Exam 4 Flashcards
Basic metabolic rate increase
Cardiac output increase
Blood volume increase
Oxygen utilization increase
GFR increase
Average total weight gain
24 pounds
Pregnancy is high….
Progesterone and estrogen
Placenta takes over PR production by…
Week 7-8
Estrogen produced by…
The placenta
CV changes
Heart displaced upward and left
Ventricular muscle mass increase
LV and LA increase in size
Heart rate increase by…
10-20 bpm
BP is the lowest…
Week 24
Systemic vascular resistance…
Heart sounds in pregnancy that are normal
Increased 2nd heart sound intensity, splits with inspiration
S3 gallop, 3rd heart sound
Low grade SEM
Abnormal heart findings in pregnancy
Diastolic murmur
Supine hypotension syndrome
Increase in maternal HR
Light headedness
Relived by lying on left side when supine
EKG changes in pregnancy
Slight left axis deviation
Tidal volume…
Increases 30-40% and minute ventilation increases
Total lung capacity and CO2 levels…
Bohr effect
Compensated respiratory alkalosis
Hyperventilation to create a gradient facilitating o2 delivery to the fetus and removing co2 delivery from the fetus
Clotting changes in pregnancy
Increase fibrinogen, factors VII-X
Decrease in proteins C and S
Physiologic anemia in pregnancy
Decrease in Hb and Hct
If it is less than 11 Hb, then usually due to iron deficiency
Gallbladder in pregnancy
Impaired gallbladder contractility
GI manifestations in pregnancy
NV Cravings, aversions Increase caloric intake GERD Constitution
Labs in pregnancy for GI
Increased total serum alk phos, bile is not moving
Renal anatomical changes
Kidneys lengthen
Ureters dilate, right usually more than the left
Functional increases in the renal system
Increased renal plasma flow
Increased DFR
Increased RAA system activity
Clinical renal manifestations
Frequency, dysuria, urgency
Stress incontinence
Pyelonephritis is increased incidence
Thyroid and pregnancy
Euthyroid state
HCG is a weak stimulating effect on the thyroid, so may enlarge and have rise of FT4
Random endocrine increases
Glucose in pregnancy
Increase in insulin sensitivity followed by progressive insulin resistance
Type 2 diabetic state
Glucose is primary fuel for placenta and fetus
Lipids in pregnancy
Increase in all lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins
Pubic symphisis separates at…
28-30 weeks
Hair loss in pregnancy
2-4 months post partum
Most rapid changes of breast size
In first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy
Eyes in pregnancy
Blurred vision
Decreased intraocular pressure and increased thickness of the cornea
Placenta and immunology
Keeps fetus from direct contact with maternal immune system
6 weeks lymphocyte production happens
In the fetus, well oxygenated blood enters…
The left ventricle
In a fetus, less oxygenated blood enters…
The right ventricle
How does the fetus maintain adequate tissue oxygenation?
Fetal hemoglobin
Decreased fetal o2 consumption
Kidney in utero
Functional in second trimester
Source of amniotic fluid
Liver in utero
Slow to mature
Vitamin K deficiency
Thyroid in utero
Functional at the end of T1
Mother is the primary source of thyroid hormone prior to 24-28 weeks
Differentiation into testes occurs…
6 weeks after conception
Testosterone and mullerian inhibitory factor inhibit development of female external genitalia
Development of fetal ovary begins…
At 7 weeks
Gestational age
Time of pregnancy counting from the first day of the LMP
Developmental age
The time of pregnancy counting from fertilization (2 weeks less than GA)
Estimated date of delivery
First trimester
Up for 14 weeks (GA)
Second trimester
14-28 weeks
Third trimester
28 weeks- deliver
Fertilization - 8 weeks
9 weeks to birth
<24 weeks
20-36 weeks
37-42 weeks
Total number of pregnancies
Including ectopic and molar
Number of deliveries >20 weeks gestation, stillborn or alive
If twins, P1
Number of pregnancies lost before the 20th gestational week
Term deliveries
Preterm deliveries
Living children
Elderly primagravida
At least 35
Clinical presentation of pregnancy
Amenorrhea Fatigue NV Breast changes Urinary frequency Chadwick sign Hegars sign Leukorrhea
Chadwick sign
Early pregnancy sign
Blue discoloration of cervix
Hegar’s sign
Softening of junction between the uterus and the cervix
16-20 weeks GA, feeling the baby move
Could be week 14 if many pregnancies
Urine pregnancy test
Can be positive 4 weeks after the 1st day of LMP
Serum pregnancy test
Positive before missed period
Quantitative helpful when monitoring problems
5-6 weeks GA
3-4 weeks GA
Fetal heart tones doppler
12 weeks
Naegele’s rule
Add 9 months and 7 days to day of LMP
Fundal height measurement
20-36 weeks, the fundal heigh in centimeters should about match the weeks GA
HIV screening
Opt out approach
Panorama test
Early as 9 weeks
Screens for trisomy 13, 18 and 21
Determines sex of baby
Less than 28 weeks, see OB
Every 4 weeks
28-36 weeks pregnant, see OB
Every 2 weeks
> 36 weeks pregnant, see OB
Every week until delivery
False labor
Irregular intervals
Same intensity
Relieved by meds
No cervical change
True labor
Regular intervals that shorten
Increase in intensity
Back discomfort
Cervix dilates
Not relieved by meds
High BMI and low BMI weight gain expectations
<19: 28-40 pounds
> 26: no more than 20 pounds
BP >140/90 on at least 2 occasions 20 weeks or later GA and no proteinuria
Fundal heigh discrepancy
> 3cm, or progressive decrease, need to do US
Normal FHT
110-160, maybe higher in early PG
Screened 24-28 weeks
28 weeks, screen…
Ab and consider RhoGAM if RH-
Activity during PG
30 minutes of moderate exercise per day if accustomed to this already
Can fly safely up to…
36 weeks GA unless complications
Contacting doc about labor
Contractions every 5 minutes for an hour
Sudden gush of fluid or constant leakage
Significant vaginal bleeding
Decrease in fetal movement
Fluid collection in posterior fornix
Fluid comes thru cervical os during valsalva
Presence of ferning pattern on microscope of dried fluid
Positive if nitrazine paper turns blue, indicating basic pH
Amnisure test
Detects amniotic fluid protein
Shortening of cervical canal from 2cm to a paper thin circular orifice , expressed in %