Exam 3- Gen. and Gyn. Surgery Flashcards
When was laparoscopy first used?
What for?
Diagnosing gynecologic conditions in the 70s
80s Lap Chole’s started
What is the purpose of gastric insufflation?
Allows for room to work inside peritoneum
What is released in body with the initial insufflation of the abdomen?
Release of catecholamines & vasopressin.
Arterial vasculature is compressed.
What is the goal pressure in mmHg for gastric insufflation?
≤ 20 mmHg
12 - 15 mmHg is most common.
What causes increased CO₂ during laparoscopic surgeries?
- Positioning (frequently Trendelenburg)
- CO₂ insufflation (absorbed by peritoneum into the blood stream).
What are the pulmonary effects of insufflation?
- ↑ PaCO₂
- ↓ compliance
- ↑ PIP
- ↓ FRC
- Atelectasis
In what laparoscopic position is atelectasis development most common?
How much change in pulmonary compliance occurs with gastric insufflation?
30 - 50% decrease in compliance
Is increased PaCO₂ in laparoscopic cases primary from diaphragm displacement or CO₂ absorption?
Primarily from diaphragm displacement.
When does the increase in PaCO₂ from gastric insufflation plateau?
10 - 15 min
How does the CRNA typically treat hypercarbia secondary to gastric insufflation?
- ↑ VT or RR
When would the CRNA be hesitant to treat a hypercarbic patient?
Towards the end of the case.
↑ CO₂ necessary to stimulate respiratory drive and facilitate extubation.
What typically causes pulmonary complications in laparoscopic cases?
Improper trocar placement
What are the pulmonary complications associated with improper trocar placement?
- SubQ emphysema, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum
- Gas embolism
What pulmonary complication is the result of CO₂ insufflation pushing the carina upwards?
Migration of ETT from carina to the bronchus (endobronchial intubation)
What’s the hemodynamic result of a gas embolism into the vena cava?
Drop in venous return
What are the s/s of gas embolism?
- ↓ EtCO₂ (best early sign)
- ↑ HR
- Dysrhythmias
- ↓ BP w/ ↑ CVP
- Millwheel murmur (from pneumopericardium)
- Hypoxemia
What is the treatment for CO₂ gas embolism?
- Cessation of insufflation
- Trendelenburg
- Fluid bolus
- 100% O₂
- Aspiration of air
- Vasopressor support
How is endobronchial intubation detected?
- Loss of bilateral breath sounds
- ↓ pulse oximetry
At what intraperitoneal pressure do the hemodynamic effects of insufflation set in?
> 10 mmHg IAP
What hemodynamic changes are seen with insufflation?
- ↓ CO
- Reflexive ↑ BP
- Reflexive ↑ SVR
What drugs would be best for the reflexive hypertension from CO₂ insufflation?
- VA
- Nitroglycerin
- Nicardipine
- Remifentanil
Make sure it is SHORT acting
How much do cardiac arrhythmias increase with increased PaCO₂?
Trick question. Arrhythmias arise from hypoxia not from hypercarbia.
What often causes cardiac arrythmias in laparoscopic cases?
Increases in vagal tone
- Peritoneal stretch
- Pulling on cervix/fallopian tubes
- Cautery
How would the bradycardia from vagal stimulation be treated?
- Limit insufflation pressure
- Glycopyrrolate
In what position would one expect possible injury to the peroneal nerve or even compartment syndrome?
What is the most common surgical complication of laparoscopy?
- Intestinal injury (perforation, common bile duct injury)
What are the possible surgical complications of laparoscopy?
- Intestinal injuries
- Vascular injuries
- Burns
- Infection
When is laparoscopy contraindicated?
Patient with ↑ ICP (tumor, trauma, etc.)
Is LMA a good option for Laparoscopic procedures?
Not really, insufflation can displace the LMA.
What are the reasons for OGT/NGT insertion in laparoscopies?
Aspiration of stomach air so surgeon has better visualization.
What important part of the SCIP protocol is anesthesia in charge of now?
What are the two most common firstline antibiotics indicated by the SCIP protocol?
- Cefazolin
- Cefoxitin
What is the most common antibiotic indicated by the SCIP protocol for those with severe penicillin/cephalosporin allergy?
What are the other factors important to the SCIP protocol besides antibiotics?
- β-blockers
- Temperature
- Time Out
What severe complications of GERD are avoided by a Niessen fundiplocation?
- Stricture
- Aspiration PNA
- Esophageal Ulcerations
- Barret’s Esophagus
How do prokinetic drugs work?
Which ones are commonly given?
- Strengthen LES & increase gastric emptying
- Metoclopramide & cisapride
How do PPI’s work?
Blockade of ATPase in parietal cells
What intubation technique is indicated for Niessen patients?
What position is indicated for Niessen Fundiplocations?
Supine, Low lithotomy, Head up
What piece of equipment (unique to Niessen Fundiplocations) should the CRNA be prepared to use?
Esophageal Dilator
What size is the esophageal dilator used for Niessen’s?
60 fr
In what surgery is the Triangle of Calot relevant?
What structures are isolated and stapled during a cholecystectomy?
- Cystic artery and hepatic duct
What are the indications for Cholecystectomy?
Symptomatic cholelithiasis
Symptomatic cholecystitis