Exam 5 Flashcards
a large group of cell bodies in PNS
carries electrical signal to effectors
efferent neuron
deals with stressful situations
sympathetic division
carries electrical signals to the CNS
afferent neuron
stores memories and interprets information
associative neuron
supports and feeds CNS neurons
deals with normal sensations & motor responses
somatic system
makes the insulating sheath around PNS axons
schwaan cell
group of neuron somas in the CNS
neurons controlling function of the digestive system
enteric system
returns the body to normal operating conditions
parasympathetic division
plasma membrane of an neuron
carries action potentials to effectors
efferent neuron
cell that interprets information and determines responses
controls homeostasis of nutrient delivery
autonomic system
structural type of neuron found in the brain
multipolar neuron
groups of axons within the CNS
group of cell bodies in the PNS
structural type of neuron used for special senses
bipolar neuron
transmits information to the CNS
afferent neuron
area of gray matter within white matter of the CNS
transmits normal sensations & skeletal motor responses
somatic system
bundle of axons within the PNS
structural type of neuron that transmits sensory info
unipolar neuron