EXAM 3: Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Glycogen Synthesis, Gluconeogensis Flashcards
pentose phosphate pathway
utilizes glucose-6P
products: NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate
pentose phosphate pathway NADPH
electron donor
reductive biosynthesis of fatty acids and steroids
repair of oxidative damage
needed in liver, adipose, erythrocytes
ribose-5-phosphate in pentose phosphate pathway
biosynthetic precursor of nucleotides
DNA, RNA synth; coenzyme synth; rapidly growing cells
in cytosol
PP path:
oxidative phase
generates NADPH and ribose-5-P
oxidative phase molecules and path
glucose 6P (redox)
6-phosphogluconate (redox)
Ribulose 5P (+CO2)
Ribose 5P
nucleotides, coenzymes, DNA, RNA
ribulose and xylulose
epimers; ketone is ribulose of ribose (aldehyde)
nonoxidative phase
regeneratets glucose-6P from ribose -5P
PP pathways
both produce NADPH and ribose-5P
if ribose 5P isn’t needed: nonoxidative phase to recycle it to glucose-6P
nonoxidative phase molecules and path
2 Ribose-5P + 4 xylulose-5P = 4 Fructose-6P + 2 glyceraldehyde-3P = 5 glucose-6P
when is the nonoxidative phase used?
in tissues requiringmore NADPH than ribose-5P
liver, adipose
2 cycles of pathway convert six 5 carbon sugars to five 6 carbon sugars
NADPH regulates..
partitioning into glycolysis vs pentose phosphate pathway
glycolysis: if ATP needed
PP pathway: if NADPH or nucleotides needed
glycogen synthesis
when glucose6P conc is high and ATP is high
control osmotic pressure by synthesizing glycogen
glucose-6P to glucose-1P
glycogen synthesis
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
glucose 1P + UTP = UDP-glucose
pyrophosphate cleaved off of UTP; UMP is attached to phosphate of glucose-1P
inorganic pyrophosphatase
breakdown of pyrophosphate to 2 pi in glycogen synthesis (after UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase)
makes reactions favorable
starter molecule
enzyme; forms a protein core of glycogen molecule
catalyzes addition of first 8 glucose residues to itself using UDP-glucose as substrate
glycogen synthase
continues synthesis of straight chains of glucose after first 8 monomers are attached to glycogenin on both branches
glycosyltransferase activity
chain-extending activity
uses UDP-glucose to attach glucose to chain with a1-4 linkage until at least 11 monomers; branch
glucosyltransferase activity
transfers glucose to glycogenin; UDP is leaving group
glycogen branching enzyme
makes branches
transfers 6-7 glucose monomers from growing chain to the C6 hydroxyl group of a glucose on same chain or another chain
a1-6 connection
building carbs
almost all living things
3 irreversible reactions
glycolysis vs gluconeogenesis
opposing pathways both thermodynamically favorable
reversible reactions used by both pathways
irreversible reactions of glycolysis must be bypassed in gluconeogenesis
euk: mitochondria and cytosol
first bypass reaction of gluconeogenesis
pyruvate to phosophoenolpyruvate
2 steps, both require energy
not favorable, so concentrations matter
first step of first bypass reaction
pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes pyruvate to oxaloacetate
ATP phosphorylates bicarbonate to activate it
Euk: requires transport of pyruvate into the mitochondria
second step of first bypass reaction
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate; carboxyl group is removed
phosphorylation using PO4 from GTP
loss of carboxyl and hydrolysis of phosphate from GTP both needed to produce PEP
mito or cyto depending on organism
when is NADH used in first bypass reaction?
oxaloacetate to malate
when is NADH MADE in first bypass reaction?
malate to oxaloacetate
lactate to pyruvate
why must NADH be produced in the cytosol during gluconeogenesis?
to maintain NADH levels so gluconeogenesis can continue to run
second bypass reaction
fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate
via fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
oppositely regulated with PFK-1
third bypass reaction
glucose-6P to glucose + Pi
only in tissues that send glucose out to other parts of the body (liver)
gluconeogensis reaction
2 pyruvate + 4ATP + 2GTP + 2NADH + 2H+ + 4H2O
glucose + 4ADP + 2GDP + 6Pi + 2NAD+
what does gluconeogenesis cost
but physiologically necessary
brain, nervous system, and red blood cells generate ATP almost entirely from
when glycogen stores are depleted,
glucose must come from somewhere
plants use gluconeogenesis
to make carbs after carbon fixation
animals can produce glucose from
sugars (lactate, pyruvate, oxaloacetate)
proteins (amino acids that can be converted to citric acid intermediates or pyruvate)
product of fatty acid degradation
can animals produce glucose from FA?
no; no net conversion of acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate
plants, yeast, bacteria can via diff pathway