Exam #4 Flashcards
Which type of black hole could have a mass of 1Mo?
Which type of blackhole would have the weakest title force as you approach it event horizon?
Super massive black hole
Which type of black hole would have the second strongest tidal force as you approach it’s event horizon?
Stellar mass black hole
What is the scape velocity from the event horizon of a black hole?
What is the escape velocity from a black hole?
Greater than “C”
What is the escape velocity from your Scantron in front of you?
Less than “C”
Which of the listed properties pertain to open clusters?
10 to a few thousand stars in a number
Relatively flat in shape
Which type of telescope what do you have to used to detect a HI region?
A radio waves telescope
Which of the following is correct about spiral and barred spiral galaxies?
They contain high percentages of dust and gas
They contain young and old stars
They are the most common type of galaxy observant
According to Einstein’s special theory of relativity what would happen to your twin sister if she traveled to the star Sirius and back at the speed of light?
She would come back younger than you
GammaRay burst are thought to be created by?
A jet from in exploding hyper giant directed our way
Neutron stars colliding
Assumed that the sun suddenly collapsed and became a black hole. What would happen to the earth?
It would keep it same orbit but get very cold
What data would you have to collect about globular cluster’s in order to discover the Suns correct location within the Milky Way galaxy?
Their direction
Their distance
In astronomer makes an observation of a galaxy which has a very large amount of gas and dust what type of galaxy with this be?
Barred spiral
According to relativity if you were to travel at the speed of light how long would it take you from your point of view to travel to the star Vega(26 light years away)?
No time
What is the new name given to the local super cluster?
If you observe a galaxy which appears very blue what correct conclusion could you make about its constituents?
It has relatively recent star formation occurring
It contains relatively young stars
It has a relatively high percentage of gas and or dust
The physicist Stephen Hawking theorized that black holes can leak energy from their event horizons. This energy is called?
Hawking radiation
Which person listed did not make use of Henrietta Leavitt’s Period-Luminosity relation for Cepheid variables?
William Herschel
What type of object do you find in the center of the crab nebula?
Neutron star
You using a telescope and camera photo graph spiracle gases objects consisting of multicolored gases. Later you find out that another astronomer has discovered a white dwarf at the center at this region. This is most likely a?
Planetary nebula
What keeps a stellar core which is greater than three solar masses from collapsing due to gravity?
No known force
If you using the Doppler effect determined that a main sequence star has an unseen companion who’s mass is 2.2 solar masses that unseen companion is most likely a?
Neutron star
Theoretically which of the following would be able to escape from the event horizon of a black hole?
a particle traveling faster than the speed of light
A black hole is an object with?
Has collapsed inside of it on gravitational radius or event horizon
Which of the following list The objects in order of increasing lowest to highest density?
Earth, pulsar, black hole’s singularity
Which of the following is a candidate for a mini black hole?
None of the previous
Which galaxy is classified as an AGN an (active glactic nucleus)?
None of the previous Are AGN’ S
Even though the concept of space time was made famous by Einstein it was first proposed by?
Herman Minkowski
Assume that astronomers make a discovery of a black hole with a mass of 5000 solar masses this black hole would most likely be considered a?
Intermediate mass black hole
Who discovered that there are many different types of galaxies?
Edwin Hubble
Who discovered Uranus and also formulated a Milky Way galaxy model that looked like a grind stone?
William Herschel
Who first determine the sons correct location with in the Milky Way galaxy?
Harlow Shapley
Who first solved equation pertaining to rotational black holes?
Roy Kerr
Who discovered that the band of light called the Milky Way galaxy consisted of stars?
Confirmation of general relativity came in 1919 when starlight was bent during a?
Total solar eclipse
According to the general theory of relativity what would you notice happening to your friend as she headed towards the event horizon of the black hole?
She would appear to move slower and slower eventually freezing in motion at the event horizon
What would you have to do to turn a baseball into a black hole?
Compress it
Considering general relativity which clock would take more quickly one on the moon or one on earth?
Clock on the moon
Why do dark absorption nebulae appear bluish in color?
Poor question. Dark nebulae are usually black or very dark in appearance.