Exam 3 - Faithful Reproduction Flashcards
Fluid version of Ohm’s Law
Pressure = Flow (Q) x Resistance (R)
R = (8)(n)(L) / (pi)(r^4)
What Patient Pressures do we measure
- Arterial P Those measured by SWAN: - Central Venous P - Pulmonary Artery P - Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure - Reflection of L atrial P (pre-load)
System pressures that we measure
- Arterial line P
- Cardioplegia line P
- Cardiac chamber pressures
P = Force / Area
N/m^2 = Pascal
Hydrostatic Pressure
- Force is constant
Hydrodynamic Pressure
- Force is varying
- Pulsatile nature of arterial blood pressure
Closed system
- Patient and ECC for our purposes
- Flow is relatively laminar and vessel lumen is small
Static fluid pressure key determinant
- Height (or difference in)
- Gravity and density will stay the same
- False signals superimposed on true signal
- Making sure system is accurate and can read known values
Catheter Whip
- Movement of catheter tip in vessel due to pulsatile flow, etc.
- Loss of energy and vibrations within monitoring system
- Think of as resistance
Dynamic response
- System’s ability to measure physiologic pressure changes
- System’s capability to faithfully reproduce physiologic event
- System accuracy
- can use snap test to check
Natural frequency
- Frequency at which monitoring system vibrates when stimulated by pulsatile signals
- Resonant frequency
Overshoot / Undershoot
- When patient’s pressure wave has a component of the system’s natural frequency causing some kind of artifact
- Multiple small spikes on waveform
- Removing affect of atmospheric and hydrostatic pressures
What types of pressures does our monitoring system measure
- Hemodynamic P (energy in pressure wave form originating from LV)
- Kinetic energy P (energy associated with motion of fluid)
- Hydrostatic P (Difference in height from patient to pump)
Summary of Invasive monitoring
- Catheter (picks up pressure waves)
- fluid column in tubing carries pressure wave to diaphragm of transducer
- transducer is link between fluid and electronics by converting pressure signal into electrical (change in voltage)
- electrical signal (change in voltage) is transmitted to monitor, amplified, modified, then displayed as # or pictures
Components of Fluid-filled monitoring system
- Catheter
- Low compliance pressure tubing
- Pressure transducer
- Amplifier / Display
- Flush system (3-5 ml/hour, prevent clot and backflow)
Fourier Analysis
- Think of electronics as black box
- Takes complex wave form and breaks down into individual SIN and COS waves without changing them
- Puts waves back together and then displays on monitor
- Measures first six harmonics
Fundamental frequency
- 1st harmonic
- Convert HR to freq (Hz)
- usually just divide by 60…use dimensional analysis - Subsequent harmonics are just multiples of fundamental
- Amplitude also keeps getting smaller
Frequency response
- ability of monitoring system to pass harmonics with no distortion in amplitude
- response needed is related to degree of fidelity desired
- usually a distortion leads to increase in amplitude
Characteristics needed by black box
- Amplitude linearity (amplitude same out as in regardless of frequency)
- Adequate bandwidth (can cover all harmonics or range of freq’s)
- Phase linearity (fundamental lag or lead)
- can’t fix this….caused by black box….may/may not get amp distortion
6 physical principles of monitoring system
- Hydrodynamic pressure
- Effect of Intertia
- Effect of freq. response and natural freq.
- Snap Test (dynamic response test)
- Orientation of catheter
- Zeroing, leveling, calibration of system
Hydrodynamic pressure
- Pressure exerted by fluid motion
- Pulsatile in nature because of systole/diastole
- creates range of pressures
Effect of Inertia
- Energy or pressure caused by MOVEMENT of blood
- Monitoring system cannot respond in tandem with results
- Which is why long tubing causes greater lag
Effects of frequency response and natural frequency
- Natural frequency = fundamental = resonant frequency
(Natural freq decreases w/ decrease in stiff or increase in mass) - We want to MAXIMIZE resonant frequency to avoid overshoot
- At least bigger than 6th harmonic….20 Hz at minimum - Catheter radius and stiffness affect natural frequency
-WANT: short, stiff, wide bore cath (18 gauge)
- Waveform with overshoot or over-exaggeration
- Natural frequency may also be too low
- Looks narrow and peaked
- Overestimates SBP and underestimates DBP
- MAP unchanged
- Causes: long tubing, increased vascular resistance (patient effect)
- Waveform looks blunted
- Widened and slurred
- Underestimates SBP and overestimates DBP
- MAP does not change
- Causes: air bubbles, over-compliant tubing, kinks, clots, small / half open stopcocks, injection ports, no flush fluid, low flush pressure
Snap Test
- Can test ability of system to faithfully reproduce pressure
- aka fast flush test aka dynamic response test
- pull valve….quickly let go….look at waveforms on monitor
- can test the dampening of the system - Good dampening will return 1 or 2 oscillations
- If not….check system
William A. Gardner
- Looked into effects of frequency response / dampening on monitoring equipment
Increase dampening if….
- Increase fluid viscosity
- Decrease catheter radius
- decrease density of fluid
Optimal damping
- 1 or 2 oscillations
- 0.64 with a high resonant frequency
- If increase natural freq….then we can lower dampening
- If decrease natural freq….then we increase the dampening
Catheter placement
- Point upstream for most accurate (ABP)
- Venous pressure may be downstream
- Best is perpendicular but will not see with catheters
Zeroing, leveling, calibrating
- Once all set….want to Zero to room conditions
- Make sure equipment is level with mid chest line of patient
- otherwise might see overestimation/underestimation
Patient factors that affect monitoring
- Hypertension
- Shock
- Hyper-dynamic circulation
- Sepsis, aortic regurg., atherosclerosis
- Tachycardia (increases fundamental frequency)
Reflected waves
- Inherent in system
- can augment true waves
- vasoconstriction, heart failure, hypertension, aortic obstruct - can diminish true waves
- vasodilation, hypovolemia, hypotension
Factors of monitoring system we have control over
- Tube length (3-4 feet)
- No fluid on diaphragm of reusable transducers)
- Air in system
- Small bubbles can lower natural frequency
- Large bubbles can overdamp - Tubing compliance (want stiff)
- Luminal size of Cath (want large bore)