Exam Flashcards
Marks of a Robust Gospel
A Robust Gospel is a Story
A Robust Gospel Deals with a Robust Problem
A Robust Gospel is Personal
A Robust Gospel is Communal
A robust Gospel includes the Whole Story - The Life, Death, Resurrection, and Spirit of Jesus.
A Robust Gospel Demands Faith and Works
The Makings of a Practice
First, the goods that are realized in carrying out a practice are “internal” to that practice.
Just as the goods realized in a practice are internal to that practice, so it is with the standards of excellence by which we judge a practice.
We are thus brought directly to a third characteristic of a practice, its nature as a “socially established” and “cooperative” human activity.
As has just been indicated, a fourth feature of a practice is that it may be “systematically extended.”
We listen to the Whispers and Nudges of the Holy Spirit.
We ask powerful questions of others to discover where God is already at work.
We collaborate with God in Prayer for ant with Seekers and Skeptics.
Evangelism Community
A witness in a New Landscape.
A witness to the Kingdom of God.
A witness to the Whole Body of Christ.
Barriers to Rebuilding Trust With Spiritual Friends
Having no Unchurched friends.
Having a mental script.
Language Problems
Language isn’t static; it is socially constructed, because different societies determine what concepts should be linked together.
We have a different language as Christians that other people don’t speak.
Therefore…When we don’t consider the elements of the environment or determine if the language is appropriate in the current situation, then we can be taken offensively.
Stories Are Important
Stories are the Only Container Big Enough to Carry Truth
Stories convey not just the facts by also feelings and nuances of truth, Stories are a bigger and better container of the whole truth that propositions, concepts and dogmas.
In a Postmodern World, Interpretation Flows through Storytelling
Discipleship Are Important
Discipleship was the central teaching model in the first century.
Like other rabbis, Jesus had disciples.
It Highlights Experience Over Knowledge.
Postmodernism Blurs Evangelism and Discipleship.
It’s Transformational
Correlation Between Beliefs and Actions
What you believe dictates your actions
Sola Fide
Faith Alone
Becomes based on personal faith
Individualistic transaction
Sola Scriptura
Scripture Alone
Individuals become authority on interpretation
Causes division
Sola Christus
Christ Alone
Church becomes optional at best
Church become useless at worst
Truth Is
Premodern: intuitive and universal
Modern: discovered and universal
Postmodern: discovered and constructive
When we submit to something or someone to be true, we give that person power.
That Fueled Postmodernism
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