Exam 3 week 2 Flashcards
Who incorporated Catholicism, birdsong, modes of limited transposition, additive and non-retrogradable rhythm, and objets sonores
Oliver Messiaen Quator pour La fin due temps
what are modes of limited transposition
seven partially symmetrical music modes or scales, transposable to all twelve notes of the chromatic scale, some transpositions must result in the same pitch classes
What piece incorporated modes of limited transposition and additive and non-retrogradable rhythm
Technique de mon langage musical (1944)
About Francis Poulenc
neoclassicism, catholicism, protest, tonal accessibility
Which piece accessed neoclassicism
Concerto for two pianos
Passientment 54, two sharps
Francis Poulenc “Le Lion amoureux” from Les Animaux modeles (1942) written in protest, tonally accessible, defined as a relic of pre-war era
Triangle on the page, words, very long 8ths, three sharps
Oliver Messiaen Trois petites liturgies de la Presence Divine Mvt. 2 featured modes of limited transposition, additive and non-retrogradable rhythm
What was the re-education idea of Germany after World War 2, who was a participant
Dermstadt International Smmer Courses for New Music , Hindemith and Leibowitz
about Anton Weber
Abstraction as cleansing, antidote or solution to fascist music, politically pure
How did the new German composers see Schoenberg
As too romantic
Writes “Schoenberg is Dead”
Pierre Boulez
what is total serialism
serializing all aspects of a piece, not just the pitches such as duration dynamics and timbre
Why is serialism later relazed
It was deemed too close to facism with complete control
What was the first European work to apply numerical organization to pitch, duration, dynamics, and timbre
Mode de valuers et d’intensites” in Quatre Etudes de rythme (1949)
relaxing of total serialism
Boulez, Le Marteau sans Maitre
One percussions line with no staves, Xylorimba
Pierre Boulex, No. 6 Bourreaux de solitude from Le Marteau sans maitre (1935-55) Boulez was closed about his analytical process, relaxing of total serialism
Piano music, three staves modere
Oliber Messiaen “Mode de valuers et d’intensites” Quatre tudes de rythme (1949) first European work to apply numerical organization to pitch, duration, dynamics, and timbre