic, CDAD, pseudomembrane colitis, fulminant colitis a.) CDAD (C.diff-associated diarrhea): water diarrhea with fecal leuks and occult blood sometimes seen, associated with other GI infection symptoms, sigmoidoscope: diffuse/patchy non-specific colitis b.) Pseudomembrane colitis: same as CDAD, but more severe, sigmoidoscope: raised, adherent yellow plaques c.) Fulminant colitis: diarrhea severe or diminished, lethargy and other GI symptoms, requires surgery, sigmoidoscopy contraindicated - Pathogenesis: Toxin A and toxin B causes damage to mucosa by disrupting host cell cytoskeleton - Diagnosis: toxin in stool, culture unhelpful as it can be part of normal microbiota - Tx: oral vancomycin or metronidazole, fecal transplant - Epidemiology: nosocomial/HAI
Differentiate between viral and bacterial gastroenteritis in terms of setting, incubation, vomiting, diarrhea and diagnosis
1.) Setting: viral incidence in developing and developed countries, bacterial more associated in locales of poor hygiene and sanitation 2.) Incubation: viral = 1-3 days, bacterial = hours to 7+ days 3.) Vomiting: viral = prominent (can be only symptom), bacterial = predominant in cases involving preformed toxins, less prominent in other 4.) Diarrhea: viral = common, but non-bloody; bacterial = prominent and frequently bloody 5.) Diagnosis: viral = clinical diagnosis, bacteria = with stool specimens and culture
Tapeworms that reside in the human GI tract and cause disease?
- Taenia saginata: beef tapeworm 2. Taenia solium: pig tapeworm (also in humans as larvae) 3. Diphyllobothrium latum: fish tapeworm
EHEC (Enterohemorrhagic E. coli). Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G- rod, facultative anaerobe with flagella - Disease: hemorrhagic colitis = blood diarrhea, no fever, sequelae = HUS = hemolytic uremic syndrome (anemia and kidney failure) - Pathogenesis: attaches to intestinal brush border, contains Shiga-like toxin known as verotoxin that blocks translation via cleaving part of 60S subunit of ribosome, invasive: enters blood causing platelet aggregation and thrombus formation leads to ischemic damage to colon, kidneys and other tissue. In kidney, Shiga-like binds to Gb3 receptor leading to failure - Diagnosis: bloody diarrhea, NO FEVER, culture, PCR, rapid tests - Tx: supportive, abx may be harmful d/t induction of lytic cycle and increased toxin production - Epidemiology: associated with contaminated ground beef (H = hamburger) and vegetables, animal reservoirs = cattle, other ruminants
Symptoms and causes of viral gastroenteritis
- Symptoms = nausea, diarrhea, vomiting - Caused: rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, sapovirus and astrovirus
Cryptosporidium parvum. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = cryptosporidiosis. Intestinal dz: profuse watery diarrhea with cramping, fatigue and weight loss. No blood in diarrhea. 1-2 week duration. - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of mature oocyst (containing sporozoites), sporozoites excyst attach to intestinal epithelium and mature, sexual forms develop and produce fertilized cysts known as oocysts, which mature in feces - Diagnosis: acid-fast oocyst in stool - Epidemiology: Cow reservoir, susceptibility in immunocompromised population, fecal-oral, peaks in early summer/fall, associated with contaminated water, veggies, fruits and unpasteurized milk
Necator americanus/ancylostoma duodenale. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: Site of penetration = moderate dermatitis. iron-deficiency anemia (d/t feeding), if severe = fatigue, dyspnea, brittle nails, pale sclera, heart murmurs. Severe infection in children = malnourishment. Pneumonia for lung involvement. Eosinophilia seen d/t invasion. - Lifecycle/patho: larva matures in soil, when larva is infective, penetrates intact skin, travels through circulation into lungs up trachea and into pharynx, swallowed into intestines where it matures into adult stage in SI, sexually reproduces and lays eggs. - Diagnosis: eggs (non-descript) in stool - Epidemiology: N. Americanus mostly found in Western Hemishere (SE US), ancylostoma (more pathogenic as it consumes more blood) elsewhere. Fecal-oral transmission via contaminated soil. Species specific. Dog and cat hookworms can cause cutaneous pathology in humans, not intestinal dz.
