Exam 3: Muscle Attatchment and Action Flashcards
epicranial aponeurosis → skin of the forehead and eyebrows
Raises eyebrows
Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis
Raises eyebrows
occipital bone → epicranial aponeurosis
Retracts scalp
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis
medial wall of the orbit → skin surrounding eyelids
Closes eye (blink)
Orbicularis Oculi
encircling the mouth
Compresses and purse lips (kissing)
Orbicularis Oris
areolar process of the maxilla & mandible → orbicularis oris
Compress Cheek (whistle)
Compress Cheek (whistle)
zygomatic bone → upper edge of the lips
Raises corners of mouth (smiling)
fascia of deltoid and pectoralis major → skin of cheek and mandible
Pulls lower lips, tense neck skin
zygomatic bone → mandible
Closes jaw (chew)
lateral temporal bone → coronoid process mandible
Closes jaw (chew)
- Superior Attatchment- mandible and mastoid process
- Inferior Attatchment- hyoid bone
Elevates hyoid bone
Depresses mandible
- Superior Attatchment- internal surface of mandible
- Inferior Attatchment- hyoid bone
Elevates hyoid bone as in swallowing
- Superior Attatchment- hyoid bone
- Inferior Attatchment- sternum & medial clavicle
- Superior Attatchment- Mastoid process
- Inferior Attatchment- Manubrium & medial clavicle
Bilateral: flex head
Unilateral: flex head s. side, turn head opp. side
- Superior Attatchment- Cervical transverse process
- Inferior Attatchment- Superior surface of 1st & 2nd ribs
Elevates first and second ribs
Scalene Muscles
- Superior Attatchment- Mastoid process, transverse process and spinous process of the cervical thoracic spine
- Inferior Attatchment- Iliac crest, sacrum & lumbar spinous process
Unilateral: laterally flex vc
Bilateral: extend vc (maintain posture)
Erector Spinae:
Bilateral: extend vc (maintain posture)
- Superficial Attatchment- spinous process of the vertebra 2 to 4 segments above the inferior attachment
- Inferior Attatchment- sacrum and transverse process of each vertebraMultifidus
Unilateral: flex and rotate vc
Bilateral: extends vertebral column
- Superficial Attachment- lumbar transverse process
- Inferior Attatchment- iliac crust
Unilateral: rotates vc to other side
Bilateral: extends vertebral column
Quadratus Lumborum
- Superficial Attachment- Inferior boarder of superior ribs
- Inferior Attatchment- Superior boarder of inferior ribs
Elevates rib cage
External Intercostals
Elevates rib cage
- Superficial Attachment- Superior boarder of inferior ribs
- Inferior Attatchment- Inferior boarder of superior ribs
Depresses rib cage
Internal Intercostals
- Superficial Attachment- central tendon
- Inferior Attatchment- Xyphoid process internal surface of ribs 7-12, lumbar vertebrae
Increases and decreases thoracic volume
- Superficial Attachment- Xiphoid process
- Inferior Attatchment- Pubic symphysis
Flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal wall
Rectus Abdominus
inferior border of a rib 5 – 12 →
linea Alba by aponeurosis
Unilat.: lat. flex and rotate vcExternal Obliques
Bilat.: flex vc & compress abdom. wall
External Obliques
Bilat.: flex vc & compress abdom. wall
lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest → linea Alba, pubic crest, rib 9 to 12
Same as the external oblique
Internal Oblique
lumbar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament, rib 7-12→ linea Alba, pubic crest
Compresses abdominal wall
Transversus Abdominus
- Superficial Attachment- coracoid process of scapula
- Inferior Attatchment- rib 3-5
protract scapula
Pectoralis Minor
- Superficial Attachment- anterior medial border of scapula
- Inferior Attatchment- anterior rib 1- 8
protracts scapula
Serratus Anterior
protracts scapula
Superficial Attachment- *Medial: Occiput,
spinous process of C7-T12 - Inferior Attatchment- *Lateral: medial boarder of scapula
Middle: retracts scapula
Lower: depress scapula
Upper: elevates scapula
- Superficial Attachment- *Medial: spinous process of C5-T5
- Inferior Attatchment- *Lateral: medial boarder of scapula
Retracts scapula
Retracts scapula
- Superficial Attachment- Transverse process of C1-4
- Inferior Attatchment- Superior medial boarder of scapula
Elevates Scapula
Levator Scapulae
- Proximal Attachment- T7-12 SPs, lower ribs, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
- Distal Attatchment- Intertubercular sulcus (humerus)
extends, adducts, medially rotates arm
Latissimus Dorsi
- Proximal Attachment- Clavicle and Sternum
Distal Attatchment- Intertubercular sulcus
(humerus)Pectoralis Major
