Exam 3 Muscles Flashcards
fixed point on which a level moves
the load to be overcome in a lever system
the force exerted to overcome the resistance in a lever system
first class lever
EFR extension of head: effort= contraction of the posterior neck muscles fulcrum= alanto-occipital joint resistance= weight of the head ex. seesaw
second class lever
standing on toes:
fulcrum= distal epiphyses of the metatarsals
resistance= weight of body
effort= contraction of gastrocnemius and posterior leg muscles
ex. wheelbarrow
third class lever
lifting a weight with one arm (flexion at the elbow):
resistance= weight of arm + weight you are trying to lift
effort= contraction of biceps brachii
fulcrum= elbow joint
*most muscles
power of a muscle contraction depends on:
the total cross-sectional area of the muscle
- prime mover
- when contracts, a desired action occurs
-opposing muscle which must relax to allow the agonist to work
-the muscles which contract and stabilize the intermediate joints
-these muscles stabilize the origin of the prime mover so that it can act more efficiently
- muscles which have a common function
- associated with vessels and nerves
movement that decreases the angle between two bones
an increase in the angle between two bones
movement away from the midline
movement towards the midline
movement of the body superiorly
movement of the body inferiorly
turning the palm anteriorly
ring of muscle
muscle that tightens or stretches a part of the body
muscles of facial expression
O= fascia or bone of face I= skin N= Facial Nerve (C-VII) orbicularis oris orbicularis oculi buccinator platysma frontalis occipitalis zygomaticus
O= maxilla and zygomatic arch I= angle and ramus of mandible N= trigeminal (C-V) A= elevates mandible (closes mouth)
O= temporal bone I= coronoid process and ramus of mandible N= trigeminal (C-V) A= elevates and retracts mandible
medial pterygoid
O= maxilla I= mandible N= trigeminal (C-V) A= elevates mandible
lateral pterygoid
N= trigeminal (C-V) A= only muscle that opens the mouth
superior rectus
O= common tendinous ring I= superior central eyeball N= oculomotor (C-III) A= elevation of the eye (look up)
inferior rectus
O= common tendinous ring I= inferior central eyeball N= oculomotor (C-III) A= depression of eye (look down)
lateral rectus
O= common tendinous ring I= lateral eyeball N= abducens (C-VI) A= abduct the eye
medial rectus
O= common tendinous ring I= lateral eyeball N= oculomotor (C-III) A= adduct the eye
superior oblique
O= common tendinous ring I= between SR and LR, through trochlea N= trochlear (C-IV) A= rotate eye medially
inferior oblique
O= maxilla in floor of orbit I= between IR and LR N= oculomotor (C-III) A= rotate eye laterally
levator palpebrae superioris
elevates eyelids
extrinsic muscles of tongue
N= hypoglossal (C-XII)
O= mandible, temporal bone I= hyoid bone N= facial & trigeminal (C-V & C-VII) A= elevates hyoid bone
suprahyoid muscles
-elevate hyoid bone digastric stylohyoid mylohyoid geniogyoid
infrahyoid muscles
-depress hyoid bone ("strap muscles") omohyoid sternohyoid sternothyroid thyrohyoid
O= sternum, clavicle I= mastoid process N= cervical spinal nerves A= both flex the neck (if one side contracts, the head is rotated to opposite side)
muscles of neck that move the head
semispinalis capitis
splenius capitis
longissimis capitis
external oblique
O= ribs 5-12 I= linea alba