exam 4 Flashcards
Amphibian b-catenin activity becomes stabilized at a site opposite that of sperm entry..
Formation of the amphibian Organizer involves high level expression of
high nodal: high Xnr on dorsal ( high translation of Vgt1 and VegT)
Which of the following are present in the Organizer?
Chordin, Noggin, Follistan, Xnr3
The left side of the Xenopus embryo is determined by
Which of the following can inhibit or block Wnt expression?
Cerberus, Dickkopf, Frzb, IGF, Tiki, Notum, Xwnt8
During Mid Blastula transition in Xenopus
The area where gray crescent forms will determine…
The Nieuwkoop Center is
Beta-catenin in the dorsal portion of the amphibian egg is stabilized after
Which of the following describes organizer Functions in Xenopus
Sox2 is expressed in the neural plates. Which of the following phenotypes would you expect to
observe after BMP inactivation in Xenopus embryos
Which of the following molecules plays a role in controlling Wnt signaling?
Under the influence of high levels of BMP ectoderm
Low levels of BMP can induce
Which of the following can inhibit BMP?
During the formation of the head and brain in Xenopus
The “Organizer” functions to
In the diagram at right which adhesion protein is expressed in the area labeled
During dorsal-ventral specification of the neural tube of vertebrates the protein that regulates
the formation and position of the floor plate is
Which of the following belongs to the TGF-b gene family?
Which region of the neural tube contains the least amount of sonic hedgehog?
Frog egg microtubule are reorganized to form the Gray Crescent during the
The amphibian Organizer is in the
The Pitx2 molecule
The experiment of Hemmati Brivanlou in which he tested the role of Follistatin on Activin lead to
the discovery that
The vegetal pole in Xenopus is a source of
Which of the following molecules have a conserved role in defining anterior posterior axis?
Which of the following phenotypes would you expect to observe inducing Noggin expression in
a ventralized embryo
Which of the following sentences about Xenopus Nodal Related (Xnr-1) are correct
Ventral tube formation can be experimentally induced
Which of the following factors can affect neural tube closure
Genetic abnormality involving motile cilia
During the process of garstrulation Hox genes are
What molecule density does the diagram on the right illustrate? Choose it from the list
Which of the following sentences is correct
Ectopic expression of Pitx2 in the developing Xenopus can
Spina bifida
During the process of dorsal ventral specification of the neural tube
Ectopic notochord can induce
Homeotic selector genes …
The pattern of expression of the genes that define the distinct populations of the neural tube are defined by
Epiboly of the ectoderm in Xenopus is a process
The Niewkoop center
Transplant of the dorsal blastopore lip (early gastrula) to another gastrula ….
Dorsal ventral axis in drosophila….
BMP gradients define dorsal-ventral axis of developing Xenopus embryo
Transplants of blastomers from the dorsal portion of the vegetal pole to the ventral vegetal pole
of another embryo leads to
Noggin plays an important role in defining the
During the definition of the anterior posterior axis in amphibians what defines the head
Second neurulation
Folic acid is important
What is the doral lip and what produces the gastrulation