Exam 5 Flashcards
What is the full path to the directory that contains information about each kernel module installed on the computer?
incorrect answer. Correct Answer:/sys/module
Which of the following is the full path and filename of the file that contains information about which interrupt request (IRQ) channels are being used by each hardware device on the system?
Which of the following commands displays information about the PCI devices installed on the system?
Which of the following commands displays information about the RAID devices on the computer?
hwinfo –listmd
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You have installed a new Linux system, and you want to find out information about the CPU and memory.
Which of the following files contains this information? (Select two.)
Which of the following commands will display the boot options that were given to the kernel at boot time?
cat /proc/cmdline
You have been currently using a cable to connect your Linux laptop to the company network. You are now, however, required to attend several meetings a week in other parts of the building, and you would like to be able to bring your laptop with you, but you still need access to the network while in the meeting.
Which of the following device types would BEST meet your needs?
The hard disk in your Linux laptop has almost reached its maximum storage capacity. You would like to add more hard disk storage, but there is no internal room in the computer.
Which of the following device types is BEST to use if you want to achieve the fastest throughput?
As a network administrator, you have had several employees ask for a way in which they could connect their phones to their Linux computers without the use of wires.
Which of the following device types would BEST meet these employees’ needs?
Which of the following commands identifies dependency information for all modules and displays the results on the screen without creating a file with the dependency information?
depmod -an
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You’ve just purchased a new input device named GamePad that you want to use on your computer. You don’t think that the GamePad driver (the kernel module) was compiled into the kernel of your Linux distribution.
Which of the following commands will install the driver (gamepad.ko) into the kernel? (Select two.)
insmod gamepad.ko
modprobe gamepad
Which command displays information about all loaded modules on the system?
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The modprobe.conf file provides the modprobe utility with default commands for loading modules at boot time.
What is the entry you can use in the file to load a module at boot time?
Which utility runs at startup to load modules into the kernel?
What file is used to provide configuration settings for the modprobe utility when the modprobe.conf file does not exist?
Which of the following commands will check for dependencies before loading the gameport module in the kernel?
modprobe gameport
Which of the following commands will check for dependencies before removing the debug module from the kernel?
modprobe -r debug
Which of the following are important to remember when using the rmmod command to remove a module from the kernel? (Select two.)
Does not look for dependencies.
Cannot unload the module if it is in use.
Which of the following describes the difference between the /lib/modules directory and the /usr/lib/modules directory? (Select two.)
Both directories contain hard links to the kernel modules.
/lib/modules is available to root in single-user mode, while /usr/lib/modules is available to all users.
Which of the following device categories do RAM chips, CPUs, expansion cards (such as PCI cards), and standard hard disk drives belong to?
Coldplug devices
Which of the following daemons allow processes to communicate with each other and relay information about hotplug devices?
Which of the following daemons provides all applications with data about the current hardware?
Which of the following devices is a hotplug device?
USB flash drive
Match the term on the left with the correct definition on the right.
Allows processes to communicate with each other and notify one another of new hotplug devices.
Correct Answer:
Provides all applications with data about current hardware.
Correct Answer:
Dynamically creates device files in a virtual file system as devices are added and removed.
Correct Answer:
Exports information about hotplug devices so that other utilities can access the information.
Correct Answer:
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What is the full path to the directory that allows you to name devices when they are connected to the system?
Which of the following exports information about hotplug devices so that other utilities can access the information?
Which of the following commands is designed to give you the ability to control the udev daemon?
udevadm control
Which of the following commands would you enter to add the pci subsystem to your Linux server? (Select from the drop-down list.)
udevadm trigger –action=add –subsystem-match=pci
When a hotplug device is added or removed, the kernel sends out a uevent message that is picked up by the udev daemon (udevd).
Based on the rules defined in the files in the /etc/udev/rules.d directory, what does udevd do next after udevd initiates the device?
Creates the appropriate device file in the /dev directory.
Which of the following file types can create processes on a Linux system? (Select two.)
