Exam Flashcards
What sort of communities did people live in, in the 1500’s?
The majority of the population lived in the countryside and agriculture was the main economic source. Nearly all production in the 1500’s was local and each region tended to grow all the food and manufacture products its population needed.
- In 1500, the majority of the population was illiterate. This is because most jobs were unskilled and did not require reading or writing. There was a small portion of educated elite which included church figures, lawyers doctors etc.
- Christianity was the official religion of the west and minorities were persecuted. Some were put to death for heresy. The Christian Church was the most important institution, even more so than the government.
- The West’s knowledge of the rest of the world was growing but limited as the existence of Australia and New Zealand was still unknown.
In shrot, the west in the 1500 was largely rural, generally poor, dominated by religion, intolerant of minorities and limited in its understanding of the outside world.
How was society organized in the 1500’s? State its main features?
Society was organized in a hierarchical manner. The religious hierarchy looked like this:
- The people.
- Cardinals
- Bishops
- Priests
Each level of hierarchy enjoyed special privileges.
On the civil side, the hierarchy looked like this:
- The king
- Nobility
- Professionals (lawyers, doctors)
- Skilled artisans
- Rural Laborers
No social mixing among these orders.
Men had leading roles as women were seen as weak. Men owned the family property and passed it down to their sons.
The guild was a big feature of the 1500s. They wanted to keep the supply of goods low to keep prices up.
What were the factors that made people reluctant to embrace change in the 1500’s?
- The dominance of religion
- The level of intolerance
- Low and static income levels. Unequal distribution of wealth amongst the classes. The nobility, religious figures etc. would experience income growth, but the average person would not.
- The general comfort that came from old ideals, beliefs and ways of life. This is partly because there was little contact among different regions of the world.
- Cheap labour and slavery. Because labour costs were low, purchasers had little incentive to look for cheaper, more efficient methods . Because of this, traditional production methods survived.
What factors encouraged change in the 1500’s?
- Gutenberg and the Printing Press. In the 1440s, Johannes Gutenberg created the priting press. This led to the mass production of books and as a result, books become more readily available and cheaper which led to advancement in education.
- The printing press also had a significant influence on religion as the Bible became more widely available, more people could read scriptures and interpret them for themselves.
- The growth of Humanism spurred changed as traditional religious thinking argued that humans were weak and sinful, however, humanists believed in the the dignity and potential of the human race and argue that humans are capable of making the world a better place on their own. Because of this, religion does not need to be the centre of a person’s life.
- Religious reformers such as John Hus and John Wycliffe who advocated for the individual interpretation of God’s word which undermined support for the Church Hierarchy.
- Secular writings led to a decline in the Church’s influence and some of its traditional supporters. This allowed for religious reformers to gain followers.
Definition : Secular
People are not required to believe in a particular religion - or any religion at all.
- Pertaining to the quality of life in the state, and in education apart from religious considerations
Definition: Heresy
Holding on to beliefs that the leading church said was wrong.
Definition: Social Mobility
Possible for the children of parents with little education to become highly educated professionals
- It is a change in social status relative to others’ social location within a given society.
Definition: Hierarchical
Many distinct orders and classes of people
Definition: Dowry
Portion of money or goods given to the new couple to help them establish themselves.
Definition: Artisans
People highly qualified in a particular trade
Definition: Guild
A guild was an association of artisans of the same trade, and it licensed new artisans.
Definition: Cottage Industries
People manufactured good in their own homes as there were no factories to produce them.
Definition: Barter System
A system in which people traded goods for other goods.
Definition: Subsistence
Wages allowed families to survive at the minimum and little more.
Definition: Humanism
A philosophy concerned with human beings, their nature, their development in making life better in the secular world; a cultural and intellectual movement in the Renaissance,
John Wycliffe
1320 - 1384 - 14th century
- a religious reformer who believed that the Church had become corrupt and no longer represented the true Christian faith. He argued that there was nothing in the Bible to support the authority of the pope and that the position should be abolished along with other senior positions. He believe that the Bible should be written in the local language which would allow people to interpret it for themselves.
