exam 3: distinguish individual genomes Flashcards
why would u want to distinguish individual genomes
*human disease research
-ID what genes cause disease and how mutations affect them (determine if an individual is suspectible)
-disease prevention (minimize expressivity)
–> embryo pre-implantation genotyping
—> preemptive therapy
-ID the dead
-ID crime suspects
-ID parents/ relatives
*family linage
*wildlife forensics
ethical issues to who should have access to information and how should they use it?
-preemptive therapy
if u know u carry specific disease-causing allele (pre-existing condition), youcould take steps to prevent onset of disease before symptoms develop, BUT ur insurance company may drop your coverage if they know u have the allele
> 1 allele at a specific locus/gene
(more than one version of a gene)
how many polymorphisms exist in humans?
-abt 3 million differences per set of chromosomes! (6)
*how are polymorphisms classified? (what makes 1 allele unique from another)
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
-a single base thats different
microsatellites (Msats)
-“satellites” highly repetitive; tandemly repeated
minisatellites (ministats)
deletions, duplications, insertions (indels)
-differences in size (PCR-gel electrophoresis)
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
-single base pair substitutions between 2 homologous genes
(homologous: same ancestor; transition/ transversion)
most occur at anonymous loci (no known function;non-coding)
-does not phenotype (dont alter/ help)
most likely result of single mutation
-2 individuals with same SNP inherited from common ancestor
-2 diff mutations @exactly the same ____
used as DNA markers (landmarks along length of chromosomes)
-can trace to specific areas of chromosomes and use as landmarks to look for other genes
tandem repeats of 1 to 10 bases repeated up to abt 100 times
mututate bc of loss/ gain of whole repeat units via relication error (slippage)
-change # of repeated units (add/subtract)
create polymorphism because of differences in length
microsatellites: replication slippage
replication “stuuters” when it copies repeats
new strand may loop put because of stutter: increases repeats= slip backward
template strand may loop out bc of sutter: repeats decreases=slip forward
same as microsatelittes but larger
20-100bp long, repeated up to thousands of times
create via replication slippage and unequal crossing over
(recombination- does not line up/ can add 1 homologue & delete 1 from the other)
deletion, duplicatiom, insertion of DNA in nonrepeating sequence
range in size from1 base to megabases
most are result of unequal crossing over and transpoable elements (TEs)
how do u detect differences?
what are some problems with this method?
isolate DNA, use PCR to amplify are where polymorphirm occurs, sequence, and compare between individuals
-cant always ID heterozygotes
-time consuming for > a few individuals
how should the ID method be?
-inexpensive ( for large 3 of samples)
-fast (w/in a few hours-> days
-practical for large # of samples
what are the two ways to screen for SNPs?
if SNP alters RE site, can cut DNA and look for polymorphisms (create/destroy specific sequence)
need to know the SNP AND surrounding DNA
- southern blot
SNPs- southern blot
-cut genomic DNA with RE affected by SNP
-run on gel & southern blot
-use of region of DNA near SNP as probe
*look at ppt
SNPs-PCR (best way)
-design primers complementary to sequence around SNP w affacted Re site (know DNA sequence that flanks the interested sequences)
-cut PCR product with RE
-run on gel and look for size differences
*this is how u ca genotype individuals for sickle cell anemia allele
(heterozygous: sickle cell syndrome)
SNPs: ASO hybridization
Allele-specific Oilognucleotide hybridization
use this method when SNP does not alter RE site
*listen again