Exam 3 Lab Values Flashcards
C-Reactive Protein
-Normal < 1
-Prealbumin decreases as CRP increases then it is inflammation
-Prealbumin decrease as CRP is normal then it is malnutrition
Total calories in a TPN
25-30 kcals/kg/day
Total protein in a TPN
-1-1.5 g/kg/day (floor patients)
-1.5-2 g/kg/day (ICU patients)
Ratio of non-protein calories
-70% carbs:30% fat
-100% carbs in sepsis patients
1g of protein in calories
4 kcals
Max carb intake
4-5 mg/kg/min
1g dextrose in calories
3.4 kcal
Max lipid intake
2.5 g/kg/day
1g lipids in calories
10 kcal
Calories in propofol
1.1 kcal/ml
How much trace element in TPN?
1 mL
How much multivitamin in TPN?
10 mL
1 mMol of phos in mEq
1.4 mEq
Normal RQ
Goal nitrogen
+3 to +5
Total TPN or MIVF volume
30-40 mL/kg/day
Refeeding syndrome effects
How to prevent refeeding syndrome
-Limit carbs to 100-150g
-Limit fluids to 800 ml/day
-Give electrolytes
-Give 50% of caloric needs
-Give thiamine 100mg daily 5-7x
-Increase by 20-33% of goal every 1-2 days as tolerated
How much of daily calories is fatty acids?
Onset of essential fatty acid deficiency
10-14 days
How to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency
-500 mL of 10% fat emulsion twice weekly over 3-5 hours
-250 mL of 20% fat emulsion twice weekly over 5-9 hours
Cholecalciferol IU to mCg
400 IU = 10 mCg