flexes, adducts & medially rotates arm
Pectoralis Major
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula
Distal Attatchment- Deltoid Tuberosity
Mid: abducts arm
Post: extends arm
Ant: flexes arm
- Proximal Attachment- Coracoid process of scapula
- Distal Attatchment- Middle humerus
Flexes & adducts arm
- Proximal Attachment- inferior lateral scapula
- Distal Attatchment- Intertubercular sulcus
Extends, medial rotates and adducts arm
Teres Major
- Proximal Attachment- Infraglenoid tubercle (scapula)
- Distal Attatchment- Olecranon Process
Extends, adducts arm
Triceps Brachii (long head)
Proximal Attachment- L: coracoid process
S: supraglenoid tubercle (scapula) - Distal Attatchment- Radial Tuberosity
Weakly flexes arm
Biceps Brachii
- Proximal Attachment- Supraspinous Fossa
- Distal Attatchment- Greater Tubercle (humerus)
Abducts arm
- Proximal Attachment- Infraspinatus Fossa
- Distal Attatchment- Greater Tubercle (humerus)
Laterally Rotates arm
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral Border Scapulae
- Distal Attatchment- Greater Tubercle (humerus)
Laterally Rotates arm
Teres Minor
- Proximal Attachment- Subscapular Fossa
- Distal Attatchment- Lesser Tubercle
Medially Rotates arm
- Proximal Attachment- distal anterior surface of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- tuberosity coronoid process of ulna
Forearm Flexion
(Elbow flexion)
Proximal Attachment- L: coracoid process
S: supraglenoid tubercle (scapula) - Distal Attatchment- Radial Tuberosity
Flexes and the supinates forearm
Biceps Brachii
- Proximal Attachment- lateral supracondylar Ridge of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- styloid process of radius
Forearm Flexion
Proximal Attachment- L: Infraglenoid tubercle (scapula)
L & S: superior posterior humerus - Distal Attatchment- Olecranon of ulna
Extends forearm
Extends arm (Long head only)
Triceps Brachii
- Proximal Attachment- medal epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- Olecranon of ulna
Pronates Forearm
Pronator Teres
- Proximal Attachment- Distal ulna
- Distal Attatchment- distal radius
Pronates Forearm
Pronator Quadratus
- Proximal Attachment- lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- Anterior lateral surface of radius
Supinates Forearm
- Proximal Attachment- medial epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- base of metacarpals 2nd and 3rd
Flexes wrist, abducts hand
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Proximal Attachment- medial epicondyle of humorous
- Distal Attatchment- Palmer aponeurosis
Flexes wrist
Palmaris Longus
- Proximal Attachment- medial epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- Pisiform, hamate, metacarpal 5th
Flexes wrist, adducts hand
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Proximal Attachment- medial epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- middle phalanges 2- 5
Flexes fingers (2-5) and wrist
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
- Proximal Attachment- anterior shaft of radius
- Distal Attatchment- distal phalanx of thumb
Flexes Thumb (MP & IP joint)
Flexor Pollicis Longus
- Proximal Attachment- anterior medial surface of ulna
- Distal Attatchment- Distal phalanges of fingers 2-5
Flexes fingers (2-5) and wrist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- base of metacarpal II
Extends Wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Proximal Attachment- lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- base of metacarpal III
Extends Wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
- Proximal Attachment- lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- distal & middle phalanges of fingers 2-5
Extends Fingers
Extensor Digitorum
- Proximal Attachment- lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- proximal phalanx of finger 5
Extends Little Finger
Extensor Digiti Minimi
- Proximal Attachment- lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Distal Attatchment- Base of Metacarpal V
Extends Wrist
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
- Proximal Attachment- posterior surface of ulna
- Distal Attatchment- distal phalanx of thumb
Extends Thumb (MP & IP joints)
Extensor Pollicis Longus
- Proximal Attachment- posterior surface of radius
- Distal Attatchment- proximal phalanx of thumb
Extends Thumb (MP joint)
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
- Proximal Attachment- T12-L5 Vertebrae
- Distal Attatchment- Lesser Trochanter
Flexes thigh
Psoas Major
- Proximal Attachment- Iliac fossa
- Distal Attatchment- Lesser Trochanter
