Exam #3 - Paul's Letters Flashcards
What in the world is going on in Acts?
- Author: Luke
- Focus: understanding who Jesus IS and how his Messiahship fulfills Israel’s Scriptures (OT reference)
- What we see: God in Acts being faithful to OT promises, the expansion of the mission to include Gentiles
What are some notable verses in Acts and what is their significance?
- Acts 2:1-13; reverse Tower of Babel
- Acts 1:9-14; Jesus’ ascension
- Acts 2:42-47 and 32-37; ideal early community (prayer, eating together, nobody is in need, equality, sharing)
- Acts 5:1-11, 6:1-7; conflict & resolution within the church
- Acts 4:1-22, 5:17-42; conflict & resolution with outsiders
- Acts 6:8, 8:3; Stephen’s arrest, speech, & martyrdom (the first one); parallels between Stephen and Jesus
- Turning point in Acts 8:1; role of persecution
- Acts 8:4-40; Philip’s ministry, Gospel goes to Samaria
- Acts 10:1-11:18; Peter and Cornelius
- Acts 13; Paul and Barnabas sent out
- Acts 15; Jerusalem Council, how to include Gentiles in the community of Jesus followers
- Acts 16; Dr. Edwards on Standing Up to Injustice, story of Paul and Barnabas being beaten in public, uncondemned and thrown in prison, then discharged in secret (whoopsie). Holding people accountable
What are some notable facts about Paul and his life?
- he was raised Jewish, an observant Jew (Pharisee)
- worked with Luke
- zealous persecution under the church
- persecution = preserving church law, righteousness
- born a Roman citizen in Tarsus
- first missionary journey in Acts 13
- extended stay in Ephesus in Acts 19; expensive magic books burned, threat to cult of Artemis, disruption of economy
- reaches Jerusalem in Acts 21
- execution under Nero
What did Paul teach?
- -> Interpretive Matrix
- Israel’s scriptural traditions reinterpreted in light of God’s self-revelation in Jesus
- ->Theological Basis
- Jesus is Lord, moving towards Trinity theology
- the Holy Spirit equips us, strengthens us
- -> The Gospel
- the human predicament; the curse in Genesis
- Jesus is the “second Adam”
- sin and death; salvation (being made right, participating in Christ, new identity)
- -> The Church
- the body of Christ
- different gifts to different believers
- community of Jews and Gentiles
- a way to live out truth
What in the world is going on in Philippians?
- Author: Paul
- Focus: citizenship in heaven vs. Roman citizenship
- Background:
- Roman colony (loyalty to Rome is rewarded with privileges/rights)
- Paul takes their money but NOT Corinthian money
Other things to note:
- Giving and Receiving: not replicating the patron-client system of Roman society (rather pointing back to Christ)
- the reward of Christian community is enough
What are some notable verses in Philippians?
- Phil. 2:6-11; the “Christ Hymn”, Pliny the Younger, quoting a hymn, early tradition before Paul, humility + exaltation, Jesus rising = inverse fall of man, note Isaiah 45:23 “every knee shall bow”
- Joy in Philippians: “constantly praying with joy” (1:3-6), “rejoice in the Lord always” (4:4-7), and “I rejoice in the Lord greatly” (4:10)
What in the world is going on in Colossians?
- Author: Paul
- Focus: Christ = the one and only God, enough, more powerful than spiritual forces
- Background:
- connections to Ephesians (the mystery of God)
- “Colossian hersey”; dangerous ascetic practices, worshipping angels, astral/star deities, gnosticism, Christ not being enough to protect them
- Colossians + Philemon (letter) = how Paul relates to slavery…Philemon vs. Prodigal Son
- Baptismal Imagery: transformed life in community
What are some notable verses in Colossians?
- Col. 1:15-20; another hymn? how Christ relates to creation, hymn about humility vs. Colossians hymn about divinity, the one God
- Co.. 3:16; “putting on” singing, etc. (moving past just what to “put off”
What in the world is going on in 1 Corinthians?
