Exam 3 Review Flashcards
Did the Trump Administration go about a Middle East Peace plan in a normal way?
No, instead of normalizing relations between Palestine and Israel, he pursued normalizing relations between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.
When did Israel become a state?
And, who was it’s first prime minister?
May 14th, 1948
David Ben Gurion
What was Duerr’s metaphor for the middle east?
He said it is a chessboard–which is played out between Sunni and Shia muslims.
What is the percentage of Sunni Muslims versus Shia?
There is ~85% of the World’s Muslims that are Sunni, and the remaining ~15% are Shia
When were the Abraham Accords signed into effect?
They were signed into effect on September 15th, 2020-between Israel, the U.A.E, and Bahrain-this was brokered by the United States-President Trump.
What other countries signed onto the Abraham Accords after the original signing?
Sudan signed on, on October 23rd, 2020
Morocco signed on, on November 24, 2021
What is the wall that separates the West Bank and Israel called? And, why is it an International Relations issue?
The wall is called the Apartheid Wall.
It separates the West Bank where a majority of Palestinians live, with the rest of Israel. It has become an issue of sovereignty.
- 140,000 Palestinians cross the border daily to work
What is the most contested piece of land in the world?
The temple mount; where Jews pray at the wailing wall, and where Muslims go to the Al Aqsa Mosque-or Dome of the Rock.
What is transnationalism?
It is nationalism across boundaries–not post-nationalism, or globalism.
- it’s existing above rather than between governments
- linkages between Christians (or anyone else) across
What is the role of a Christian non-governmental organization (NGO)?
to provide relief, aid for the gospel around the world, and to all people.
- example: Samaritans Purse
Where are the instances of Transnationalism in scripture?
- Revelation 7:9
- Philippians 3:20
- Acts 8
How are ways borders can change?
- secession (via state consent, or unilateral declaration if the victim of state atrocities)
- dissolution
- decolonization
- irredentism
What is secession?
A piece will break off
- ex: South Sudan, Montenegro, East Timor, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, and India
What is dissolution?
The splitting up of an entity into smaller parts
ie: Yugoslavia broke into 6 pieces after the fall of the Soviet Union
What did the painting by Gustaf Wappers represent?
- the Belgian revolution, which created a new country away from the Netherland Empire, Belgians came together in 1830
What did the painting by Adolph Tideman represent?
- represented people going into Norway, it showed a majestic picture of Norway. Norway became a country in 1905
What did the painting by Theodors Vryzakis represent?
- it was a painting of the 10 year war for Greece’s independence against the Ottoman Turks, Greece became a country in 1830’s
Where is secession found in the Bible?
- 1 kings 12; Rehoboam burdens the population and the people rebel–the kingdom splits into 2 pieces; Israel and Judah.
What has been noted as the leading cause of global protest movements throughout the world?
- the 2008-2013 Economic contraction has led to an uptick in protest movements–from which bigger parties such as the Democrats and Republicans have diminished-but rather smaller parties have become more popular–mostly in European countries.
What has helped global protest movements in the 21st century?
Social media, has led to more organization-speeding up the process of mass communication
- twitter has been most used platform–authoritarian governments shut off twitter and the internet to suppress ideas spreading
What is a famous person who began what is now known as a global protest movement?
Martin Luther in 1517 nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church in Germany–these papers talked about extrabiblical information that was discussed in the Catholic Church.
- from this the Protestant reformation began
What are the 5 solas of the Reformation?
- scripture alone (Sola scripture)
- Christ alone (Sola Christus)
- Grace alone (Sola gratia)
- Faith alone (Solfa fide)
- Glory of God alone
What is true about democracy in the world?
The average global freedom score, and average global press freedom scores decreased since 2005
What is also true about democracy in the world?
People living in countries of higher freedom on rise since the end of Napoleonic wars in 1815.
What are examples of some contemporary protests throughout the world right now?
- France pension protests
- Umbrella protests in Hong Kong
- Israel’s Judicial protests
- Women protesting human rights in Iran
- BLM in the U.S.