Internal shell commands
Binary executables
Which of the following is the number assigned to a process that spawns another process?
During the process of troubleshooting a resource issue on a server, a technician enters the following command and receives the output showing zombie processes.
[user@centos7]#ps aux |grep Z
ljenkins 2346 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 08:44 0:02 [kdmflush]
ljenkins 3365 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 08:64 0:14 [bioset]
ljenkins 3812 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 09:31 0:05 [bioset]
ljenkins 4957 0.1 0.0 0 0 ? Z 10:16 0:35 [email-client]
ljenkins 5276 0.1 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:04 0:45 [email-client]
What should the technician do NEXT to resolve the issue with kdmflush zombie processes?
Kill the parent process.
After running ps -ef, you notice a number of processes that display getty. You are not familiar with that process and want to make sure it is not malicious, so you check the man pages and find that it is a valid Linux process that manages physical or virtual terminals (TTYs).
What should you do NEXT?
Recognize that the getty processes are not a concern.
Mario, a technician, entered the pgrep -u sally command and received the following result:
Which of the following describes the result?
The process ID of the process that was executed by the user sally.
Which command displays all the processes that are running in the most detail?
ps -ef
Which command displays the PPID?
ps -f
You want to view all currently-running processes that include getty in the process name.
Which command would you use?
ps -A | grep getty
Which command would you use to look for a potential resource hog on a workstation?
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You are experiencing some slowness and want to view an interactive listing of running processes to see if there is a process that is causing the problem.
Which of the following commands displays an interactive listing of running processes as illustrated below?
What is the default nice value for a process not executed with the nice command?
What command would you enter at the command prompt to start the gedit program in the background?
gedit &
You have several processes running in the background, as shown by the jobs command below:
[1]+ Running gedit &
[2]+ Stopped crontab e
What command will bring the gedit program to the foreground?
fg 1
What would you enter at the command prompt to start the gedit process with the highest priority possible?
nice -n -20 gedit
You need to send a process to the foreground. Which command should you enter to identify the job ID for the process?
A developer calls you with a problem. They were trying to debug a new daemon and mistakenly placed it on the production machine instead of on a lab machine. To ensure that the CPU gives preference to other processes, you need to lower the daemon’s priority. The PID number is 2345.
Which command would you use to decrease the daemon’s priority?
renice -n 10 2345
A developer calls you with a problem. She was trying to debug a new daemon and mistakenly placed it on the production machine instead of on a lab machine. It has now entered runaway mode. The PID number is 2345. She attempted to stop the process with the standard kill command, but it had no effect.
Which command would you use to assure that the process will terminate?
kill -9 2345
What is the result of the nohup gedit & command?
gedit will start in the background and persist in the background after logging out of the shell.
After a severe lightning strike nearby, a number of processes seem to be running on the server in runaway mode.
What utility would terminate these processes by name and not just by process ID number?
The /sbin/grpck process is not responding and needs to be killed. There are multiple instances that were spawned and need to be terminated.
Which of the following commands will terminate all instances of the grpck process?
pkill -SIGTERM -f grpck
What should you enter at the command prompt to remove tasks 2 and 3 in the at queue?
incorrect answer. Correct Answer:atrm 2 3
Which command should you enter at the command prompt to list the tasks in the at queue for the current user?
at -l
Which of the following statements best describes the effects of having only the gshant user account listed in the /etc/at.allow file?
Only gshant and root can use the at command.
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Which crontab option should you use to display the contents of the crontab file for the current user?
Which command could you use to verify whether a crontab file exists for the thobbs user?
crontab -l -u thobbs
Which file should you edit if you want to permit specific users to edit their respective crontab file but deny all other users on the system from editing their crontab file?
ou are editing the crontab file and want an entry to run every hour at five minutes past the hour.
Which of the following entries will accomplish this task?