- foreshadowing in thanksgiving
- focus on the body
- implications for our embodied life (sex, celibacy, Christian community, food + rights, worship in community)
- wisdom + power
- Corinthians saying there’s no resurrection of the dead
- reasoning w/ idols + food
- embodied worship (head coverings + gender, the Lord’s supper)
What in the world is going on in 2 Corinthians?
- Paul fall 50 - spring 52 (founds church in Acts 18)
- lost letter (1st)
- news from Corinth –> Chloe (word of mouth)
- 2nd letter –> 1st Cor
- 3rd letter –> 2nd Cor? “tears” lost
- recommendation letters
What in the world is going on in Galatians?
- which Galatia? not sure (church w/ Gentiles)
- judiazers –> people who try to convert
- Paul is upset w/ them in the intro (circumcision, hypocrisy, not staying true to truth, authority)
Paul’s reminders:
- justification is by faith, NOT works (grace, not the act of significance –> new creation)
- God’s favor is universal (consistent w/ OT)
- fullness of time has come (law had purpose, now faith)
- Spirit produces what the law can’t (life in the Spirit not flesh)
OT in Galatians:
- what has God done + what is He doing in the church? egalitarian + complentarian
“There is no longer Jew or Greek…” Galatians 3:23-29
“…no longer male and female.” (Genesis?)
What in the world is going on in Ephesians?
- no personal greetings or local issues
- text criticism (circular letter?)
- audience?
- is Paul the author? (not as concerned with human author)
Chapter breakdown:
- 1-3 (praise)
- 4-6 (implications for life)
- God’s mystery (different from problem + puzzle)
- timing
- church
- we cannot figure it out on our own (we need God)
Church –> Christ’s body (translocal)
God has already done things for us (emphasis on the “already/not yet”).
Household codes:
- lower parties in hierarchal pair
“Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
- husband should love wives –> die for them
- slavery
What in the world is going on in 1-2 Thessalonians?
- Author: Paul
- Focus: persecution, perseverance and maturation, work, and eschatology (faith, hope and love)
- Background:
- very pro-Roman
- Paul eventually leaves due to persecution (guilt follows)
- familial language (“brothers and sisters,” “nursing, gentleness”, “like a father with his children”, etc.)
- a need to grow in hope?
What are some notable verses in 1-2 Thessalonians?
- 1 Thess 1:2-10; “your work produced by faith,” “prompted by love”…imitation of Paul who imitates Christ
- 2 Thess 1:3-4; Paul using the Thessalonians as examples
- 1 Thess 2:2; Paul’s example of persecution
- 1 Thess 2:14; example set by Judean believers
- 1 Thess 3:3-4; persecution to be expected
- 2 Thess 1:4; Thess believers are exemplary in their endurance of persecution
- 1 Thess 2:5-9; Paul “working day and night” to reach the Thessalonians
- 1 Thess 4:9-12; “mind your own business and work with your hands”
- 1 Thess 5:14; “do not be idle or disruptive”
- people taking advantage of community generosity
- if Jesus is coming back tomorrow then why should I work?
- 1 Thess 4:13-14; people were worried about those who died before Christ’s resurrection
- meeting Christ “in the clouds”
- discussion of the Jews, relating the Thessalonians’ persecution by their own people to Jesus being persecuted by the Jews
What in the world is going on in 1 & 2 Timothy (and Titus)?
“The Pastoral Epistles”
- Focus: how to choose leaders, how leaders should lead
- Caveats: elders, deacons, bishops positions meant something different back then, and these are individual letters
- Key themes: responding to false teaching, setting up leadership in the church, and ordering the common life
- False teachings: speculations/quarrels, godliness as a means to financial gain, forbidding marriage, legalistic attitudes regarding food (forced ascetism), having to “do more,” myths/profane speech, being manipulated by the devil, and manipulating others (especially women)
What are some differences between Timothy and Titus?
- Timothy had a gentile father and Jewish mother, while Titus was a gentile believer
- Paul had Timothy circumcised so as not to offend the Jewish audience, but not Titus’
- Paul took Timothy with him on his second missionary journey after conflict with Barnabas, and took Titus with him to Jerusalem
- both had to deal with tricky situations on behalf of Paul