- March for our lives-against gun violence
- Arab spring
What was the song that the woman danced to in the workout video, which the Myanmar government military coup took place?
Ampun Bang Jago
What did Samuel Huntington write about in his book-The Third Wave?
He revealed research from 1974-1988 showed a democratization in the late 20th century of European countries
How did the Arab spring begin?
It was started by the self immolation of a fruit farmer in Tunisia
- protests began in Sidi Boezid
What is true about protests in the world?
More protests occurred in every region of the world during the decade 2009-2019–due to the great recession in 2008/09
What is true about peoples perception of government?
From 2002-2019, there has been a lower view of government
What can result from global protests?
- sometimes major (positive) change happens
- sometimes, the struggle can last for decades (1830, 1848)
- protests against conservative monarchies led to the
creation of democracies, 1848 is known as a “protest year” - sometimes nothing really changes
- sometimes protests get crushed
What does Seva Gunitsky say about protests?
- there are often regional contagions for protests
- they come in stages
- protests in one region of the world can lead to changes in
What is meant by the term “color revolutions”?
Revolutions that took place in post-soviet countries that created democratic countries
What is meant by the term “The Baltic Way”?
- A set of protests in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania where 2 million people formed a 650km long human chain which stretched across those 3 countries protesting the Soviet Union
Where is the first instance of a passport mentioned-(in scripture)?
Nehemiah 2:7-9
When were passports created in order that legal migration and travel could take place?
In 1920 in the Paris conference on passports and customs formalities and through tickets–set up by the League of Nations
What is meant by the term “Northern Triangle”?
Central American countries; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador
What is true about immigration and the Northern Triangle?
The U.S. has given millions in aid to stop those undocumented immigrants caravans from coming into the U.S.
What are the seven components of the idea “JUST WAR”?
- Romans 13 & 1 Peter 2
- Just cause (defensive)
- Just intention
- Last resort
- Formal declaration
- Limited objectives
- proportional means
- non combatant immunity
What are the number of drone strikes that presidents have used since 2000?
- Bush: 57
- Obama: 563 (8 years)
- Trump: 340 (4 years)
- Biden: 4 (so far)
Why are drone strikes used as a military tactic?
- Because they are operated remotely by an operator–no risk of human life being lost in case its shot down. And they can provide surveillance in the area.
What is a most recent drone strike that took out a leading terrorist individual?
- Qasein Soleimani was taken out by a U.S. drone strike in 2020
What is the jurisdictional body that oversees international law as it pertains to drone strikes and targeted killings?
- The International Criminal Court (ICC)
What does eschatology mean?
- the study of End times
Who are 2 Christian authors who have written books about end times?
- David Jeremiah
- Joel Rosenberg
What is true about peoples perception of Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980’s?
They believed he was the anti-Christ, they used Revelation 14:9 to justify their reasoning-the mark on his head.
What are the 4 views of Revelation/the End times?
- Preterist
- Spiritualist
- Historicist
- Futurist
What does the preterist position hold?
These people believe we are in the millennium right now, ~5% of Christians
What does the historicist position hold?
These people overlap historical events with events of Revelation
What does the Spiritualist position hold?
These people believe scripture is allegorical, Jesus won’t come back-we shouldn’t take scripture literally, and they view that the end times only happens in Europe.
What does the futurist position hold?
This is the most held position amongst believers, they believe that the end times events will all happen in the future.
What is true about Ezekiel 36 & 37?
Many scholars (futurist) believe that Israel becoming a nation in 1948 fulfilled Ezekiel 36 & 37
What is true about Ezekiel 38 & 39?
Many believe that the Gog and Magog mentioned that attack Israel–will be a coalition led by Israel.
What are the regions and countries mentioned in Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Iran-Persia (Turkey)
- Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia ( Put)
- Sudan and Ethiopia (Cush)
- Central Asia
- Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan
- Gulf States
What are some problems that arise from the Ezekiel 38 coalition?