- Advocated for the individual interpretation of God’s word which undermined support for the Church Hierarchy.
- believed individuals could gain salvation solely through the authenticity of their faith
John Hus
1369-1415 - Head of the University of Prague and supported views similar to those of Wycliffe.
He led a movement that supported many of Wycliffe’s ideas and supported the introduction of lay people (ordinary people rather than clergy) in the ceremony of communion which was reserved by the Church exclusively for the clergy.
- He and Wycliffe were condemned as heretics and Hus was burned at the stake.
Explain the social and political changes during the Renaissance. (50 MARK ESSAY QUESTION)
Today, the Renaissance remains a significant era in history as it represents a rebirth of numerous ideas that were present in the classical times of Ancient Rome and Greece, particularly humanism which had great effect on religion, government, art,literature and education, all of which experienced significant change,.
One of the most significant changes during the Renaissance was the emergence of humanism. Prior to its growth, society valued the qualities of submissiveness and acceptance due to the great dependence placed on the divine and supernatural powers reinforced by religious beliefs. However, humanism paved the road for change. It focused on human dignity and the potential of human beings to find the truth through reason and evidence rather than through revelations of the supernatural. It placed emphasis on the human role in affecting events.
Due to its influence on writers, philosophers and artists, there was an influx of interest in the areas of science, poetry, art and philosophy leading to an emergence of key figures such as Thomas Moore, Desiderious Erasmus, and Machiavelli, famous for his political philosophy in which he abandoned the morality of humanists.
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Rome replaced Florence as the centre of the Renaissance, and it was during this time that the concept of the artist emerged as they began to climb the social ladder due to recognition of their works. Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Sofonisba was one of the few female artists and Leonardo da Vinci invented a number of painting techniques and painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. - Changed the way the world viewed art and artists. Their contributions to the era inspired others to see art and artists as valuable assets to the community.
Between 1500 and 1600 a population shift from rural to urban areas took place. This increased the living standards of most of the urban middle class. Peasants and farmers however did not benefit as the prices of every day goods also increased.
Education also experienced profound change as a result of renaissance humanism as humanists believed that education was they key to morality, in contrast to the medieval approach which placed greater emphasis on religion.
Humanist education was all about studying the classics and liberal arts. Grammar, poetry, mathematics were mandatory as were sports as they developed discipline and skill. Humanists believed this type of education would lead people to live lives of virtue and wisdom. Few females attended school.
- Europe was divided into Catholic and Protestant states. with further denominations such as Lutherans and Calvinists.
- Henry VIII sparked the reformation when he wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon as she could not give him a heir heir and he had fallen in love with Anne Boleyn. The Church however, did not allow for divorce so Henry officially separated England from the Church of Rome. He declared himself the leader of the Church of England, divorced Catherine and married Anne. For the next five years, England was swung between Protestantism and Catholicism. Protestantism was officially restored in 1558.
During the Reformation, Protestant educators established schools and universities and implemented humanist methods. They were available to the wider public as Luther believed that all children should have access to free education.
One of the most important consequences of the Protestant Reformation was the introduction of religious pluralism as it destroyed religious unity in the West forever.
As a result of the Protestant Reformation, the French Monarchy, for example, alternated between the Protestant and Catholic factions several times. Although Catherine de Medici wanted a balance between the two sides, she supported an attack on the Protestant in 1572 which became known as Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre of the Protestants. This massacre prompted the rise of an international alliance of Protestants.
Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources and why they are important tools for research.
Primary sources is first hand information that you can analyze in order to come to a conclusion, for example a diary, newspapers or statistics. Secondary source is a second-hand account that a historian has written about a person, event etc. based on his or her interpretation of primary evidence. They tend to be biased. Examples: books, textbooks, documentaries and journals.
Definition: City-states
The city and its surrounding land made up the state.