EPEC (enteropathogenic E. coli). Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
- Characteristics: G- rod, facultative anaerobe - Disease: P=pediatric/infantile diarrhea, watery diarrhea - Pathogenesis: Adhesins-bundle forming pillus (BfpA) adheres to small intestine, type III secretion system (Tir inserted into membrane and intimin interacts with Tir) leads to destruction of microvilli tissue. No toxins - Diagnosis: Ferments lactose (MacConkey agar red), indole positive, PCR - Tx: supportive
Salmonella typhi. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G- rod, motile, flagellated (H antigen), facultative anaerobe, intracellular, acid tolerant - Disease: progression of symptoms: a.) fever with HA, b.) rising fever of 3 days, c.) typhoid fever = prolonged fever for about 4 weeks, d.) prolonged GI symptoms - Pathogenesis: (~13 day incubation) a.) Adheres to M cells (Peyer’s) and enterocytes in SI b.) Phagocytosed into macrophage or type 3 secretion system allows for entry into cells and blood. c.) LPS causes septicemia d.) GB can be nidus for source of reinfection or carrier of disease - Diagnosis: culture of stool and blood - Tx: abx including fluoroquinolones, TMP-SMZ or broad spectrum cephalosporin. Vaccine for travellers to endemic areas including Ty21A and ViCPS – questionable effectiveness - Epidemiology: source in water, ice, cooked food albeit thoroughly, avoid raw fruits and vegetables.
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm). Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment
- Disease/clinical = enterobiasis. Most are asymptomatic. Symptomatic infections = perianal itching, secondary bacterial infection d/t skin lesions around anus - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of embryonated egg, eggs hatch in SI and larva moves to LI mucosa without pathology, maturation into adults, adults have sex in lumen, gravid female migrates to perianal region to lay eggs (mostly at night) - Diagnosis: identification of eggs (flat-sided) or adult worms in perianal region via scotch-tape prep - Epidemiology: pinworm specific to species - Tx: mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate
Identify the genus and species of the following nematode eggs

- from left to right: Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), trichuris trichuria (whipworm), ascaris lumbricoides fertile egg, ascaris lumbricoides infertile egg, hookworm (necator americanus or ancylostoma duodenale)
Most common bacteria cause of watery diarrhea?
- Campylobacter jejuni
Which hepatitis viruses are fecal-orally transmitted? Bodily fluid transmitted?
- Fecal-oral: Hep A and E - Bodily fluid: Hep B, C and D
What is the only ciliated protozoan that infects humans?
- Balantidium coli causing balantidiasis
Two types of bacterial food poisoning
1.) Preformed toxin in food 2.) Large number of spore ingested, germinate in intestine and produce toxins, but no colonization/adherence typically
Adenovirus. Characteristics, disease caused, diagnosis, pathogenesis, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Adenoviridae, nakid capsid - Disease: gastroenteritis (by serotypes 40 and 41): watery, non-blood diarrhea for 1 week, may be accompanied by vomiting and fever. Serotypes: 1, 2 and 5 cause: Common cold and pharyngoconjunctival fever (conjunctivitis, pharyngitis and fever), respiratory infections (croup, bronchiolitis, pneumonia) - Diagnosis: antibody-based test - Pathogenesis: fiber protein at vertices of capsid is toxic – unknown mechanism - Epidemiology: primarily in children, no seasonal variation
Bacterial causes of food poisoning
- Staph aureus - Clostridium perfringens - Clostridium botulinum - Bacillus cereus
Echinococcus granulosus. Disease/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: signs and symptoms dependent on where hydatid cyst located, rupture of cyst can lead to large release of antigen and induce anaphylactic response - Lifecycle/patho: lifecycle is typically between sheep/goat/swine (intermediate host), which ingests eggs. Dogs (and other canines) ingests cyst from intermediate tissue and through multiple steps releases embryonated eggs in feces. Through contamination, human consume embryonated eggs in dog feces. Eggs hatches in intestine, larvae travel via bloodstream to multiple body sites and form fluid-filled cyst known as hydatid cyst. - Diagnosis: cyst, history c/w exposure. Tx includes surgical removal, with caution not to rupture fibrous membrane encasing eggs. - Epidemiology: where livestock are raised in association with dogs
Hepatitis A. Characteristics, disease caused, diagnosis, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Picornaviridae - Disease: acute hepatitis, rarely fulminant, not chronic - Diagnosis: acute infection = IgM ab. IgG indicates protective immunity from previous infection of vaccine - Vaccine: inactivated vaccine (HAVRIX or VAQTA) IM - Tx: post-exposure Prophy via vaccine or anti-HAV IgG abs - Epidemiology: all ages susceptible, children usually asymptomatic, fecal-oral
Why are asymptomatic carriers of entamoeba histolytica more infectious?