Flexes thigh
- Proximal Attachment- ASIS
- Distal Attatchment- Quadriceps tendon to Patella and then Patella ligament to tibial tuberosity
flexes thigh; extends leg
Rectus Femoris
- Proximal Attachment- ASIS
- Distal Attatchment- Tibial tuberosity, medial side
Flexes thigh, flexes & medially rotates leg
- Proximal Attachment- proximal dorsal surfaces of radius and ulna
- Distal Attatchment- lateral metacarpal I
Abduct Thumb
Abductor Pollicis Longus
- Proximal Attachment- posterior surface of ulna
- Distal Attatchment- tendon of extensor digitorum
Extensor Indices
- Proximal Attachment- Pubis & Ischial Tuberosity
- Distal Attatchment- Linea aspera (femur) & Adductor Tubercle
Adducts & flexes thigh
Adductor Magnus
- Proximal Attachment- Pubis
- Distal Attatchment- Linea aspera (femur)
Adducts & flexes thigh
Adductor Longus
- Proximal Attachment- Pubis
- Distal Attatchment- Upper Linea aspera (femur)
Adducts & flexes thigh
Adductor Brevis
- Proximal Attachment- Pubis
- Distal Attatchment- Upper medial surface of tibia
Adducts & flexes thigh
- Proximal Attachment- Iliac Crest & ASIS
- Distal Attatchment- Iliotibial Tract
Flexes and abducts thigh
Tensor Fasciae Latae
- Proximal Attachment- Iliac crest
- Distal Attatchment- Lateral condyle of tibia
Iliotibial Tract
(Not a Muscle)
- Proximal Attachment- Iliac Crest, sacrum, Coccyx
- Distal Attatchment- iliotibial tract, linea aspera and gluteal tuberosity
Extends & laterally rotates thigh
Gluteus Maximus
- Proximal Attachment- posterior iliac Crest
- Distal Attatchment- Greater trochanter
Abducts, medially rotates thigh
Gluteus Medius
- Proximal Attachment- lateral surface of ilium
- Distal Attatchment- Greater trochanter
Abducts, medially rotates thigh
Gluteus Minimus
Proximal Attachment-
L: Ischial Tuberosity
S: Linea Aspera - Distal Attatchment- Fibula Head
Flexes leg, extends thigh
Biceps Femoris
(Long & short head)
- Proximal Attachment- Ischial Tuberosity
- Distal Attatchment- Medial Proximal Tibia
Flexes leg, extends thigh
- Proximal Attachment- Ischial Tuberosity
- Distal Attatchment- Medial Proximal Tibia
Flexes leg, extends thigh
- Proximal Attachment- AIIS
- Distal Attatchment- Quadriceps tendon to Patella and then Patella ligament to tibial tuberosity
Extends Leg, flexes thigh
Rectus Femoris
- Proximal Attachment- Greater Trochanter & Linea Aspera
- Distal Attatchment- Quadriceps tendon to Patella and then Patella ligament to tibial tuberosity
Extends Leg
Vastus Lateralis
- Proximal Attachment- Intertrochanteric Line and Linea Aspera
- Distal Attatchment- Quadriceps tendon to Patella and then Patella ligament to tibial tuberosity
Extends Leg
Vastus Medialis
- Proximal Attachment- Proximal Anterior Lateral Thigh
- Distal Attatchment- Quadriceps tendon to Patella and then Patella ligament to tibial tuberosity
Extends Leg
Vastus Intermedius
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral Condyle & proximal shaft of tibia
- Distal Attatchment- Metatarsal I & 1st Cuneiform
Dorsiflexes & inverts foot
Tibialis Anterior
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of a fibula
- Distal Attatchment- distal phalanges of toes 2-5
Extends toes; dorsiflexes foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus
- Proximal Attachment- anterior surface of fibula
- Distal Attatchment- distal phalanx of great toe
Extends hallux; dorsiflexes foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus
- Proximal Attachment- head and the shaft of fibula
- Distal Attatchment- Base of the metatarsals
Plantar flexes & everts foot
Fibularis Longus & Brevis
- Proximal Attachment- Lateral and Medial Condyles of Femur
- Distal Attatchment- Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)
Flexes leg; plantar flexes foot
- Proximal Attachment- Proximal Tibia and Fibula
- Distal Attatchment- Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)
Plantar flexion (Foot)
- Proximal Attachment- Fibula, tibia, interosseous membrane
- Distal Attatchment- metatarsals, navicular bone, cuboid bone, all cuneiforms
Plantar flexes & Inverts foot
Tibialis Posterior
- Proximal Attachment- lateral condyle femur
- Distal Attatchment- posterior proximal tibia
Flexes Knee (unlocks the knee)
- Proximal Attachment- posterior medial tibia
- Distal Attatchment- Distal phalanges of toes 2-5
Flexes toes, plantar flexes foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Proximal Attachment- posterior lower tibia
- Distal Attatchment- Distal phalanges of great toe
Flexes hallux, plantar flexes foot
Flexor Hallucis Longus