- Libya is currently going through a tumultuous time
- Ethiopia is still “relatively” Christian
- Turkey is a member of NATO
Are we living in the “end times”?
- Larger coalitions are more difficult to bring together
- The prophecies of Jesus regarding the end times (Matt. 24) haven’t happened
- What does Russia currently have in common with all these countries?
- The situation is not yet right for these things to happen, but it could change quickly
What are instances of war and peace being mentioned in scripture?
- Matthew 5:9
- Isaiah 2:4
What is an area of water/land that has been of interest to many countries?
- The artic, for its oil, natural gas deposits, and minerals, and fisheries
What are the 5 countries that hold claims to the Artic?
- Denmark
- Canada
- Russia
- United States
- Norway
What is known as China’s claims in the south China sea?
The area claimed by China is known as the “nine dashed line”
What is the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute between Japan and China?
- Islands (Senkaku in Japanese, and Diaoyu in Chinese) that are disputed between China and Japan in the south China Sea.
- Japan’s air defense inspection zone is around the main island and southern islands
- But in recent years, China has overlapped their Air Defense identification zone with Japan’s ADI
What are the advantages of the possession of the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands?
- oil, gas, mineral deposits, and fisheries
- near shipping lanes
- military dominance
- route for Chinese submarines
What are the reasons for Japan’s claims to the Senkaku islands?
- discovered “Terra Nullius” in 1884 (no man’s land)
- in 1893 the Chinese claimed that 3 plants can’t be picked
- the land was annexed after the Sino-Japanese war (1895)
- Occupied by U.S. from 1949-1972; returned by Okinawa Reversion agreement
- Purchased by the Japanese Government from a private citizen in 2012
What is the Kuril Islands dispute?
- it’s a dispute over the possession of a set of islands, between Russia and Japan
- 4 islands were taken by Russia after WW2
What are the boundaries set up by the UN’s Convention of the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS)?
- territorial sea: 12 nautical miles
- contiguous zone: 12 nautical miles
- exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical miles
- international waters: outside territorial waters
What is true about Chile and Peru’s border dispute?
- Both countries claim that their borders that stretch into the waters are different–leading to a big dispute
What is true about Kenya and Somalia’s border dispute?
- due to a big border dispute between the 2 countries, the ICJ had to intervene and decide on an in between solution.
What is true about pandemics?
- they tend to happen every 50 years
- they bypass borders-creating a global crisis
What is meant by the term “wet market”?
- a market that contains animals, mammals, that are in cafes next to each other-that usually don’t reside next to each other in nature-diseases can sprout up quickly.
- these are seen in developing countries
What is true about zoonotic diseases?
- most zoonotic diseases come from bats, rodents, mice
- the Bubonic plague that spread from Florence and into the rest of Europe in the 1300’s came from rats that travelled on ships
- deforestation has accelerated the spread of zoonotic diseases
How can zoonotic diseases travel?
- they can pass through air, water, or food
- some spread by animal bites, or by humans touching infected animals, or transmitted by insects
What is true about the world’s population?
- population growth is likely to slow, UN projects 9.2 and 10.5 billion people by 2050
- World’s population surpassed 8 billion in 2022
- U.S.’s population would be decreasing-if not for immigration
What is true about pandemic preparedness?
- Under George Bush’s administration, the government began to stockpile Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in 2005
- Legislators look down the road by spending more, or increasing taxes to help prepare for events such as pandemics
What passage in the Bible reveals that there is a “time for everything”?
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
What is true about the 21st century in terms of viruses and diseases?
- SARS (2002-2004)
- Avian Bird flu (2005)
- H1N1 (Swine flu) (2009-2010)
- Mers (2012-2015) - Middle East Respiratory syndrom (camel)
- Ebola (2014-2016) - breakout in Africa
- H7N9 (2017)
- COVID-19 (2019-present) - pandemic
What is true about pandemic and history?