Autonomous political units that have a major city at their centre and include the neat hinterland.
Definition: Oligarchy
Governments of the few; usually a group of wealthy people and/or aristocrats.
What were the Papal States
A collection of territories, including Rome, ruled by the papacy. Popes ruled as both the secular and religious authority, and participated in all political and diplomatic matters.
Who is the father of humanism?
Petratch (1304-1374) introduced the concept of chronology into the study of history by dividing history into three different eras
- Classical civilization
- Middle Ages
- The Renaissance
Who is Giovanni Picco della Mirandola?
1463 - 1944. Known for writing Oration on the Dignity of Man in which he describes humans as the only creatures in the world free to become whatever they choose. Influenced by Platonic philosophy and its idealistic view of human nature.
Who is Thomas Moore?
1478-1534. One of the biggest contributors to humanism who helped bring the Renaissance to the north.
He wrote “Utopia” in which he spoke about an ideal society in the newly explored world and how kings were more concerned with authority rather than being good rulers.
- Believed in a co-operative society and in the belief that reform must not only be political but social. He was against private property.
He became chancellor to King Henry VIII of England. The king wanted to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon, but the Church would not permit divorce. Henry moved to separate the English Church from Rome, allow divorce and obtain one himself. Thomas More refused to support him, and refused to accept him as the head of the Church of England. He was forced to resign and was beheaded by Henry VIII for having refused to acknowledge that the the king was the head of the English Church.
- He is seen as a martyr and a saint, but during his time as chancellor, he undertook the persecution of English protestants prior to Henry’s break with Rome.
Who was Desideruious Erasmus?
- a humanist writer, known as the “prince of humanists” as he began an intellectual movement in Europe that blended humanism with piety.
- Translated the New Testament from Greek to Latin and believed that kings and priests should conform with Christian ideals.
Who was Niccolo Machiavelli ?
- A civil servant who wrote history and political philosophy.
- Concerned with politics due to France invading Italy
- Wrote The Prince and abandoned the morality of humanists. He felt that is a prince was guided by moral principles, he would be restricted in his power which would not serve the best interest of the state.
- He challenged the humanist belief that education is the foundation of sound morals and that if given the choice, educated people will choose virtue over vice if its in their best interest.
Who was Michelangelo Buonarroti? What was his importance?
-Michelangelo was a renowned Renaissance artist Influenced by Neoplatonism (focused on Plato’s ideals of beauty and virtue).
He painted the Sistine Chapel in Rope in 1508. His ideals of beauty and the ideal human are evident in these figures.
- Widely considered to be one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance period
- Changed the way the world viewed art and artists.
- His contributions to the era inspired others to see art and artists as valuable assets to the community.
Explain family, gender and the position of women during the Renaissance?
Family was very important in Italian life during the Renaissance. Marriages were arranged very carefully in order to raise the family’s status and strengthen business relations. A dowry was set in place which would determine if the bride moved up or down on the social ladder.
Gender roles were traditional. Fathers and husbands were the head of the family and responsible for legal matters. Wives were responsible for managing the household and bearing children
Definition: Christian Humanism
Emphasized knowledge of the classics and sought to return to the simplicity of the Christian religion as presented in the Scriptures. They felt that reform was the most important aspect of their approach and they would have to change the people in it, and they felt that education was the only way towards this change.
Who was Martin Luther? What was his significance?
- Was a significant part in the Protestant Reformation. Luther was focused on finding the answer to the question “how can one attain salvation”. When he finally found the answer, it ended up splitting Western Christendom into two branches and the doctrine of faith along bringing salvation become the main doctrine of the Protestant Reformation.
- Luther was disgusted with the sale of indulgences and the practices of corrupted church officials and published the 95 Theses arguing against the sale of indulgences which ended up being translated and widely distributed.
- On June 1520, the Pope issued the papal bull which condemned Martin Luther (excommunicate).
- In December of that year, Luther lit the papal bull on fire.
