Exam 3 (Modules 9 - 10) Flashcards
What has been the predominant historical policy of the U.S. government with respect to Indian culture?
“The Indians must conform to the white man’s ways; peaceably if they will, forcibly if they must.”
What is the purpose of the Social Distance Rating Scale?
The Bogardus Social Distance Rating Scale is a psychological testing scale to empirically measure people’s willingness to participate in social contacts of varying degrees of closeness with members of diverse social groups, such as racial or ethnic groups.
What are minority groups?
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Age
- Disability
- Religion
What is meant by “double jeopardy”?
When a person has two or more minorities at once
What are the theories used to explain why a person is prejudiced?
“Scapegoating” or the Frustration–aggression hypothesis: People who are frustrated may blame their failures on others and display a pattern of aggression toward these others.
Ideology of Equal Opportunity: Equal opportunity isn’t really true, and believing in equal opportunity can create prejudice by blaming “minority” groups for lack of growth.
What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
In basic terms, race describes physical traits, and ethnicity refers to cultural identification. Race may also be identified as something you inherit while ethnicity is something you learn.
The types of discrimination (isolate, small group, direct institutionalized, indirect institutionalized)
- Isolate discrimination - A prejudiced
judge giving harsher sentences to African
American defendants. - Small-group discrimination - Small group of white students defacing a professor’s office with racist epithets.
- Direct institutionalized discrimination -
Intentional exclusion of people based upon their race or ethnicity. - Indirect institutionalized discrimination – Does not involve conscious intent or bigotry. It is unintentional, yet still occurs.
What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
While prejudice is an attitude,
discrimination is a behavior.
What is meant by assimilation versus ethnic pluralism?
Assimilation is a process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture.
Ethnic Pluralism is the coexistence of a variety of distinct racial and ethnic groups within one society.
What is the “Contact Hypothesis”?
The more contact and communication
occurs between diverse groups, the more
prejudiced attitudes may be challenged.
Contact with people one holds stereotypes
towards may help erode the stereotypes.
This is also part of the reason for generational prejudice.
What is “assimilation”?
A process by which members of subordinate
racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into
the dominant culture.
What are the meaning of the terms “sex” and “gender” and the difference between the two?
Sex refers to the biological differences between females and males.
Gender refers to the culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males. It refers to the roles expected to be taken by men and women and how one is supposed to behave based upon being a man or a woman.
Can sexual orientation always be predicted based on sex or gender expression?
How would structural-functional theory view the concept of gender and gender inequality?
Focuses on the functions of the gendered division of
Reduces competition between men and women.
Makes both sexes specialists in their roles.
Requires an interdependence of men and women.
How can gender stereotyping affect men?
The male role does not encourage the cultivation
of emotionally supportive relationships.
Men may suffer serious stress from associating
self-esteem with a net worth.
Acting out masculinity may lower life expectancy
for men.