Exam 3 Title, Location, Period, Dynasty Flashcards
Palace of Amenhotep III at Malqata
Malqata, Western Thebes
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Bust of Nefertiti
House of the sculptor Thutmose, Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna)
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Votive stela of Akhenaten and Nefertiti (with their daughters)
Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna)
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Statue of Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Throne of Tutankhamun
KV62 (Thebes)
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun
KV62 (Thebes)
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Funerary mask of Tutankhamun
KV62 (Thebes)
New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel
New Kingdom/Ramesside Period
Dynasty 19
Tomb of Nefertari
QV66 (Valley of the Queens at Thebes
New Kingdom/Ramesside Period
Dynasty 19
Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu
Medinet Habu
New Kingdom/Ramesside Period
Dynasty 20
Stela of Paneb (worshipping Meretseger)
Deir el-Medina
New Kingdom/Rameside Period
Dynasty 19
Pyramidion of Hornefer
Deir el-Medina
New Kingdom/Ramesside Period
Dynasty 19
Tomb of Sennedjem
Deir el-Medina
New Kingdom/Ramesside Period
Dynasty 19
Funerary mask of Psusennes I (Gold)
Third Intermediate Period
Dynasty 21
Bracelets of Nimlot (Gold)
Third Intermediate Period
Dynasty 22
Statuette of Osorkon I
Shibin el-Qanater (North of Cairo)
Third Intermediate Period
Dynasty 22
Silver coffin of Sheshonq II
Third Intermediate Period
Dynasty 22
Great Triumphal Stela of Piye
Jebel Barkal
Late Period/Nubian Period
Dynasty 25
Amun as a ram protecting Taharqo
Late Period/Nubian Period
Dynasty 25
Tomb of Montuemhat (TT34)
Late Period
Dynasties 25-26
Statue of Darius I (King)
Late Period/Persian Periods
Dynasty 27
Architectural slab of Nectanebo I
Late Period/Egyptian Independence
Dynasty 30
Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II
Late Period/Egyptian Independence
Dynasty 30
Head of a priest
Late Period/Egyptian Independence
Dynasty 30
Tomb of Petosiris
Tuna el-Gebel
Macedonian Period
ca. 330-305 BCE
Horus stela (cippus)
Ptolemaic Period
304-30 BCE
Temple of Horus at Edfu
Ptolemaic Period
237-57 BCE
Mummy case of Artemidorus
Hawara (near the Faiyum)
Roman Period
Early 2nd century CE
Apedemak Temple
Meroitic Period
300 BCE - 350 CE
Bronze head of Augustus
Meroitic and Roman Periods
27-25 BCE