- there’s been 14 pandemics since 1500
- 1889
- 1918
- 1957
- 1968
- 1977
- 2009 - 6.9 million deaths from COVID (reported)
- 16.6-28.3 million global deaths due to COVID19 (economist)
- 429 deaths from Swine flu
- Asian Flu 1957: 1 million deaths
- Hong Kong Flu 1968: 3 million
- Spanish Flu 1918: 50 million (approximately)
- H1N1 pandemic-2009 ~151-575k people died worldwide (due to geographic spread)
What is true about governments and their reporting of pandemic cases?
- Democratic countries are far more likely to report deaths than dictatorships
What is true about the H1N1 virus?
- it was first noted in Mexico–so the term Mexican flu was used at first, then Swine flu
- this naming problem shows a political problem: like racial & people have thoughts about these people and country–as a result they don’t want to go there
What is true about SARS virus?
- stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- viral respiratory disease
- the 2 biggest cities of outbreaks were: Beijing, and Toronto
- happened in 2003
What is true about the Spanish flu?
- it spread during the years: 1918-1919
- Is an H1N1 influenza virus
- Post WWI exacerbated by the conflict (spread quicker)
- approximately 1/3 of all people in the world contracted spanish flu
- estimates vary, but ~10-20% of those infected died
- 50-100 million (3-6% of the worlds population) died
What is true about the Trump administration and gas emissions?
- Trump rolled back the Obama administrations emission and fuel standards to lower levels
- This was more of a business approach because the Obama regulations restricted automakers
- this roll back of standards lowered standards from 5% increase of MPG increases (annually) to 1.5%
What is true about gas prices?
- prices fluctuate based on oil reserves and supply and demand
What are some questions posed because of Trumps rollbacks?
- will his rollbacks increase greenhouse gas emissions?
- transportation is 29% of current greenhouse gas emissions
- China is the leading country in terms of carbon emissions
- double the amount of the U.S.’
- India is 1/4 of China’s C02 emissions-but more populous
What are some historical dates and figures for MPG over the years?
- 1908: the Ford Model T (15 million sold): 21 mpg
- 1950: 13 mpg–bigger vehicles
- 1975: 12 mpg–smaller Japanese cars come in–boost mpg in following years
- 1985: 27 mpg (19 mpg for larger vehicles)
What is true about automakers?
- most are based in Germany, Japan, and South Korea
What is considered the “first minivan”?
- 1983 Plymouth Voyager
What are the goals for President’s Obama, Trump and the European Union in terms of MPG goals?
- Obama: 54 mpg
- Trump-40 mpg
- EU-57 mpg
- EU 2030-92 mpg
- considerable gov’t regulation
What is CAFE, and what does it do?
- Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
- these standards are set by government leaders in order that automakers and manufacturers meet mpg goals-to reduce emissions
What is true about the Biden administration Department of Transportation (DOT) and their new CAFE standards?
- the new standards will:
- reduce our petroleum consumption
- increase the availability of alternative fuel vehicles
- promote the advancement of innovative technologies
- lower greenhouse gas emissions both helping to mitigate climate change and improve air quality
When did CAFE standards first get implemented?
- 1975
What is the average cost of an automobile in the United States in 2023?
- $47,000
What is India’s electric vehicle alternative to gas powered supercars?
- the Tata Tomo (Racemo) EV option
What is China’s EV alternative?
- the SAIC EV costs only $4,500
What is true about Americans and their food diets?
- protein is extremely important
What is true about the future of meat?
- more consumption is very likely
- a move to plant based “meats”
- industrial farms (1950’s)
- consolidation of supply-around small number of suppliers
- China’s meat consumption per person has increased since Mao’s “leap forward”
What is true about the rise and proliferation of fast food restaurants in the U.S.?
- Meat consumption increase due to:
- McDonald’s (1950’s)
- Wendy’s
- Burger King
- In-N-Out burger
- market share of meat companies
Who are the big 4 meat processors, and what meat protein do they produce?
- Cargill: beef
- Tyson foods: chicken producer
- JBS SA: world’s biggest meat packer
-Marfrig Global foods: National Beef packing Co