Exam Flashcards
maximal amount of force one can exert
strength regardless of bodyweight
absolute strength
absolute strength divided by bodyweight
relative strength
makes up the heart, striated, contracts as a unit
Muscle type: cardiac
makes up the walls of the blood vessels and organs, not striated, not typically under voluntary control (involuntary)
Muscle type: smooth
under voluntary control, responsible for the movement of the body, kind of muscle fiber that is developed through strenght training
Muscle type: skeletal
capable of generating large amounts of force but fatigue rapidly
Muscle fiber type: fast twitch
generate small amounts of force but are difficult to fatigue
Muscle fiber types: slow twitch
muscle contracts and it does NOT change length
muscle contractions: isometric
during contraction, muscle DOES change length
muscle contractions: isotonic
muscle shortens – DB curl UP
muscle contractions: isotonic: concentric
muscle lengthens – DB curl down
muscle contractions: isotonic: eccentric
maximal amount of force exerted through full range of motion
muscle contractions: isokinetic
energy that fuels movement; adenosine group + three phosphates
Energy systems: ATP
short term, high intensity; fueled by ATP stored in muscles, 6-10 seconds
Energy systems: phosphagen system
ex. running a 40 yard dash, vertical jump
Energy systems: phosphagen system
breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP, 2-3 mintues
Energy systems: lactic acid system
ex. sprints, running up hills, two mintue sit up test
Energy systems: lactic acid system