- Formed stools carry more cysts than trophozoites. Cysts are infectious as they persist and are not degraded as trophozoites are in the environment
What portion of adults with acute HBV infection will progress to chronic hepatitis?
- 10%
Cestodes present in humans in larval stages and cause disease as a result of this?
- Echinococcus granulosus: dog tapeworm - Taenia solium: pig tapeworm
Cyclospora. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = cyclosporiasis. Similar to cryptosporidiosis: profuse watery diarrhea, cramping, fatigue and weight loss. Non-bloody diarrhea. Prolonged for weeks. Worse symptoms in immunocompromised (incl. AIDS pts) - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of oocyst, excystation, divide and mature in intestine, unsporulated cyst from sexual reproduction shed into environment where it sporulates and enters food chain. - Diagnosis: oocytes in stool that are autofluorescent (UV light) - Epidemiology: associated with contaminated raspberries and other berries, water and lettuce
Inflammatory vs non-inflammatory GI bacteria
- Inflammatory: Salmonella spp, Campylobacter jejuni, C. difficile, EHEC, EIEC, Shigella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica - Non-inflammatory: EPEC, ETEC, vibrio cholera, Listeria monocytogenes
Types of helminths. Morphology, sexes and reproduction, digestive system?
1.) Nematodes (aka roundworms): non-segmented, separate sexes with female larger than male, complex digestive system 2.) Cestodes (aka tapeworms): segmented, hermaphroditic, absorbs nutrients 3.) Trematodes (aka flukes): non-segmented leaf shape, hermaphroditic (one exception), primitive gut
What does chronic hepatitis predispose one to?
- Hepatocellular carcinoma - Cirrhosis
Ascaris lumbricoides. Disease caused/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical = ascariasis. Most infections are asymptomatic. Intestinal dz: GI distress, vomiting and diarrhea, physical obstruction, nutritional deficiency/growth retardation in children. Pulmonary dz: mild cough, pneumonitis, asthmatic attacks, eosinophilia seen as invasive - Lifecycle/patho: ingestion of embryonated egg, hatches, larva penetrates intestines traveling through liver and lungs, crawls through trachea and into throat, cleared into intestines and develop into adults where they reproduce, eggs released. This is a geohelminth and eggs require period of time to develop in warm moist soil before becoming infectious again. - Diagnosis: eggs (lumpy bumpy) in stool, larvae or eosinophils in sputum - Epidemiology: found in SE US, fecal-oral via contaminated soil, humans only reservoir for this genus and species
Hepatitis E. Characteristics, disease caused, vaccine, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: Hepeviridae - Disease: acute, not chronic hepatitis - Tx: supportive - Epidemiology: fecal-oral, US cases travel related – epidemics in SE Asia, N Africa and Mexico, high mortality in pregnant women
Most common helminthic infection in the US
- Enterobius vermicularis (aka pinworm)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Characteristics of bacteria, disease/clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment, epidemiology
- Characteristics: G- rod comma/curved shaped, facultative anaerobe, requires NaCl for growth - Disease: explosive watery diarrhea with other GI infection symptoms - Pathogenesis: Kanagawa hemolysin induces chloride secretion leading to water efflux and diarrhea - Tx: supportive, self-limiting dz - Epidemiology: associated with consumption of raw shellfish, common in Japan and SE Asia, also seafood consumption in Gulf states of US
Bacteria associated with watery and sometimes or often bloody stool
- EHEC, EIEC, Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella, spp, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium difficile, Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm). Disease/clinical presentation, lifecycle/pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology
- Disease/clinical: largest tapeworm infecting man (40 feet). Generally asymptomatic or mild: transient nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea. High burden of worms can cause obstruction. Macrocytic anemia in 2% of pts d/t vitB12 consumption by worm. - Lifecycle/patho: human consumes fresh water fish with “cyst/larvae”, scolex attaches to intestine, unembryonated eggs released in feces, develops into embryonated egg in water and develops through various stages, ingested by crustacean, which is ingested by fresh water fish - Diagnosis: eggs in stool - Epidemiology: found in fresh water lakes in MN, MI, FL and CA, ingesting undercooked / raw fish