Exam 3 content Flashcards
Explain how proper beef cattle nutrition midigates risk
less money is spent of veterinary costs for nutrition related disorders, and the improved meat quality improves resieliency to market fluctuations
The most critical periods for a Beef cow are ____ days before calfing and _ days after calving
Two benifits of proper nutrition during breeding season
devreased days open
increased birth/weaning weights
How much more feed do dursing cows need compared to non-nursing beef cows?
50% more feeed than normal
Some signs of inadequate pasture
- decreased milk production
- slow heifer growth
- requiers supplementation
What is the expected amount of weight loss during winter grazing in beef cattle?
15% of autumn weight
How should feed be adjusted for cold stress in beef cattle?
the feed should increase by 1% for every degree below 20F
Why does offering 1/2 ration of feed in the evening during winter promote day calving?
Calving lowers the cow’s body tempature. Feeding in the evening raises their core body tempature at night which prevents night calving.
Advantages of creep feeding
- heavier weaning weights
- better calf uniformity
- less weight loss among cows
- will gain an additional 30-50lbs a day
disadvantages of creep feeding
- will requier an additional 8-10lbs of feed per lb gained
- extra labor costs
- negative effects on replacement heifers
The most stressful period of a beef calfs life is …
The main goal of this kind of operation is to focus on muscle/bone growth and rumen development
stocker cattle programs
List two common ionophores
- Rumensin (monensin)
- Bovatec ( lasilocid)
The two ideal forage : concentrait ratios
- 60:40
- 80:20
This operation holds cattle for 3-4 months for rapid weight gain using protein and energy concentraets and have shorter adjustment times
Short Yearling Operations
This operation hold cattle for 6-12 months to focus on compensatory gain and can rely of seasonal forages and adaptive managment to achive greater weight gain
Long Yearling Operations
This operation focuses on rapid weight gain for finishing for market
Feedlot cattle
What considerations must be made for energy and protein needs in feedlot cattle?
Energy will increase to encourage rapid weight gain fat buildup and protein requierments will decrease as age increases
What considerations must be made regarding vitamins and minerals in feedlot cattle?
A proper Ca:P ratio must be maintained in order to prevent the formation of baldder stones and supplementation of vitamins A and E can give meat a longer shelf life
Feeding approach where the cows eat everything given before being refilled
clean bunk approach
Feeding approach where the bunk is refilled when there is still a little feef left over
slick bunk approach
These feed additives encourage muscle tissue building
The ideal body condition score range
What nutritional dissorder is caused by a rumen pH under 5
What nutritional disorder causes blue tinged mucus membranes?
Nitrate Poisoning
Milk volume make up ….% of total milk
List the milk components and how much they make up
- butter fat (3-5%)
- protein (2.8-3.6%)
- other solids
Things to consider during dairy cattle pregancy
- fetal programing
- birth and growth rates
- colostrum qualituy
- age at first calfing
- replacement heifer quality
Carbohydrates make up how much of a Dairy cows needs?
3 major VFAs and their function
- Acetate - milk fat production
- propinate - glucose production
- butyrate - rumen wall
Fats make up how much of a Dairy cattles nutritional needs?
What is the relationship between fat and fiber digestion
High fat levels reduce fiber digestion
Early lactation requierments
Earley lactation day length
- highest energy needs/ negative energy balance
- 1.72-1.75 NEL
0-70 days
Peak Lactation Requierments
Peak lactation day length
- maintaing milk productions
- 1.68-1.72 NEL
70-100 days
Mid-lactation requierments
Mis-lactation day length
1.62-1.68 NEL
140-200 days
Late lactation requierments
late lactation day length
- low energy
- run the risk of over conditioning
200+ days
The far off period lasts …
The close up period lasts …
before calving
- 60-21 days
- 20-0 day
Body condition score range for dairy cattle and the ideal score
List the four assesment points of dairy cattle BCS
- tail head
- loin area
- pelvis
- short ribs
Ideal score for the drying off period
Ideal score for calving
Ideal BCS for early lactation
0.5-1 loss as long as it dosen’t fall below 2.75
Ideal BCS for mid-lactation
Ideal BCS for late lactation
How is the preformance of dairy cattle effected if the BCS is below 2.5
- lowered conceptionrates
- heat weakness
- extended calving intervals
How is the preformance of dairy cattle effected if the BCS is above 4
- increased risk oc calving difficulties
- ketosis
- poor conception
- retained plecenta
Advantages of a TMR feeding system
- maxmize feed efficencies
- better rumen health
- easy management of large head
Disadvantages of the TMR feeding system
- daily mixing
- higer investment in equipment
Advantages if component feeding
- lower equipment costs
- good for smaller herds
- less investment
Disadvantages of Component feeding
- selevtive feeding
- harder management
- more labor requiered
Advantages of Pasture Based systems
- lower costs
- better milk product
- lower housing costs
- animal welfare
Disadvantages of Pasture base systems
- weather dependant
- seasonal challanges
- land needed
- nonvariable nutrients
This disorder is caused by low calcium in the blood after giving birth
Milk Fever
The proper DCAD should be _ in order to be healthy
List the primary energy sources for swine
- corn
- grain sorgum
- wheat
List the essiential amino acids necessary for swine
- K
- M
- W
- T
The energy source that has the least Lysine
The energy source that is 95% the energy value of corn
Grain Sorgum
The protiene source is 44-48%CP and has anti-nutritional factors
Soybean meal
The energy source that has a higher protiene level than corn and as a result is more expensive
This protiene source has 27-30%CP
This protiene source is mostly used in nursery diets for its excelent amino acid profile
Fish meal
Two mthods of Feed processing
- Grinding
- Peleting
An antibiotic used to treat respiratory illnesses
An antibiotic used to treat infections
An antibiotic used to treat gut health
Three common probiotics
- Lactobacillus
- Bacilla
- Saceharomyces
This enzyme saves on phosphours supplementation
This enzyme breaks down fiber
This enzyme aids in protitene digestion
What are some reasons a pig may refuse to eat
- food contamination
- rancid
- improper mixing
- health issues
This phase lasts from weaning til 50lbs gained and relies on a complex feeding transition 4-6x daily
Nursery phase
This phase lasts from 50lbs to 130lbs and relies on at will feedingand a reduction of protein
Grower Phase
At this phase the pig is 125lbs and the focus is on feed effiencey
Finnisher Phase
Gestating sows have _ feeding
Lactating Sows have _ feeding
Body condition score range for pigs
Ideal body score
Benefits of pelleting
- 4-6% improved feed efficiency
- 20-30% less waste
- better flow
Benefits of grinding
Feed efficiency improved by 1.2%
Digestibility improved by 1%
This disease is caused by a vitamin E/selenium deficiency and causes blue tinged skin
Mulberry heart disease