- Charles IV of Germany summoned Martin Luther to Worms and ordered a diet of worms and ordered him to recant.
- Translated the bible further, believed the Bible should be accessible by all and not just the priest.
- He went into hiding and began to organize a reformed church with salvation by faith along being the cornerstone (Lutheran belief). His beliefs spread quickly and lead to Protestantism in 1529 which marked the beginning of the New Lutheran Church.
- As a result of Lutheran ideas, society changed. Monasteries closed in some areas, clergy married, schools were established where the Bible was taught and read in the local language which resulted in the literacy rate increasing for both male and females, women played a bigger role in making decisions involving children and domestic matters.
Who was Ulrich Zwingli?
1484-1531 began one of the two Reformation movements in Switzerland. His preaching has such an impact that over the next two years, strong reforms were introduced into city council through Zwingli. Relics and images were abolished and all paintings were removed from the Church. Music was eliminated as it served as a distraction to the word of God. All remnants of papal Christianity were removed. .
- He and Luther disagreed over one of the most important issues in Christianity - the presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Eucharist ceremony as Luther argued only for a symbolic ceremony.
Who was John Calvin?
1509-1564 A second-generation reformer influenced by Luther’s writings. He is said to have had a religious revelation during which God guided him towards this religious cause of Protestant Reformation.
- He established his own church in Geneva with his own church constitution known as the Ecclesiastical Ordinances. This created a special body for enforcing moral discipline and acting in accordance with the will of God. His success in Geneva enabled the city to be one of Protestantism.
Catholic/Counter Reformation
16th and early 17th centuries
The Church began a campaign called the Catholic Reformation which allowed the Church to regain a significant amount of territory that it had lost in Europe during the Protestant Reformation by reviving some of the older elements of the religion and establishing a number of orders, including the:
Usalines - Order of nuns who established schools for the education of girls and cared for the sick.
Jesuits - built schools based on humanist teachings open to anyone who wanted to attend. They fought Protestantism and were committed to restoring Catholicism. They went across the world winning new converts and bringing back Protestants.
- For example, the sale of indulgences was also put to an end.
- Council of Trent was formed in order to counteract the negative effects of the Reformation and to introduce reform.
- Roman Inquisition: In 1542, institutions were established by the Church in order to sentence people that the Roman Catholic Church believed to be guilty of heresy.
- Index of prohibited books: list of forbidden books published by the Pope in order to enforce conformity within the Church. Anyone caught with a book would suffer consequences
What was the Gutenberg Printing Press and its significance?
- In the 1440s, Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press. This led to great change through the mass production of books and as a result, books become more readily available and cheaper which led to advancement in education.
- Governments could publish laws and influence a broader public and ideas could spread more quickly.
- The printing press also had a significant influence on religion as the Bible became more widely available, more people could read scriptures and interpret them for themselves
It is important historically for its impact on education. Classical texts and books became more readily available to a greater number of people. As a result, it contributed to the rise of secularism and the challenges to ruling authorities and dominant institutions such as the Catholic Church.
Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? What was his significance?
- Artist, sculptor, inventor, engineer, scientist.
- Involved in anatomical research and developed a way of drawing human anatomy that is still used by medical artists oday.
- Designed several types of weapons
- The first to use perspective painting technique and famous for the painting “Last Supper” and “Mona Lisa”
Who is Napoleon? What was his significance?
- Emperor of France
- Came to symbolize order following the chaos of the revolution.
- Napoleon demolished the Egyptian army with ease, but the British army was not that easy to defeat. Founded the Rosetta Stone while in Egypt.
- Reorganized the entire legal structure with the Napoleonic Code (basis of law in France and Quebec)
- Fair taxes, increased trade, improved infrastructure, new commercial code, a new central bank to control monetary polices was established
- Napoleon reached an agreement with the Pope allowing the Church a major role in French society while providing religious freedom for all others. He also abolished slavery and freed the serfs, and today he is seen as a progressive force in European history.
