Exam 4 Obstructive lung disease Part II Flashcards
What 3 things may improve reversible componenets of asthma pre-operatively?
chest physiotherapy, antibiotics, and a bronchodilator
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What is indicated when we are concerned about the adequacy of ventilation or oxygenation?
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____ and ____ therapy should be continued until induction.
Anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator
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Patients on systemic steroids within the last 6 months may need a stress dose of hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone
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Asthma patients should be ____ and have a PEFR ____% of predicted or their personal best value before surgery
free of wheezing
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Which characteristics of asthma should be evaluated pre-op?
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COPD is a disease of ____ ____ ____
chronic airflow obstruction
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COPD Sx include:
____ characterized by lung parenchymal destruction
____ chracterized by cough and sputum production and ____
emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and small airway obstruction
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Pulmonary elastic recoil is lost d/t ____ destruction
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COPD has a worldwide prevalence of ____ and is the ____ leading cause of death
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Risk factors for COPD
LONNNGGGG list… just know what you can here
Although cigarette smoking contributes to COPD, multiple other risks exist, including occupational exposure to dust & chemicals (esp coal mining), gold mining, textile industry, biomass fuel, air pollution, genetic factors ( s/a α1-antitrypsin deficiency), age, female sex, poor lung development during gestation such as from maternal smoking, low birth weight, recurrent childhood respiratory infections, low socioeconomic class, and asthma
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CODP leads to 5 common things
1) pathologic deterioration in elasticity or recoil within the lung parenchyma, which normally keeps the airways in an open position
2) pathologic changes that decrease bronchiolar wall structure, thus allowing them to collapse during exhalation
3) an increase in gas flow velocity in narrowed bronchioli, which lowers the pressure inside the bronchioli and further favors airway collapse
4) active bronchospasm and obstruction resulting from increased pulmonary secretions
5) destruction of lung parenchyma, enlargement of air sacs, and development of emphysema
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3 common Sx of COPD
dyspnea at rest or exertion
chronic cough
chronic sputum production
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COPD exacerbations are c/b chronic worsening in airflow obstruction.
it is an acute worsening in airflow obstruction
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as expiratory airflow obstruction increases, ____ and ____ ____ ____ become evident
prolonged expiratory times
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As COPD progresses, ____ become more frequent and are often triggered by ____
Bacterial respiratory infections
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in COPD breath sounds are ____ and a ____ wheeze is common
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providers should have a high degree of suspicion and low threshold to test for COPD in pts with ____ and ____ or ____
chronic cough
environmental exposures
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What test gives us a definitive diagnosis of COPD?
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PFTs in COPD show a ____ in FEV1:FVC ratio and an even greater ____ in the FEF 25-75% of VC.
FEV1:FVC is usually ____%, FRC and TLC are ____, and the DLCO (diffusing capacity for CO is ____
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What is responsible for the increase in RV in COPD? (2 things)
slowing of expiratory airflow and gas trapping behind prematurely closed airways
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What is the advantage of an increased RV and FRC in pts with COPD related to?
What is the cost?
enlarged airway diameter
Cost is a greater work of breathing at higher lung volumes
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what does spirometry look like with COPD in comparison to normal?
Flip the card to find out!
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GOLD spirometric criteria for COPD severity is based on ____ measurement.
What are the stages and characteristics at each stage?
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What does a Chest X-ray look like in COPD patients?
What suggests emphysema? What confirms it?
abnormalities minimal even w/ severe COPD
-hyperlucency in the lung periphery suggests emphysema
-bullae confirms emphysema, although only a small percentage of pts with emphysema have bullae
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____ is much more sensitive at diagnosing COPD than ____
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what symptoms are suggestive of multi-organ loss of tissue (MOLT) COPD phenotype?
What is it associated with?
airspace enalrgement and alveolar destruction
loss of bone, muscle and fat
associated with higher rates of lung cancer
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what symptoms indicate bronchitic phenotype? What is it usually accompanied by?
bronchiolar narrowing and wall thickening
metabolic syndrome and high rates of cardiac disease
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