5 * * * * /home/emmett/example.sh
period in days delay in minutes job-identifier command
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You have an anacrontab file with the following settings:
1 5 cron.daily nice run-parts /etc/cron.daily
7 20 cron.weekly nice run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
@monthly 50 cron.monthly nice run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
Between which hours of the day will tasks scheduled with anacron start to run?
Between 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
20 minutes
A randomly chosen number of minutes between 0 and 35
What is the full path and filename of the file that is used to schedule tasks for the anacron daemon?
What service does cron rely on to run the scripts in the /etc/cron.daily, /etc/cron.weekly, and /etc/cron.monthly directories?
You need to set the system date and time using the date command.
Which date option should you use?
For what purpose would you edit the /etc/localtime file?
Set the current time zone.
Which commands can you use to change the time zone (TZ) environment variable? (Select two.)
Which hwclock option sets the system time to the current hardware clock time?
You need to set the hardware clock to the same value as the system clock.
Which command should you use?
hwclock -w
Which of the following commands will set the system time to match the time server on the network at
Your system time is over thirty minutes different than the time on the NTP time provider. When you use the ntpd command, the time is not updated.
Which ntpd option should you include?
Which of the following represent a cluster of NTP time providers?
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You want to configure the NTP daemon to receive time from pool.ntp.org.
What entry should you place in the /etc/ntp.conf file?
server pool.ntp.org
You are using a systemd-based Linux system and have made changes in the /etc/ntp.conf file.
Which of the following commands should you use to implement these changes?
systemctl restart ntpd
What is the full path to the directory that contains log files, including secure, messages, [application], and kern.log?
You have just received an error message on your Linux server console, but you were not able to read all of it before it disappeared from the screen.
Which of the following log files would store a copy of the error message?
You are using the journald daemon for logging your system messages. You want to view all messages in the journal related to the Linux firewall.
Which of the following commands could you use to view the firewall information?
journalctl -u firewalld
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Linux systems that use SysVinit (init) use the syslogd daemon to manage logging.
Which of the following daemons is used on newer system-based distributions to provide a local system log file?
You are using the journald daemon for logging your system messages. You want to store notice messages but not info or debug messages.
Which of the following parameters would you set in the journald.conf file?
MaxLevelStore 5
Which of the following commands manages, compresses, renames, and deletes log files based on specific criteria such as size or date?
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You want to remove every rotated log older than 240 days. At the same time, you want to rotate the log file every week and ensure that there are no more than four archives.
Which of the following logrotate commands would you use in a script to meet these requirements?
rotate 4
maxage 240
Which of the following commands or utilities is a suite of tools that can help you detect, report, and resolve application crashes, as well as take steps to resolve the issue?
You have been experiencing several crashes on your Linux server over the past two days and want to use the ABRT utility to view information about all the crashes.
Which of the following ABRT commands would give you the information you need?
abrt-cli list
Your Linux server has just crashed, and you want to use ABRT to generate a report that identifies the operating system and versions of RPM packages running when the system crashed. You don’t want any private information included in the report.
Which of the following ABRT components can you use to generate this report?
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You want to generate a report that includes a description of each of the hardware components on your Linux server, as well as serial numbers and BIOS revisions.
Which of the following utilities or commands can provide this information in a human-readable format?
Illustration of the results of entering a command at the command prompt. The information includes the total memory and swap memory sizes, and used, free, shared, and available memory.
Below is an illustration of information you displayed by entering a command at the root command prompt. Which of the following commands displayed this information?
A technician executes a command that collects various OS usage statistics, provides report capability, and saves system activity information.
Which of the following commands displays this information?
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Which of the following sar commands can you use to view statistics for each processor and global statistics for all processors?
sar -P ALL
Which of the following sysctrl command switches lets you permanently write a change to the kernel parameter at runtime?
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Which of the following commands produced the following output?
06:14:11 up 139 days, 24 min, 5 users, load average: 0.12, 0.33, 0.48
Mary, a technician, is troubleshooting memory and performance issues on a system. Mary executes a command to show information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks, and CPU activity.
Which of the following commands did Mary use to view this information?