- To create a middle-class cadre of leaders, Napoleon reorganized France’s education system. He restarted the primary schools, created a new elite secondary system of schools and established many other schools for the general populace. He promoted education for girls and greatly improved teacher training. Literacy levels in France soared under Napoleon’s reforms.
What was the Industrial Revolution? Explain its significance?
Changed the way of life from one of primarily agriculture and countryside to one of industrialization. It represented a gradual system of change in agriculture, society, trade, and industry
The impact of the Industrial Revolution was profound
- Changes to cotton production and eventually textile production furthered urbanization, increased consumerism, and automation (spinning wheel, weaving etc.) and led to the factory system which replaced the cottage industry.
- Due to the introduction of machines, many artisans were put out of jobs leaving them to find other sources of low-paying work.
- However, factories required a lot of employees - many of these were women and children as they were cheaper than men. However, they worked in unsafe and appalling conditions due to the danger of losing ones hand or arm in these machines.
- Population growth which led to urban migration due to the factory system being concentrated near coal and water.
- Poor working conditions, low wages, and overcrowding in cities
- Laissez faire economics
- Increased world trade
- Multiplier effect
- Rise of modern business system (corporations)
- Western civilization more interested in technology, entrepreneurship etc.
Second Industrial Revolution: 1870- 1914
- Modern inventions like farming/construction techniques, steam power, spinning wheel, weapons, transportation
- Increased food production and medical technology which led to more pop. increase
- Rise of socialism and communism
- Competition between industrial powers
What was the French Revolution? Explain its significance?
- Began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte.
- During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system.
- Like the American Revolution before it, the French Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly the concepts of popular sovereignty and inalienable rights.
- Although it failed to achieve all of its goals and at times degenerated into a chaotic bloodbath, the movement played a critical role in shaping modern nations by showing the world the power inherent in the will of the people.
Who was Robespierre and what was his significance?
Robespierre was a lawyer and a politician. He was considered the defender of liberty in the early part of the French Revolution and was the leader of the Jacobin Reign of Terror 1793-1794 where over 36,000 people were executed.
The revolutionary government fought the war to victory, supported education, ended internal rebellion, checked inflation and abolished slavery in the colonies. The Jacobins were the first political movement to introduce an authoritarian regime int he name of liberty.
Robespierre argued for King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette’s execution.
Played a significant role in the French Revolution when the Jacobins gained power under their leader, Robespierre which came to be known as the “Jacobin Terror” where 35k to 40k people were killed.
He was in complete control as a leading member of the Committee of General Security and with a strong influence in the Committee of Public Safety.
Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? What was his significance?
Leonardo Da Vinci studied human anatomy, designed weapons, and created a number of painting techniques. He had major influence in the design of hydraulics and mechanical and structural engineering. His weaponry designs brought about social and political change in western society. His knowledge and experience brought about change in painting, architecture, mechanics and human anatomy.
He contributed to Western civilization through each of these fields, altering society’s perception of the Church, etc. His genius ideas were to be materialized by inventors of the future.
He is famous for the Mona Lisa and Last upper.
Who was the first industrialized nation? Who were the next?
England was the first, followed by
- France
- Belgium
- Germany
- The United States
What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
- Population growth due to rising fertility as women began to marry younger
- Working and living conditions changed. Artisans lost jobs due to the introduction of machines, women and children were heavily sought after but were placed in dangerous working conditions. This inspired a number of novels including Hard Times by Charles Dickens.
- The law made all union activities illegal. The Luddites, for example, were a resistance group who broke into factories and destroyed textile machines in order to preserve the trades of the skilled cotton spinners.
- In 1824 , unions were legalized in England and new laws came into effect in i the 1840s and 1850s in order to regulate working conditions
- One of the major consequences of the industrialization was it removed much production from the household and made people much more dependent on wage labour.
- Factory towns became over-crowded, lacked sanitation and has terrible living conditions.
Who was Robert Owen?
A business man and reformer who set up model living conditions for his workers, limited work hours and established schools