Exam 3 (Final) Flashcards
Absolute threshold
A listener’s ability to detect the presence of a tone (sinusoid) at various frequencies
Difference threshold
A listener’s ability to detect a change in either frequency or level of a tone (sinusoid)
Audibility threshold graph
a plot of just barely audible tones of varying frequencies
Measurements vary depending on which speaker or headphones are used
Weber’s law for differential selectivity
the weber fraction is often the same (constant) for all values of a physical parameter to be discriminated
the just-noticeable difference (JND, Dw) that could be detected was proportional to the smaller weight value (w)
Frequency weber fraction
Frequency JND is the smallest change in frequency (Δf) that can be perceived
X-axis: frequency (Hz)
Y-axis: difference threshold (Δf) in dB
Intensity weber fraction
Intensity JND is the smallest change in intensity (ΔI) that can be perceived
Best JNDs for sound level are ~1dB for sound levels above 20 dB SPL
Small improvement in discrimination as SPL increases is referred to as the “near miss to Weber’s law”
Masking relationship to signal
farther from masker, less masking occurs
closer a masker is in frequency to the signal, more masking occurs
psychophysical tuning curve
a frequency map of the masker sound levels needed to mask a fixed signal
masking pattern
a frequency map of the signal sound levels that are just detectable in the presence of a fixed masker
- Fix the intensity at a specific frequency
- Other frequencies will change
Asymmetry of masking or upward spread
Masking is much stronger for signals at frequencies above the masker than below
Broadband noise
fills up the internal auditory filter (AF) so its the filter BW matters
Narrower noise
has all power within the auditory filter, so the noise BW matters
Less maskining (easier to detect) as noise bandwidth gets smaller
Critical ratio (CR) filter
in the case of tone detection in broadband noise
Detection occurs at a fixed signal to noise ratio
Critical band (CB) filter
in the case of tone detection in narrowband noise
When the noise BW is smaller than the auditory bandwidth masking will increasing as BW noise gets bigger until BW noise= BW AF
Notched Noise, equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) filter
generally accepted as the most reliable filter
Varying the notch width of band-reject noise varies the amount of noise within the auditory filter and controls the amount of masking (wider notch width, less noise, less masking)
- Detection thresholds measured as a function of notch width
Consistent findings from ERB
Filter BW increases as center frequency increases
- Consistent with neural tuning BWs
Filter BW increases as sound level increases
- Reduction in OHC amplification as SPL increases (protecting the ear)
Filter BWs are broader in listeners with sensorineural hearing loss
binaural hearing
The fact that we can listen with 2 ears provides two main functional benefits
Three primary acoustic cues for horizontal sound localization
Spectral cues
ILD (Interval level difference)
Prominent at high frequencies
The difference in level (intensity) between a sound arriving at one ear versus the other
Frequencies > 1000Hz
Head blocks some of the energy reaching the opposite ear
ILD is largest at 90 and-90 degrees
Nonexistent for 0 and 180 degrees
ITD (Interval time difference)
Prominent at low frequencies
ITD for sound sources varying in azimuth (horizontal)
Peak of graph, directly opposite the RE
ITD time differences for different positions around the head
90 degrees= 640us
180 degrees= 0us
Can vary depending on the size of the head
Spectral cues from pinna
Most prominent as direction-dependent spectral notches at high frequencies
Seen in HRTFs
Duplex theory of localization
ITD used at low frequencies
ILD used at high frequencies
Head related transfer functions (HRTFs)
A measure that describes how the pinna, ear canal, head and torso change the intensity of sounds with different frequencies that arrive at each ear from different locations in space (azimuth and elevation)
Each person has their own HRTF (based on their body) and uses it to help sound localization
binaural masking level differences (BMLDs)
Comparisons of tone-detection-in-noise performance across different combinations of signals and masker being the same or different at the two ears
Signal and masker same
Poor signal detection